Business needs, so I made a simple prototype test. The main requirement of the function is: the higher the amount in the user account, the greater the chance of winning the prize.
This script can only be used from the command line, usage example:
php lucky.php 100
- /**
- * Lottery program
- *
- * @File: lucky.php
- * @Author: zzxworld
- * @Email:
- * @Date: 2012-05-09
- */
- $timer = microtime(true);
- /**Manually configured parameters **/
- # Prize pool size
- $lucky_size = 1000;
- # highest The winning probability of the user cannot exceed the prize pool size
- $star_user_rate = 100;
- # First prize bonus
- $lucky_first = 100;
- # Second prize bonus
- $lucky_second = 50;
- # Third prize bonus
- $lucky_third = 25;
- # Maximum normal prize amount
- $lucky_normal_max = 10;
- # Minimum normal prize amount
- $lucky_normal_min = 1;
- /**Parameters that automatically take values from the system **/
- # Total bonus amount
- $lucky_amount = 578;
- # Owned The account amount of the user with the most assets
- $star_user_amount = 134;
- # Current user amount
- $user_amount = isset($argv[1]) ? intval($argv[1]) : 0;
- if ($user_amount < 1) {
- die('Please set a user amount after the command.' . chr(10));
- }
- # Calculate the current user's probability of winning
- $user_rate = $star_user_rate/$lucky_size/$star_user_amount*$user_amount;
- # Calculate the number of bonuses based on the probability of winning
- $lucky_num = intval($user_rate * $lucky_size);
- # Initialize the prize pool
- $lucky_pool = array_fill(0, $lucky_size, 0);
- # The probability of winning is less than 1 Adjust to 1
- if ($lucky_num < 1) {
- $lucky_num = 1;
- }
- # Arrange the prizes in the prize pool
- $lucky_items = array('first', 'second', 'third', 'normal' );
- $lucky_num += 3;
- # Remove the first, second and third prizes according to the total prize money
- if ($lucky_amount < $lucky_first) {
- $lucky_num -= 1;
- unset($lucky_items['first' ]);
- }
- if ($lucky_amount < $lucky_second) {
- $lucky_num -= 1;
- unset($lucky_items['second']);
- }
- if ($lucky_amount < $lucky_third) {
- $lucky_num -= 1;
- unset($lucky_items['third']);
- }
- # Randomly generate prizes in the prize pool
- foreach(array_rand($lucky_pool, $lucky_num) as $key) {
- $name = $lucky_items[array_rand($lucky_items)];
- if (!isset($create_lucky_first) && $name == 'first') {
- $lucky_pool[$key] = $lucky_first;
- $create_lucky_first = true;
- continue;
- }
- if (!isset($create_lucky_second) && $name == 'second') {
- $lucky_pool[$key] = $lucky_second;
- $create_lucky_second = true;
- continue;
- }
- if (!isset( $create_lucky_third) && $name == 'third') {
- $lucky_pool[$key] = $lucky_third;
- $create_lucky_third = true;
- continue;
- }
- if ($name == 'normal') {
- $ lucky_pool[$key] = rand($lucky_normal_min, $lucky_normal_max);
- }
- }
- # Lottery
- $result = $lucky_pool[rand(0, $lucky_size)];
- echo 'Prize pool size:' . $ lucky_size . chr(10);
- echo 'Total bonus amount:' . $lucky_amount . chr(10);
- echo 'First prize bonus:' . $lucky_first . chr(10);
- echo 'Second prize bonus: ' . $lucky_second . chr(10);
- echo 'Third prize bonus:' . $lucky_third . chr(10);
- echo 'Normal prize bonus:' . $lucky_normal_min . ' - ' . $lucky_normal_max . chr(10 );
- echo 'Total amount of funds for star users:' . $star_user_amount . chr(10);
- echo 'Probability of winning for star users:' . ($star_user_rate/$lucky_size) . chr(10) . chr(10);
- echo 'Current user's total funds:' . $user_amount . chr(10);
- echo 'Current user's probability of winning:' . $user_rate . chr(10);
- echo 'Current user's prize pool:';
- foreach( $lucky_items as $name) {
- switch($name) {
- case 'first':
- echo 'First Prize (1),';
- $lucky_num--;
- break;
- case 'second':
- echo ' Second Prize(1),';
- $lucky_num--;
- break;
- case 'third':
- echo 'Third Prize(1),';
- $lucky_num--;
- break;
- case 'normal' :
- echo 'Common prize(' . $lucky_num . ')';
- break;
- }
- }
- echo chr(10);
- echo 'Current user lottery result:';
- if ($result == $lucky_first) {
- echo 'First Prize' . $result . 'Yuan';
- } elseif($result == $lucky_second) {
- echo 'Second Prize' . $result . 'Yuan';
- } elseif($result = = $lucky_third) {
- echo 'Third Prize' . $result . 'Yuan';
- } elseif($result >= $lucky_normal_min && $result <= $lucky_normal_max) {
- echo 'Normal Prize' . $result . 'yuan';
- } else {
- echo 'No prize won';
- }
- echo chr(10);
- echo chr(10);
- echo 'Execution time:' . (microtime(true) - $timer ) . 'Seconds' . chr(10);
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