Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >SMS platform PHP code
$flag = 0;
//Data to be posted $argv = array( 'sn'=>'SDK-BBX-010-XXXXX', 'pwd'=>'XXXXXX', 'mobile'=>'15201692834', 'content'=>'How are you, test text message' ); //Construct the string to be posted foreach ($argv as $key=>$value) { if ($flag!=0) { $params .= "&"; $flag = 1; } $params.= $key."="; $params.= urlencode($value); $flag = 1; } $length = strlen($params); //Create socket connection $fp = fsockopen("sdk2.entinfo.cn",80,$errno,$errstr,10) or exit($errstr."--->".$errno); //Construct the header of the post request $header = "POST /z_send.aspx HTTP/1.1rn"; $header .= "Host:sdk2.entinfo.cnrn"; $header .= "Referer:/mobile/sendpost.phprn"; $header .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencodedrn"; $header .= "Content-Length: ".$length."rn"; $header .= "Connection: Closernrn"; //Add post string $header .= $params."rn"; //Send post data fputs($fp,$header); $inheader = 1; while (!feof($fp)) { $line = fgets($fp,1024); //Remove the header of the request packet and only display the return data of the page if ($inheader && ($line == "n" || $line == "rn")) { $inheader = 0; } if ($inheader == 0) { // echo $line; } } if($line==1) { echo 'SMS sent successfully, please check the return value'.$line; }else { echo 'Failed to send SMS, please check related error issues according to the return value. Return value'.$line; } fclose($fp);