- class SubPages{
- private $each_disNums; //The number of entries displayed on each page
- private $nums; //Total number of entries
- private $current_page; //The currently selected page
- private $sub_pages;//Number of pages displayed each time
- private $pageNums;//Total number of pages
- private $point;//Total number of pages
- private $page_array = array();//Array used to construct paging
- private $subPage_link;//The link of each page
- private $subPage_type;//Display the type of page
- / *
- __construct is the constructor of SubPages, which is used to run automatically when creating the class.
- @$each_disNums Displayed on each page Number of entries
- @nums Total number of entries
- @current_num Currently selected page
- @sub_pages Number of pages displayed each time
- @subPage_link Link to each page
- @subPage_type Display type of paging
- When @subPage_type=1 Normal paging mode
- example: 4523 records in total, 10 records displayed on each page, current page 1/453 [Home] [Previous page] [Next page] [Last page]
- When @subPage_type=2, it is the classic paging style
- example: Current page 1/453 [Home page] [Previous page] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Next page] [Last page]
- * /
- function __construct($each_disNums,$nums,$current_page, $sub_pages,$subPage_link,$subPage_type,$point){
- $this->each_disNums=intval($each_disNums);
- $this->nums=intval($nums);
- if(!$current_page){
- $this->current_page=1;
- }else{
- $this->current_page=intval($current_page);
- }
- $this->sub_pages=intval($sub_pages);
- $this->pageNums =ceil($nums/$each_disNums);
- $this->subPage_link=$subPage_link;
- $this->point=$point;
- $this->show_SubPages($subPage_type);
- //echo $this ->pageNums."--".$this->sub_pages;
- }
- / *
- __destruct destructor, called when the class is no longer in use, this function is used to release resources.
- * /
- function __destruct(){
- unset($each_disNums);
- unset($nums);
- unset($current_page);
- unset($sub_pages);
- unset($pageNums);
- unset($page_array) ;
- unset($subPage_link);
- unset($subPage_type);
- }
- / *
- show_SubPages function is used in the constructor. And used to determine what kind of paging to display
- * /
- function show_SubPages($subPage_type){
- if($subPage_type == 1){
- $this->subPageCss1();
- }elseif ($subPage_type == 2) {
- $this->subPageCss2();
- }
- }
- / *
- Function used to initialize the array for creating paging.
- * /
- function initArray(){
- for($i=0;$i<$this->sub_pages;$i++){
- $this->page_array[$i]=$i;
- }
- return $this->page_array;
- }
- / *
- construct_num_Page该函数使用来构造显示的条目
- 即使:[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10]
- * /
- function construct_num_Page(){
- if($this->pageNums < $this->sub_pages){
- $current_array=array();
- for($i=0;$i<$this->pageNums;$i++){
- $current_array[$i]=$i+1;
- }
- }else{
- $current_array=$this->initArray();
- if($this->current_page <= 3){
- for($i=0;$i $current_array[$i]=$i+1;
- }
- }elseif ($this->current_page <= $this->pageNums && $this->current_page > $this->pageNums - $this->sub_pages + 1 ){
- for($i=0;$i $current_array[$i]=($this->pageNums)-($this->sub_pages)+1+$i;
- }
- }else{
- for($i=0;$i $current_array[$i]=$this->current_page-2+$i;
- }
- }
- }
- return $current_array;
- }
- / *
- 构造经典模式的分页
- 当前第1/453页 [首页] [上页] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [下页] [尾页]
- * /
- function subPageCss2(){
- $subPageCss2Str="";
- //共246页2347条商家信息
- $subPageCss2Str.= "当前第".$this->current_page." /".$this->pageNums." 页 共".$this->nums."条商家信息";
- //$subPageCss2Str.="当前第".$this->current_page."/".$this->pageNums."页 ";
- if($this->current_page > 1){
- $firstPageUrl=$this->subPage_link."1"."#zkfb_shop";
- $prewPageUrl=$this->subPage_link.($this->current_page-1).$this->point;
- //首页上一页
- $subPageCss2Str.="首页";
- $subPageCss2Str.="上一页";
- }else {
- $subPageCss2Str.="首页";
- $subPageCss2Str.="上一页";
- }
- $a=$this->construct_num_Page();
- for($i=0;$i $s=$a[$i];
- if($s == $this->current_page ){
- // $subPageCss2Str.="[".$s."]";
- $subPageCss2Str.="".$s."";
- }else{
- $url=$this->subPage_link.$s.$this->point;
- // 2
- $subPageCss2Str.="".$s."";
- // $subPageCss2Str.="[".$s."]";
- }
- }
- if($this->current_page < $this->pageNums){
- $lastPageUrl=$this->subPage_link.$this->pageNums.$this->point;
- $nextPageUrl=$this->subPage_link.($this->current_page+1).$this->point;
- //下一页末页
- $subPageCss2Str.="下一页";
- $subPageCss2Str.="尾页";
- }else {
- $subPageCss2Str.="下一页";
- $subPageCss2Str.="尾页";
- }
- echo $subPageCss2Str;
- }
- }
- ?>