/** - desc: Determine the uploaded file type
- link: bbs.it-home.org
- date: 2013/2/24
- */
- $array = array('jpg','gif','png','jpeg');
- $picImg = '/upfile/upload_pic/thumbnail_1258615556.jpg';
$img = strtolower($picImg);
//Method 1 to get the file extension
- $ext = substr($img,strrpos($img,'.')+1);//Here is the code to read the file extension
//How to get the file extension 2
- $ext = end(explode('.',$img));
//Method 3 of getting the file extension This should be the safest, use php $ _FILES['type']
- $ext = $_FILES['file']['type'];
//Method 4 to get the file extension
- $ext = getimagesize($img );//This function returns an array
if( !in_array( $ext,$array ) )
- {
- exit('The thumbnail address is wrong, please re-upload!');
- }
- else
- {
- echo('The file type you uploaded is not allowed');
- exit;
- }
- strtolower Convert uppercase characters to lowercase
- substr character interception, right Chinese processing is not friendly.
- strrpos Determine the position where characters appear in the specified string
- explode split function, return the result as an array
- end Read the last value of the data
- $_FILES Global variable file upload
- getimagesize Get the type of image
- in_array Determine whether the variable is in the array Medium
- exit terminates the current script running
- */
- ?>
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