Statistics through session and cookie
- // Statistics through session
- //Use text to store data
- if($_SESSION[temp]==""){ //Judge whether the value of $_SESSION[temp]=="" is empty, where temp is a custom variable
- if(($fp=fopen("counter.txt","r"))==false){
- echo "Failed to open file!";
- }else{
- $counter=fgets( $fp,1024); //Read the data in the file
- fclose($fp); //Close the text file
- $counter++; //Increase the counter by 1
- $fp=fopen("counter.txt","w") ; //Open the text file for writing
- fputs($fp,$counter); //Increase the new statistics by 1
- fclose($fp); } //Close the text
- $_SESSION[temp]=1; //After the counter value is increased, assign 1 to $_SESSION[temp]
- }
- //Read statistical data from the text file
- if(($fp=fopen("counter. txt","r"))==false){
- echo "Failed to open file!";
- }else{
- $counter=fgets($fp,1024);
- fclose($fp);
- }
- // ---------------------------------------
- // Statistics through cookies
- $f_open = fopen ("count.txt","r+"); //Open the specified file
- $count = fgets($f_open); //Read the data in the file
- if(empty($_COOKIE['cookie_name'])) { //Determine whether the COOKIE exists
- setcookie("cookie_name",value,time()+1800); //If it does not exist, create the COOKIE
- $count = $count + 1; //Change the value of the variable $count Add 1
- rewind($f_open); //Open the specified file
- fwrite($f_open,$count); //Write new data to the file
- fclose($f_open); //Close the file
- }
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