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PHP classifies infinite levels into arrays

2016-07-25 09:03:291029browse
  1. set aa=new classlist
  2. aa.id="id"//Name of the number
  3. aa.classname="classname"//Classification name
  4. aa.pid="pid"// Parent ID name
  5. aa.db_name="class"//Table name
  6. list=aa.arrylist()
  7. ?>
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Class: classlist

  1. <%
  2. class classlist
  3. private c_id
  4. private c_db_name
  5. private c_pid
  6. private c_classname
  7. public property let id(str)
  8. c_id = str
  9. end property
  10. public property let db_name(str)
  11. c _db_name = str
  12. end property
  13. public property let pid(str)
  14. c_pid = str
  15. end property
  16. public property let classname(str)
  17. c_classname = str
  18. end property
  19. dim list()
  20. dim i,n
  21. Private Sub Class_Initialize() 'Initialize variable
  22. i=0
  23. n=0
  24. End Sub
  25. public function classarry(thisid,pid)'Get the subordinate ID
  26. if pid>0 then
  27. sql="select * from "&c_db_name&" where "&c_pid&"="&thisid
  28. else
  29. sql="select * from "&c_db_name&" where "&c_id&"="&thisid
  30. end if
  31. set rs_c=conn.execute(sql)
  32. n=n+1
  33. do while not rs_c.eof
  34. list(0, i)=rs_c(c_id)' is loaded into the array
  35. list(1,i)=rs_c(c_classname)
  36. list(2,i)=n
  37. 'n=n+1
  38. i=i+1
  39. thisid=classarry (rs_c(c_id),1)' is called recursively here until the last subclass
  40. rs_c.movenext
  41. loop
  42. n=n-1
  43. rs_c.close
  44. end function
  45. public function arrylist()' loops out all root classes
  46. set rs_c=conn.execute("select count("&c_id&") from "&c_db_name)
  47. lenght=rs_c(0)
  48. rs_c.close
  49. redim list(2,lenght)'set array
  50. set rs1=conn.execute(" select "&c_id&" from "&c_db_name&" where "&c_pid&"=0")
  51. do while not rs1.eof
  52. call classarry(rs1(c_id),0)
  53. 'n=1
  54. rs1.movenext
  55. loop
  56. rs1.close
  57. arrylist=list
  58. end function
  59. end class
  60. %>
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Example test: Table class Field id: automatic number classname: name pid: parent ID File name: test.asp

  1. <%
  2. Set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection")
  3. Set Rs = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Recordset")
  4. StrDSN = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ="
  5. StrDSN = StrDSN & Server.MapPath("test.mdb")
  6. conn.Open strDSN
  7. function ins( num)
  8. str=""
  9. for ii=1 to num
  10. str=str&"|-"
  11. next
  12. ins=str
  13. end function
  14. set aa=new classlist
  15. aa.id="id"
  16. aa.classname= "classname"
  17. aa.pid="pid"
  18. aa.db_name="class"
  19. list=aa.arrylist()
  20. response.write "< td>Category"
  21. for j=0 to ubound(list,2)
  22. response.write ""&list(0,j)&"
  23. "
  24. next
  25. response.write "
  26. IDName
  27. 'response.write list(1,3)
  28. %>
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Loop results: bbs.it-home.org/code/class/test.asp It can basically meet the usual needs.

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