The php class implements the function of fully backing up the database, or backing up specified tables in the database:
- class Backup
- {
- /**
- * @var stores the options
- */
- var $config;
- /**
- * @var stores the final sql dump
- */
- var $dump;
- /**
- * @var stores the table structure + inserts for every table
- */
- var $struktur = array();
- /**
- * @var zip file name
- */
- var $datei;
- /**
- * this function is the constructor and phrase the options
- * and connect to the database
- * @return
- */
- public function Backup($options)
- {
- // write options
- foreach($options AS $name => $value)
- {
- $this->config[$name] = $value;
- }
- // check mysql connection
- mysql_connect($this->config['mysql'][0], $this->config['mysql'][1], $this->config['mysql'][2]) or die(mysql_error());
- mysql_select_db($this->config['mysql'][3]) or die(mysql_error());
- }
- /**
- * this function start the backup progress its the core function
- * @return
- */
- public function backupDB()
- {
- // start backup
- if(isset($_POST['backup']))
- {
- // check if tables are selected
- if(empty($_POST['table']))
- {
- die("Please select a table.");
- }
- /**start backup **/
- $tables = array();
- $insert = array();
- $sql_statement = '';
- // lock tables
- foreach($_POST['table'] AS $table)
- {
- mysql_query("LOCK TABLE $table WRITE");
- // Read table structure
- $res = mysql_query('SHOW CREATE TABLE '.$table.'');
- $createtable = mysql_result($res, 0, 1);
- $str = "nn".$createtable."nn";
- array_push($tables, $str);
- // Read table "inserts"
- $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.$table;
- $query = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
- $feld_anzahl = mysql_num_fields($query);
- $sql_statement = '--
- -- Data Table `$table`
- --
- ';
- // start reading progress
- while($ds = mysql_fetch_object($query)){
- $sql_statement .= 'INSERT INTO `'.$table.'` (';
- for ($i = 0;$i <$feld_anzahl;$i++){
- if ($i ==$feld_anzahl-1){
- $sql_statement .= mysql_field_name($query,$i);
- } else {
- $sql_statement .= mysql_field_name($query,$i).', ';
- }
- }
- $sql_statement .= ') VALUES (';
- for ($i = 0;$i <$feld_anzahl;$i++){
- $name = mysql_field_name($query,$i);
- if (empty($ds->$name)){
- $ds->$name = 'NULL';
- }
- if ($i ==$feld_anzahl-1){
- $sql_statement .= '"'.$ds->$name.'"';
- } else {
- $sql_statement .= '"'.$ds->$name.'", ';
- }
- }
- $sql_statement .= ");n";
- }
- // insert "Inserts" into an array if not exists
- if(!in_array($sql_statement, $insert))
- {
- array_push($insert, $sql_statement);
- unset($sql_statement);
- }
- unset($sql_statement);
- }
- // put table structure and inserts together in one var
- $this->struktur = array_combine($tables, $insert);
- // create full dump
- $this->createDUMP($this->struktur);
- // create zip file
- $this->createZIP();
- /**end backup **/
- // send an email with the sql dump
- if(isset($this->config['email']) && !empty($this->config['email']))
- {
- $this->sendEmail();
- }
- // output
- echo '
Backup war erfolgreichDownload Backup
- }
- }
- /**
- * this function generate an email with attachment
- * @return
- */
- protected function sendEmail()
- {
- // start sending emails
- foreach($this->config['email'] AS $email)
- {
- $to = $email;
- $from = $this->config['email'][0];
- $message_body = "This email contains the database backup as a zip file.";
- $msep = strtoupper (md5 (uniqid (time ())));
- // set email header (only text)
- $header =
- "From: $fromrn" .
- "MIME-Version: 1.0rn" .
- "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="$msep"rnrn" .
- "--$mseprn" .
- "Content-Type: text/plainrn" .
- "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bitrnrn" .
- $message_body . "rn";
- // file name
- $dateiname = $this->datei;
- // get filesize of zip file
- $dateigroesse = filesize ($dateiname);
- // open file to read
- $f = fopen ($dateiname, "r");
- // save content
- $attached_file = fread ($f, $dateigroesse);
- // close file
- fclose ($f);
- // create attachment
- $attachment = chunk_split (base64_encode ($attached_file));
- // set attachment header
- $header .=
- "--" . $msep . "rn" .
- "Content-Type: application/zip; name='Backup'rn" .
- "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64rn" .
- "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=''rn" .
- "Content-Description: Mysql Datenbank Backup im Anhangrnrn" .
- $attachment . "rn";
- // mark end of attachment
- $header .= "--$msep--";
- // eMail Subject
- $subject = "Database Backup";
- // send email to emails^^
- if(mail($to, $subject, '', $header) == FALSE)
- {
- die("The email could not be sent. Please check the email address.");
- }
- echo "
Email was successfully sent. ";
- }
- }
- /**
- * this function create the zip file with the database dump and save it on the ftp server
- * @return
- */
- protected function createZIP()
- {
- // Set permissions to 777
- chmod($this->config['folder'], 0777);
- // create zip file
- $zip = new ZipArchive();
- // Create file name
- $this->datei = $this->config['folder'].$this->config['mysql'][3]."_".date("j_F_Y_g:i_a").".zip";
- // Checking if file could be created
- if ($zip->open($this->datei, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE)!==TRUE) {
- exit("cannot open <".$this->datei.">n");
- }
- // add mysql dump to zip file
- $zip->addFromString("dump.sql", $this->dump);
- // close file
- $zip->close();
- // Check whether file has been created
- if(!file_exists($this->datei))
- {
- die("The ZIP file could not be created.");
- }
- echo "
The zip was created. ";
- }
- /**
- * this function create the full sql dump
- * @param object $dump
- * @return
- */
- protected function createDUMP($dump)
- {
- $date = date("F j, Y, g:i a");
- $header = <<
- //You can add as many email addresses as you like
- $options = array('email' => array('email1', 'email2'),
- 'folder' => './backup/',
- 'mysql' => array('localhost', 'root', '****', 'database'));
- $b = new Backup($options);
- // if submit form start backup
- if(isset($_POST['backup']))
- {
- // start backup
- $b->backupDB();
- }
- // display tables
- $b->outputForm();
- ?>