- /********************************************
- *
- * Function name: get_utf8_to_gb ($value)
- * Function: Convert utf8 encoded string to gb2312 encoding
- * Author: Liu Xianzhong
- * Date: 2011-11-09
- *
- ***************** ****************************/
- function get_utf8_to_gb($value){
- $value_1= $value;
- $value_2 = @iconv( "utf-8", "gb2312// IGNORE",$value_1);//Use @ to resist errors. If a character in the conversion string does not have a corresponding character in the target character set, then the part after this character will be ignored; that is, the content of the result string Incomplete, use //IGNORE at this time
- $value_3 = @iconv( "gb2312", "utf-8//IGNORE",$value_2);
- if (strlen($value_1) == strlen($value_3) )
- {
- return $value_2;
- }else
- {
- return $value_1;
- }
- }
- /********************************************
- *
- * Function name: get_gb_to_utf8 ($value)
- * Function: Convert gb2312 encoded string to utf8 encoding
- * Author: Liu Xianzhong
- * Date: 2011-11-09
- *
- ******************* ****************************/
- function get_gb_to_utf8($value){
- $value_1= $value;
- $value_2 = @iconv( "gb2312", "utf-8//IGNORE",$value_1);
- $value_3 = @iconv( "utf-8", "gb2312//IGNORE",$value_2);
- if (strlen($ value_1) == strlen($value_3))
- {
- return $value_2;
- }else
- {
- return $value_1;
- }
- }
- ?>
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