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967 functions
Abs: Get the absolute value.
Acos: Get the arc cosine value.
ada_afetch: Get the return column of the database.
ada_autocommit: Switch the automatic change function.
ada_close: Close the Adabas D link.
ada_commit: Update the Adabas D database.
ada_connect: Link to Adabas D database.
ada_exec: Execute SQL instructions.
ada_fetchrow: Get and return a column.
ada_fieldname: Get the field name.
ada_fieldtype: Get the field data form.
ada_freeresult: Release the memory of the returned data.
ada_numfields: Get the number of fields.
ada_numrows: Get the number of returned columns.
ada_result: Get the returned data.
ada_resultall: Returns HTML table data.
ada_rollback: Undo the current transaction.
AddSlashes: Add slashes to strings.
apache_lookup_uri: Get all URI related information.
apache_note: Get and set the request record of Apache server.
array: Create a new array.
array_walk: Allows user-defined functions to process each element in the array.
arsort: Sort the values of the array from large to small.
Asin: Get the arcsine value.
asort: Sort the values of the array from small to large.
aspell_check: Check a word.
aspell_check-raw: Check a word and do not change or correct it even if it is misspelled.
aspell_new: Load a new dictionary.
aspell_suggest: Check a word and provide spelling suggestions.
Atan: Get the arctangent value.
Atan2: Calculate the arc tangent of a two number.
base64_decode: Decode the BASE64 encoded string.
base64_encode: Encode the string with BASE64.
basename: Returns the file string without path.
base_convert: The carry method for converting numbers.
bcadd: Add two high-precision numbers.
bccomp: Compare two high-precision numbers.
bcdiv: Divide two high-precision numbers.
bcmod: Get the remainder of a high-precision number.
bcmul: Multiply two high-precision numbers.
bcpow: Find the power of a high-precision number.
bcscale: Set the default number of decimal points for all BC libraries in the program.
bcsqrt: Find the square root of a high-precision number.
bcsub: Subtract two high-precision numbers.
bin2hex: Convert binary to hexadecimal.
BinDec: Convert binary to decimal.
Ceil: Calculate the smallest integer greater than the specified number.
chdir: Change directory.
checkdate: Verify the correctness of the date.
checkdnsrr: Check the DNS record of the specified URL.
chgrp: Change the group to which the file belongs.
chmod: Change file attributes.
Chop: Remove consecutive blank spaces.
chown: Change the owner of the file.
Chr: Returns the ordinal value of characters.
chunk_split: Divide the string into small segments.
clearstatcache: Clear the file status cache.
closedir: Close directory handle.
closelog: Close system logging.
connection_aborted: Returns true if the connection is interrupted.
connection_status: Get the connection status.
connection_timeout: Returns true if it exceeds the PHP program execution time.
convert_cyr_string: Convert Cyrillic strings into other strings.
copy: Copy the file.
Cos: Cosine calculation.
count: Count the number of elements in a variable or array.
crypt: Encrypt the string using DES encoding.
current: Returns the current element in the array.
date: Format the server time.
dbase_add_record: Add data to the dBase data table.
dbase_close: Close the dBase data table.
dbase_create: Create dBase data table.
dbase_delete_record: Delete the data in the dBase data table.
dbase_get_record: Get the data of dBase table.
dbase_numfields: Get the number of fields in the dBase data table.
dbase_numrecords: Get the number of columns in the dBase data table.
dbase_open: Open the dBase data table.
dbase_pack: Clean up the dBase data table.
dba_close: Close the database.
dba_delete: Delete specified data.
dba_exists: Check whether the key exists.
dba_fetch: Retrieve specified data.
dba_firstkey: Retrieve the first key value.
dba_insert: Add data.
dba_nextkey: Get the next key value.
dba_open: Open the database link.
dba_optimize: Optimize database.
dba_popen: Open and maintain the database connection.
dba_replace: Change or add data.
dba_sync: Database synchronization.
dblist: Get DBM information.
dbmclose: Close the DBM database.
dbmdelete: Delete specified data.
dbmexists: Check if the key exists.
dbmfetch: Retrieve specified data.
dbmfirstkey: Retrieve the first key name.
dbminsert: Add data.
dbmnextkey: Get the next key value.
dbmopen: Open the DBM database link.
dbmreplace: Change or add data.
debugger_off: Turn off the built-in PHP debugger.
debugger_on: Use the built-in PHP debugger.
DecBin: Convert decimal to binary.
DecHex: Convert decimal to hexadecimal.
DecOct: Convert decimal to octal.
delete: Useless items.
die: Output the message and interrupt the PHP program.
dir: Directory category object.
dirname: Get the directory name in the path.
diskfreespace: Get the remaining free space where the directory is located.
dl: Load PHP extension module.
doubleval: The variable is converted into a double floating point number type.
each: Returns the index and value of the next element in the array.
easter_date: Calculate Easter date.
easter_days: Calculate the number of days between Easter and March 21st.
echo: Output string.
empty: Determine whether the variable has been set.
end: Point the internal pointer of the array to the last element.
ereg: String comparison and analysis.
eregi: String comparison and analysis, regardless of case.
eregi_replace: String comparison analysis and replacement, regardless of case.
ereg_replace: String comparison analysis and replacement.
error_log: Send an error message.
error_reporting: Set the level of error message reporting.
escapeshellcmd: Remove special symbols from the string.
eval: Substitute value into string.
exec: Execute external program.
exit: End the PHP program.
Exp: The power of the natural logarithm e.
explode: split the string.
extract: Import array into symbol table.
fclose: Close an open file.
FDF_close: Close FDF file.
FDF_create: Create a new FDF file.
FDF_get_file: Get the value of /F key.
FDF_get_status: Get the value of the /STATUS key.
FDF_get_value: Get the value of the field.
FDF_next_field_name: The name of the next field.
FDF_open: Open FDF file.
FDF_save: Save the FDF file.
FDF_set_ap: Set the display field.
FDF_set_file: Set /F key.
FDF_set_status: Set /STATUS key.
FDF_set_value: Set the value of the field.
feof: Test whether the file index points to the end of the file.
fgetc: Get the character pointed to by the file pointer.
fgetcsv: Get the row pointed to by the file index and parse the CSV field.
fgets: Get the line pointed to by the file pointer.
fgetss: Get the line pointed to by the file index and remove the HTML language tag.
file: Read all files into array variables.
fileatime: Get the last access time of the file.
filectime: Get the last change time of the file.
filegroup: Get the group to which the file belongs.
fileinode: Get the inode value of the file.
filemtime: Get the last modification time of the file.
fileowner: Get the owner of the file.
fileperms: Get file permission settings.
filepro: Read FilePro Map file.
filepro_fieldcount: Get the number of fields.
filepro_fieldname: Get the field name.
filepro_fieldtype: Get the field type.
filepro_fieldwidth: Get the field width.
filepro_retrieve: Retrieve the specified cell data.
filepro_rowcount: Get the number of columns.
filesize: Get the size of the file.
filetype: Get the file type.
file_exists: Check whether the file exists.
flock: Lock the file.
Floor: Calculates the largest integer less than the specified number.
flush: Clear the output buffer.
fopen: Open a file or URL.
fpassthru: Output all remaining data.
fputs: Write to file indicators.
fread: Read the file in bytes.
FrenchToJD: Convert the French Republican calendar to Caesar Day counting.
fseek: Mobile file indicator.
fsockopen: Open the network Socket link.
ftell: Get the file read and write index position.
ftp_cdup: Return to the upper directory.
ftp_chdir: Change path.
ftp_connect: Open FTP connection.
ftp_delete: Delete the file.
ftp_fget: Download the file and save it in the opened file.
ftp_fput: Upload an open file.
ftp_get: Download files.
ftp_login: Log in to the FTP server.
ftp_mdtm: Get the last modification time of the specified file.
ftp_mkdir: Create a new directory.
ftp_nlist: List all files in the specified directory.
ftp_pasv: Switch active and passive transmission mode.
ftp_put: Upload files.
ftp_pwd: Get the current path.
ftp_quit: Close the FTP connection.
ftp_rawlist: List all files in the specified directory in detail.
ftp_rename: Rename the file.
ftp_rmdir: Delete directory.
ftp_size: Get the size of the specified file.
ftp_systype: Display server system.
function_exists: Check whether the function has been defined.
fwrite: Write files in binary bit mode.
getallheaders: Get all HTTP variable values.
getdate: Get time and date information.
getenv: Get the system environment variables
gethostbyaddr: Return the machine name.
gethostbyname: Returns the IP address.
gethostbynamel: Returns all IPs of the machine name.
GetImageSize: Get the length and width of the image.
getlastmod: Returns the last modification time of the web page.
getmxrr: Get the MX field of the DNS record of the specified URL.
getmyinode: Returns the inode value of the web page.
getmypid: Returns the PHP trip code.
getmyuid: Returns the PHP user code.
getrandmax: The maximum value of random numbers.
getrusage: Returns the system resource usage.
gettimeofday: Get the current time.
gettype: Get the type of the variable.
get_cfg_var: Get the setting option value of PHP.
get_current_user: Get the owner name of the PHP trip.
get_magic_quotes_gpc: Get the value of PHP environment variable magic_quotes_gpc.
get_magic_quotes_runtime: Get the value of PHP environment variable magic_quotes_runtime.
get_meta_tags: Extract all meta-tagged data from the file.
gmdate: Get the time difference between the current time and GMT.
gmmktime: Get the Greenwich Mean Time of the UNIX timestamp.
GregorianToJD: Convert the Gregorian calendar to Caesar day counting.
gzclose: Close the compressed file.
gzeof: Determine whether it is at the end of the compression file.
gzfile: Read the compressed file into the array.
gzgetc: Read characters in compressed files.
gzgets: Read strings in compressed files.
gzgetss: Read the string in the compressed file and remove the HTML directive.
gzopen: Open compressed files.
gzpassthru: All data after decompressing the indicator.
gzputs: Write data into compressed files.
gzread: Read a string of specified length from a compressed file.
gzrewind: Reset the compressed file index.
gzseek: Set the compressed file pointer to the specified location.
gztell: Get the compressed file index.
gzwrite: Write data into compressed files.
header: Send the HTTP protocol header to the browser
HexDec: Convert hexadecimal to decimal.
htmlentities: Convert all characters into HTML strings.
htmlspecialchars: Convert special characters into HTML format.
hw_Children: Get the child object code.
hw_ChildrenObj: Get the object record of the child object.
hw_Close: Close Hyperwave connection.
hw_Connect: Connect to the Hyperwave server.
hw_Cp: Copy object.
hw_Deleteobject: Delete object.
hw_DocByAnchor: Get the document object code of the specified anchor.
hw_DocByAnchorObj: Get the document object of the specified anchor.
hw_DocumentAttributes: Get the attributes of the specified document object.
hw_DocumentBodyTag: Get the document body tag of the specified document object.
hw_DocumentContent: Get the content of the specified document object.
hw_DocumentSetContent: Reset the content of the specified document object.
hw_DocumentSize: Get the file size.
hw_EditText: Change the text file.
hw_Error: Get the error code.
hw_ErrorMsg: Get error message.
hw_Free_Document: Release the memory used by the file.
hw_GetAnchors: Get the link anchors of the file.
hw_GetAnchorsObj: Get the link anchor record of the file.
hw_GetAndLock: Get and lock the object.
hw_GetChildColl: Get the IDs of child objects.
hw_GetChildCollObj: Get the information of child objects.
hw_GetChildDocColl: Get a collection of all sub-documents.
hw_GetChildDocCollObj: Get all sub-document collection records.
hw_GetObject: Get the object.
hw_GetObjectByQuery: Search for objects.
hw_GetObjectByQueryColl: Search for aggregated objects.
hw_GetObjectByQueryCollObj: Search for aggregated objects.
hw_GetObjectByQueryObj: Search for objects.
hw_GetParents: Get the ID of the parent object.
hw_GetParentsObj: Get the information of the parent object.
hw_GetRemote: Get remote files.
hw_GetRemoteChildren: Get the remote child file.
hw_GetSrcByDestObj: Get the file content of the specified purpose.
hw_GetText: Get a plain text file.
hw_GetUsername: Current user name.
hw_Identify: User identity confirmation.
hw_InCollections: Check the collection of objects.
hw_Info: Connection information.
hw_InsColl: Insert aggregation.
hw_InsDoc: Insert file.
hw_InsertDocument: Upload file.
hw_InsertObject: Insert object record.
hw_Modifyobject: Modify object record.
hw_Mv: Move objects.
hw_New_Document: Create a new document.
hw_Objrec2Array: Convert object records to array.
hw_OutputDocument: Output file.
hw_pConnect: Connect to the Hyperwave server.
hw_PipeDocument: Get the file.
hw_Root: Get the root object code.
hw_Unlock: Unlock.
hw_Who: List current users.
ibase_bind: Link PHP variables to InterBase parameters.
ibase_close: Close the InterBase server connection.
ibase_connect: Open InterBase server connection.
ibase_execute: Execute SQL command section.
ibase_fetch_row: Returns each column of a single column.
ibase_free_query: Release the memory occupied by query instructions.
ibase_free_result: Release and return the occupied memory.
ibase_pconnect: Keep the InterBase server connected.
ibase_prepare: Analyze SQL syntax.
ibase_query: Send a query string.
ibase_timefmt: Set the time format.
ifxus_close_slob: Delete slob object.
ifxus_create_slob: Create a slob object.
ifxus_open_slob: Open the slob object.
ifxus_read_slob: Read the specified number of slob objects.
ifxus_seek_slob: Set the current file or seek location.
ifxus_tell_slob: Return the current file or find the location.
ifxus_write_slob: Write the string into the slob object.
ifx_affected_rows: Get the number of columns affected by the last operation of Informix.
ifx_blobinfile_mode: Set the long bit object mode.
ifx_byteasvarchar: Set the byte mode default value.
ifx_close: Close the Informix server connection.
ifx_connect: Open the Informix server connection.
ifx_copy_blob: Copy long bit objects.
ifx_create_blob: Create a long bit object.
ifx_create_char: Create character object.
ifx_do: Query string has been prepared for execution.
ifx_error: Get the last error of Informix.
ifx_errormsg: Get the last error message of Informix.
ifx_fetch_row: Returns each column of a single column.
ifx_fieldproperties: Lists Informix's SQL field properties.
ifx_fieldtypes: List Informix's SQL fields.
ifx_free_blob: Delete long bit objects.
ifx_free_char: Delete character objects.
ifx_free_result: Release and return the occupied memory.
ifx_free_slob: Delete slob objects.
ifx_getsqlca: Get the sqlca information after query.
ifx_get_blob: Get long bit object.
ifx_get_char: Get character object.
ifx_htmltbl_result: Convert the data returned by query into an HTML table.
ifx_nullformat: Set the default value of null character mode.
ifx_num_fields: Get the number of fields returned.
ifx_num_rows: Get the number of returned columns.
ifx_pconnect: Enable long-term connection to the Informix server.
ifx_prepare: Prepare query string.
ifx_query: Send a query string.
ifx_textasvarchar: Set the text mode default value.
ifx_update_blob: Change long bit objects.
ifx_update_char: Change character object.
ignore_user_abort: Whether the program is executed after the connection is interrupted.
ImageArc: Draw an arc.
ImageChar: Write horizontal characters.
ImageCharUp: Write straight characters.
ImageColorAllocate: Match colors.
ImageColorAt: Gets the index value of the color of the specified point in the image.
ImageColorClosest: Calculate the closest color to the specified color in the color table.
ImageColorExact: Calculate the specified color index value on the color table.
ImageColorResolve: Calculate the index value of the specified or closest color on the color table.
ImageColorSet: Set the color of the specified index on the color table.
ImageColorsForIndex: Get the color of the specified index on the color table.
ImageColorsTotal: Calculates the number of colors in the image.
ImageColorTransparent: Specify a transparent background color.
ImageCopyResized: Copy a new image and resize it.
ImageCreate: Create a new image.
ImageCreateFromGIF: Take out the GIF graphic.
ImageCreateFromPNG: Take out the PNG graphic.
ImageDashedLine: Draw a dashed line.
ImageDestroy: End the graphic.
ImageFill: Graphic coloring.
ImageFilledPolygon: Polygon area coloring.
ImageFilledRectangle: Rectangular area coloring.
ImageFillToBorder: Color within the specified color area.
ImageFontHeight: Get the height of the font.
ImageFontWidth: Get the width of the font.
ImageGIF: Create GIF graphics.
ImageInterlace: Whether to use interlaced display or not.
ImageLine: Draw a solid line.
ImageLoadFont: Load bitmap font.
ImagePNG: Create PNG graphics.
ImagePolygon: Draw polygon.
ImagePSBBox: Calculate the area occupied by PostScript text.
ImagePSEncodeFont: Convert PostScript font into vector font.
ImagePSFreeFont: Remove PostScript font.
ImagePSLoadFont: Load PostScript font.
ImagePSText: Write PostScript text into the image.
ImageRectangle: Draw a rectangle.
ImageSetPixel: Draw points.
ImageString: Draw horizontal string.
ImageStringUp: Draw vertical string.
ImageSX: Get the width of the image.
ImageSY: Get the height of the image.
ImageTTFBBox: Calculate the area occupied by TTF text.
ImageTTFText: Write TTF text into the image.
imap_8bit: Convert eight bits to qp encoding.
imap_alerts: All warning messages.
imap_append: Appends a string to the specified mailbox.
imap_base64: Decode BASE64 encoding.
imap_binary: Convert octets to base64 encoding.
imap_body: Read the text of the letter.
imap_check: Return email information.
imap_clearflag_full: Clear the message flag.
imap_close: Close the IMAP link.
imap_createmailbox: Create a new mailbox.
imap_delete: Mark the email for deletion.
imap_deletemailbox: Delete existing mailbox.
imap_errors: All error messages.
imap_expunge: Delete marked messages.
imap_fetchbody: Fetch the specified section from the message body.
imap_fetchheader: Get the original header.
imap_fetchstructure: Get the structure information of a letter.
imap_getmailboxes: Get all mail details.
imap_getsubscribed: List all subscription emails.
imap_header: Get the header information of a certain letter.
imap_headers: Get the header information of all letters.
imap_last_error: The last error message.
imap_listmailbox: Get the mailbox list.
imap_listsubscribed: Get the subscription email list.
imap_mailboxmsginfo: Get the current mailbox information.
imap_mail_copy: Copy the specified mail to another mailbox.
imap_mail_move: Move the specified mail to another mailbox.
imap_msgno: List consecutive letters of UID.
imap_num_msg: Get the number of letters.
imap_num_recent: Get the number of new messages.
imap_open: Open IMAP link.
imap_ping: Check whether IMAP is connected.
imap_qprint: Convert qp encoding into octets.
imap_renamemailbox: Change the name of the mailbox.
imap_reopen: Reopen the IMAP connection.
imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist: Parse email addresses.
imap_rfc822_write_address: Email address standardization.
imap_scanmailbox: Search for specific strings in letters.
imap_search: Search for letters with specified criteria.
imap_setflag_full: Set the message flag.
imap_sort: Sort message headers.
imap_status: Current status information.
imap_subscribe: Subscription email.
imap_uid: Get the letter UID.
imap_undelete: Undelete email mark.
imap_unsubscribe: Unsubscribe email.
implode: Convert array into string.
intval: Convert the variable to integer type.
iptcparse: Use IPTC module to parse bit data.
isset: Determine whether the variable has been set.
is_array: Determine whether the variable type is an array type.
is_dir: Test whether the file is a directory.
is_double: Determine whether the variable type is a double floating-point number type.
is_executable: Test whether the file is executable.
is_file: Test whether the file is a normal file.
is_float: Determine whether the variable type is a floating point number type.
is_int: Determine whether the variable type is an integer type.
is_integer: Determine whether the variable type is a long integer type.
is_link: Test whether the file is a link file.
is_long: Determine whether the variable type is a long integer type.
is_object: Determine whether the variable type is an object type.
is_readable: Test whether the file can be read.
is_real: Determine whether the variable type is a real number type.
is_string: Determine whether the variable type is a string type.
is_writeable: Test whether the file can be written.
JDDayOfWeek: Returns the day of the week the date is on.
JDMonthName: Returns the month name.
JDToFrench: Convert the Caesar Day count to the French Republican calendar.
JDToGregorian: Convert Caesar Day Count (Julian Day Count) to Gregorian calendar (Gregorian date).
JDToJewish: Convert Caesar Day counting to Jewish calendar.
JDToJulian: Convert Caesar day counting to Caesar calendar.
JewishToJD: Convert Jewish calendar to Caesar day counting.
join: Convert array into string.
JulianToJD: Convert Caesar calendar to Caesar day counting.
key: Get the index data in the array.
ksort: Sort the elements of the array according to index.
ldap_add: Add entries to the LDAP directory.
ldap_bind: Bind the LDAP directory.
ldap_close: Close the LDAP connection.
ldap_connect: Connect to the LDAP server.
ldap_count_entries: The number of search results.
ldap_delete: Delete the specified resource.
ldap_dn2ufn: Convert dn into an easy-to-read name.
ldap_explode_dn: Expand the field of dn.
ldap_first_attribute: Get the attributes of the first resource.
ldap_first_entry: Get the first result code.
ldap_free_result: Release the returned data memory.
ldap_get_attributes: Get the attributes of the returned data.
ldap_get_dn: Get the DN value.
ldap_get_entries: Get all returned data.
ldap_get_values: Get all returned values.
ldap_list: List the simplified table.
ldap_modify: Change the attributes of the LDAP directory.
ldap_mod_add: Add attributes to the LDAP directory.
ldap_mod_del: Delete attributes of the LDAP directory.
ldap_mod_replace: The new LDAP name replaces the old attributes.
ldap_next_attribute: Get the next attribute of the returned data.
ldap_next_entry: Get the next result code.
ldap_read: Get the current data attributes.
ldap_search: List tree-like simplified tables.
ldap_unbind: End the LDAP connection.
leak: Leak memory.
link: Create a hard link.
linkinfo: Get link information.
list: List the values of elements in the array.
Log: Natural logarithm value.
Log10: 10 logarithmic value of the base.
lstat: Get link file related information.
ltrim: Remove continuous whitespace.
mail: Send an email.
max: Get the maximum value.
mcrypt_cbc: Use CBC to encrypt/decrypt data.
mcrypt_cfb: Use CFB to encrypt/decrypt data.
mcrypt_create_iv: Initialize the vector from a random source.
mcrypt_ecb: Use ECB to encrypt/decrypt data.
mcrypt_get_block_size: Get the block size of the encoding method.
mcrypt_get_cipher_name: Get the name of the encoding method.
mcrypt_get_key_size: Get the encoding key size.
mcrypt_ofb: Use OFB to encrypt/decrypt data.
md5: Calculate the MD5 hash of a string.
mhash: Calculate hash value.
mhash_count: Get the maximum value of hash ID.
mhash_get_block_size: Get the block size in hash mode.
mhash_get_hash_name: Get the hash algorithm name.
microtime: Gets the millionth of a second value of the UNIX timestamp of the current time.
min: Get the minimum value.
mkdir: Create a directory.
mktime: Get UNIX timestamp.
msql: Send query string.
msql_affected_rows: Get the number of columns affected by the last operation of mSQL.
msql_close: Close the mSQL database connection.
msql_connect: Open mSQL database connection.
msql_createdb: Create a new mSQL database.
msql_create_db: Create a new mSQL database.
msql_data_seek: Mobile internal return indicator.
msql_dbname: Get the name of the current database.
msql_dropdb: Delete the specified mSQL database.
msql_drop_db: Delete the specified mSQL database.
msql_error: Get the last error message.
msql_fetch_array: Return array data.
msql_fetch_field: Get field information.
msql_fetch_object: Return object data.
msql_fetch_row: Returns each column of a single column.
msql_fieldflags: Get the flags of the field.
msql_fieldlen: Get the length of the field.
msql_fieldname: Returns the name of the specified field.
msql_fieldtable: Get the table name of the field.
msql_fieldtype: Get the field type.
msql_field_seek: Set the indicator to a field of the returned value.
msql_freeresult: Release the occupied memory passed back.
msql_free_result: Release and return the occupied memory.
msql_listdbs: List available databases (database).
msql_listfields: List the fields of the specified data table.
msql_listtables: List the data tables (tables) of the specified database.
msql_list_dbs: List available databases (database).
msql_list_fields: List the fields of the specified data table.
msql_list_tables: List the data tables (tables) of the specified database.
msql_numfields: Get the number of fields returned.
msql_numrows: Get the number of columns returned.
msql_num_fields: Get the number of fields returned.
msql_num_rows: Get the number of columns returned.
msql_pconnect: Enable long-term connection to mSQL server.
msql_query: Send a query string.
msql_regcase: Return the string in uppercase and lowercase characters verbatim.
msql_result: Get the result of query.
msql_selectdb: Select a database.
msql_select_db: Select a database.
msql_tablename: Returns the name of the specified data table.
mssql_affected_rows: Get the number of columns affected by the last query.
mssql_close: Close the connection to the database.
mssql_connect: Connect to the database.
mssql_data_seek: Moving column indicator.
mssql_fetch_array: Return array data.
mssql_fetch_field: Get field information.
mssql_fetch_object: Return object data.
mssql_fetch_row: Returns each column of a single column.
mssql_field_seek: Set the indicator to a field of the returned value.
mssql_free_result: Release the occupied memory passed back.
mssql_num_fields: Get the number of fields returned.
mssql_num_rows: Get the number of columns returned.
mssql_pconnect: Enable long-term connection to MS SQL server.
mssql_query: Send a query string.
mssql_result: Get the result of query.
mssql_select_db: Select a database.
mt_getrandmax: The maximum value of random numbers.
mt_rand: Get random value.
mt_srand: Set random seed.
mysql_affected_rows: Get the number of columns affected by the last MySQL operation.
mysql_close: Close the MySQL server connection.
mysql_connect: Open the MySQL server connection.
mysql_create_db: Create a new MySQL database.
mysql_data_seek: Move the internal return indicator.
mysql_db_query: Send query string (query) to MySQL database.
mysql_drop_db: Remove the database.
mysql_errno: Returns the error message code.
mysql_error: Return error message.
mysql_fetch_array: Return array data.
mysql_fetch_field: Get field information.
mysql_fetch_lengths: Returns the maximum length of each column of data in a single column.
mysql_fetch_object: Returns object data.
mysql_fetch_row: Returns each column of a single column.
mysql_field_flags: Get the flags of the current field.
mysql_field_len: Get the length of the current field.
mysql_field_name: Returns the name of the specified field.
mysql_field_seek: Set the indicator to a field of the returned value.
mysql_field_table: Get the name of the data table (table) of the current field.
mysql_field_type: Get the type of the current field.
mysql_free_result: Release and return the occupied memory.
mysql_insert_id: Returns the ID of the last INSERT command used.
mysql_list_dbs: Lists the databases available on the MySQL server.
mysql_list_fields: List the fields of the specified data table.
mysql_list_tables: List the data tables (tables) of the specified database.
mysql_num_fields: Get the number of fields returned.
mysql_num_rows: Get the number of columns returned.
mysql_pconnect: Enable long-term connection to the MySQL server.
mysql_query: Send a query string.
mysql_result: Get the result of query.
mysql_select_db: Select a database.
mysql_tablename: Get the name of the data table.
next: Move the internal pointer of the array backward.
nl2br: Convert newline characters to
number_format: Format number string.
OCIBindByName: Makes PHP variables available to dynamic SQL.
OCIColumnIsNULL: Test whether the returned row is empty.
OCIColumnSize: Get the size of the field type.
OCICommit: Put Oracle's transaction processing into practice.
OCIDefineByName: Allows the SELECT command to use PHP variables.
OCIExecute: Execute the command section of Oracle.
OCIFetch: Get a row of returned data.
OCIFetchInto: Retrieve Oracle data and put it into the array.
OCILogOff: Close the connection with Oracle.
OCILogon: Opens the connection with Oracle.
OCINewDescriptor: Initial new LOB/FILE description.
OCINumRows: Get the number of affected fields.
OCIParse: Analyze SQL syntax.
OCIResult: Get a column (column) from the data in the current column (row).
OCIRollback: Undo the current transaction.
OctDec: Convert octal to decimal.
odbc_autocommit: Switch the automatic change function.
odbc_binmode: Set the binary data processing method.
odbc_close: Close the ODBC connection.
odbc_close_all: Close all ODBC connections.
odbc_commit: Update the ODBC database.
odbc_connect: Connect to ODBC database.
odbc_cursor: Get the cursor name.
odbc_do: Execute SQL instructions.
odbc_exec: Execute SQL instructions.
odbc_execute: Execute preset SQL instructions.
odbc_fetch_into: Get the specified column returned.
odbc_fetch_row: Get and return a column.
odbc_field_len: Get the field data length.
odbc_field_name: Get the field name.
odbc_field_type: Get the field data form.
odbc_free_result: Release the memory of the returned data.
odbc_longreadlen: Set the maximum value of the returned column.
odbc_num_fields: Get the number of fields.
odbc_num_rows: Get the number of returned columns.
odbc_pconnect: Long-term connection to the ODBC database.
odbc_prepare: Preset SQL instructions.
odbc_result: Get the returned data.
odbc_result_all: Returns HTML table data.
odbc_rollback: Undo the current transaction.
odbc_setoption: Adjust ODBC settings.
opendir: Open directory handle.
openlog: Open system logging.
Ora_Bind: Link PHP variables to Oracle parameters.
Ora_Close: Close an Oracle cursor.
Ora_ColumnName: Get the name of the column (Column) returned by Oracle.
Ora_ColumnSize: Get the size of the column type.
Ora_ColumnType: Get the type of column (Column) returned by Oracle.
Ora_Commit: Put Oracle's transaction processing into practice.
Ora_CommitOff: Turn off the function of automatically executing Oracle transaction changes.
Ora_CommitOn: Turn on the function of automatically executing Oracle transaction changes.
Ora_Do: Fast SQL query.
Ora_Error: Get Oracle error message.
Ora_ErrorCode: Get Oracle error code.
Ora_Exec: Execute the command section of Oracle.
Ora_Fetch: Get a row of returned data.
Ora_FetchInto: Retrieve Oracle data and put it into the array.
Ora_GetColumn: Get a column (column) from the data of the returned column (row).
Ora_Logoff: End the connection with Oracle.
Ora_Logon: Open the connection with Oracle.
Ora_Numcols: Get the number of fields.
Ora_Open: Open Oracle's cursor.
Ora_Parse: Analyze SQL syntax.
Ora_PLogon: Open a long-term connection with Oracle.
Ora_Rollback: Undo the current transaction.
Ord: Returns the ordinal value of the character.
pack: Compress data into bit strings.
parse_str: Parse query string into variables.
parse_url: Parse URL string.
passthru: Execute external programs without processing the output data.
pclose: Close the file.
PDF_add_annotation: Add annotation.
PDF_add_outline: Add bookmarks to the current page.
PDF_arc: Draw arc.
PDF_begin_page: Begin PDF file page.
PDF_circle: Draw a circle.
PDF_clip: Combine all vectors.
PDF_close: Close PDF file.
PDF_closepath: Form a closed vector shape.
PDF_closepath_fill_stroke: Draw a line along the vector and fill it to form a closed vector shape.
PDF_closepath_stroke: Form a closed vector shape and draw a line along the vector.
PDF_close_image: Close the image file.
PDF_continue_text: Output text.
PDF_curveto: Draw a Bézier curve.
PDF_endpath: Close the current vector.
PDF_end_page: Close the PDF file page.
PDF_execute_image: Place the image in the PDF file to the specified location.
PDF_fill: Fill the current vector.
PDF_fill_stroke: Fill the current vector and draw a line along the vector.
PDF_get_info: Returns file information.
PDF_lineto: Draw a straight line.
PDF_moveto: Set the coordinate point for processing.
PDF_open: Create a new PDF file.
PDF_open_gif: Open GIF image file.
PDF_open_jpeg: Open JPEG image file.
PDF_open_memory_image: Open the memory image file.
PDF_place_image: Place the image into the specified location of the PDF file.
PDF_put_image: Place an image into a PDF file.
PDF_rect: Draw a rectangle.
PDF_restore: Restore environment variables.
PDF_rotate: Rotate the object.
PDF_save: Save environment variables.
PDF_scale: Scale object.
PDF_setdash: Set the dotted line style.
PDF_setflat: Set the smoothing value.
PDF_setgray: Specify the color of the drawing as grayscale and fill it in.
PDF_setgray_fill: Specify the filled color as grayscale.
PDF_setgray_stroke: Specifies the color of the drawing to be grayscale.
PDF_setlinecap: Set linecap parameters.
PDF_setlinejoin: Set connection parameters.
PDF_setlinewidth: Set line width.
PDF_setmiterlimit: Set the hypotenuse limit.
PDF_setrgbcolor: Specify the color of the drawing as color and fill it in.
PDF_setrgbcolor_fill: Specify the filled color as color.
PDF_setrgbcolor_stroke: Specify the color of the drawing as color.
PDF_set_char_spacing: Set character spacing.
PDF_set_duration: Set the switching time between two pages.
PDF_set_font: Set the font and size used.
PDF_set_horiz_scaling: Set the horizontal spacing of text.
PDF_set_info_author: Set file author.
PDF_set_info_creator: Set the creator string.
PDF_set_info_keywords: Set the keywords of the file.
PDF_set_info_subject: Set file subject.
PDF_set_info_title: Set the file title.
PDF_set_leading: Set line spacing.
PDF_set_text_matrix: Set text matrix.
PDF_set_text_pos: Set text position.
PDF_set_text_rendering: Set the text rendering method.
PDF_set_text_rise: Set text height.
PDF_set_transition: Set page transition.
PDF_set_word_spacing: Set word spacing.
PDF_show: Output string to PDF file.
PDF_show_xy: Output the string to the specified coordinates.
PDF_stringwidth: Calculate the width of the string.
PDF_stroke: Draw a line along a vector.
PDF_translate: Move the origin.
pfsockopen: Open the network Socket continuous connection.
pg_Close: Close the PostgreSQL server connection.
pg_cmdTuples: Get the number of data affected by the SQL command.
pg_Connect: Open the PostgreSQL server connection.
pg_DBname: Get the current database name.
pg_ErrorMessage: Returns an error message.
pg_Exec: Execute query command.
pg_Fetch_Array: Returns array data.
pg_Fetch_Object: Returns object data.
pg_Fetch_Row: Returns each column of a single column.
pg_FieldIsNull: Check whether there is data in the field.
pg_FieldName: Returns the name of the specified field.
pg_FieldNum: Get the number of rows in the specified field.
pg_FieldPrtLen: Calculate the listable length.
pg_FieldSize: Calculate the length of the specified field.
pg_FieldType: Get the current field type.
pg_FreeResult: Release and return the occupied memory.
pg_GetLastOid: Get the last object code.
pg_Host: Get the name of the connected machine.
pg_loclose: Close large objects.
pg_locreate: Create large objects.
pg_loopen: Open large objects.
pg_loread: Read large objects.
pg_loreadall: Read large objects and output them.
pg_lounlink: Delete large objects.
pg_lowrite: Read large objects.
pg_NumFields: Get the number of fields returned.
pg_NumRows: Get the number of columns returned.
pg_Options: Get the connection machine options.
pg_pConnect: Enable long-term connection to the PostgreSQL server.
pg_Port: Get the port number of the connected machine.
pg_Result: Get the result of query.
pg_tty: Get the connected machine terminal.
phpinfo: Returns all relevant information about PHP.
phpversion: Returns PHP version information.
pi: Pi.
popen: Open the file.
pos: Returns the current element of the array.
pow: power.
preg_match: String comparison analysis.
preg_match_all: Overall comparison and analysis of strings.
preg_replace: String comparison analysis and replacement.
preg_split: Split the string according to the specified rules.
prev: Move the internal index of the array forward.
print: Output string.
printf: Output formatted string.
putenv: Set system environment variables.
quoted_printable_decode: Convert qp encoded string into 8-bit string.
QuoteMeta: Add quote symbol.
rand: Get random value.
range: Create an array of integer ranges.
rawurldecode: Restore URL special format string to ordinary string.
rawurlencode: Encode string into URL-specific format.
readdir: Read directory handle.
readfile: Output file.
readgzfile: Read the compressed file.
readlink: Returns the symbolic link target file.
recode_file: Record the file or file request into the record.
recode_string: Record the string into the record.
register_shutdown_function: Define the function to be executed after the PHP program is executed.
rename: Change the file name.
reset: Point the pointer of the array to the first element of the array.
rewind: Reset the read and write position indicator of the open file.
rewinddir: Reset directory handle.
rmdir: Delete directory.
round: Rounded up.
rsort: Sort the values of the array from large to small.
sem_acquire: Acquire signal.
sem_get: Get the signal code.
sem_release: Release signal.
serialize: Store data into the system.
session_decode: Session data decoding.
session_destroy: End session.
session_encode: Session data encoding.
session_id: access the current session code.
session_is_registered: Check whether the variable is registered.
session_module_name: Access the current session module.
session_name: access the current session name.
session_register: Register new variables.
session_save_path: access the current session path.
session_start: initial session.
session_unregister: Delete registered variables.
setcookie: Send Cookie information to the browser.
setlocale: Set localized information.
settype: Set the variable type.
set_file_buffer: Set the file buffer size.
set_magic_quotes_runtime: Set magic_quotes_runtime value.
set_socket_blocking: Switch between shelving and no-shelving mode.
set_time_limit: Set the longest execution time of this page.
shm_attach: Enable the creation of shared memory sections.
shm_detach: Detach shared memory section connection.
shm_get_var: Get the variable specified in the memory section.
shm_put_var: Add or update variables in the memory section.
shm_remove: Clear the memory section.
shm_remove_var: Delete the specified variable in the memory section.
shuffle: Shuffle the order of the array.
similar_text: Calculate string similarity.
Sin: Sine calculation.
sizeof: Get the size of the array.
sleep: Pause execution.
snmpget: Get the identification code of the specified object.
snmpwalk: Get all objects.
snmpwalkoid: Get network ontology tree information.
snmp_get_quick_print: Get the quick_print value in the UCD function library.
snmp_set_quick_print: Set the quick_print value in the UCD library.
solid_close: Close the solid link.
solid_connect: Connect to solid database.
solid_exec: Execute SQL instructions.
solid_fetchrow: Get and return a column.
solid_fieldname: Get the field name.
solid_fieldnum: Get the number of fields.
solid_freeresult: Release the memory of the returned data.
solid_numfields: Get the number of fields.
solid_numrows: Get the number of returned columns.
solid_result: Get the returned data.
sort: Sort the array.
soundex: Calculate the pronunciation value of the string
split: Split the string according to the specified rules.
sprintf: Format strings.
sql_regcase: Return the string character by character in uppercase and lowercase characters.
Sqrt: Square root.
srand: Set random seed.
stat: Get file related information.
strchr: Find the first character that appears.
strcmp: String comparison.
strcspn: The length of different strings.
strftime: Format the server's time locally.
StripSlashes: Remove backslash characters.
strip_tags: Remove HTML and PHP tags.
strlen: Get the string length.
strpos: Find the first occurrence of a character in a string.
strrchr: Get the string starting from the last occurrence of a certain character.
strrev: Reverse the string.
strrpos: Find the last occurrence of a character in a string.
strspn: Find the number of times a string falls within the mask of another string.
strstr: Returns the string from the beginning to the end of a certain string in the string.
strtok: Cut the string.
strtolower: Convert all strings to lowercase.
strtoupper: Convert all strings to uppercase letters.
strtr: Convert certain characters.
strval: Convert the variable into a string type.
str_replace: String replacement.
substr: Get part of the string.
sybase_affected_rows: Get the number of columns affected by the last query.
sybase_close: Close the connection to the database.
sybase_connect: Connect to the database.
sybase_data_seek: moving column indicator.
sybase_fetch_array: Return array data.
sybase_fetch_field: Get field information.
sybase_fetch_object: Returns object data.
sybase_fetch_row: Returns each column of a single column.
sybase_field_seek: Set the indicator to a field of the returned value.
sybase_free_result: Release and return the occupied memory.
sybase_num_fields: Get the number of fields returned.
sybase_num_rows: Get the number of returned columns.
sybase_pconnect: Enable long-term connection to the server.
sybase_query: Send a query string.
sybase_result: Get the result of query.
sybase_select_db: Select a database.
symlink: Create a symbolic link.
syslog: Log to system log.
system: Execute external programs and display output data.
Tan: Tangent calculation.
tempnam: Create a unique temporary file.
time: Get the UNIX timestamp of the current time.
touch: Set the last modification time.
trim: Trim the spaces at the beginning and end of the string.
uasort: Sort the array according to user-defined function.
ucfirst: Change the first character of the string to uppercase.
ucwords: Capitalize the first letter of each word in the string.
uksort: Sort the array index according to user-defined function.
umask: Change the current file attribute mask umask.
uniqid: Generates a unique value.
unlink: Delete the file.
unpack: Unpack bit string data.
unserialize: Remove system data.
unset: Delete variables.
urldecode: Restore URL encoding string.
urlencode: URL-encode the string.
usleep: Suspend execution.
usort: Sorts the values of the array according to a user-defined function.
utf8_decode: Convert UTF-8 code to ISO-8859-1 code.
utf8_encode: Convert ISO-8859-1 code to UTF-8 code.
virtual: Complete the sub-request of the Apache server.
vm_addalias: Add new aliases.
vm_adduser: Add new user.
vm_delalias: Delete alias.
vm_deluser: Delete user.
vm_passwd: Change user password.
wddx_add_vars: Continuousize WDDX packets.
wddx_deserialize: Deserialize WDDX packets.
wddx_packet_end: The end of the WDDX packet.
wddx_packet_start: Start a new WDDX packet.
wddx_serialize_value: Serialize a single value.
wddx_serialize_vars: Continuousize multiple values.
xml_error_string: Get XML error string.
xml_get_current_byte_index: Get the byte number currently parsed.
xml_get_current_column_number: Get the column number currently analyzed.
xml_get_current_line_number: Get the currently parsed line number.
xml_get_error_code: Get XML error code.
xml_parse: Parse XML files.
xml_parser_create: Initial XML parser.
xml_parser_free: Release the memory occupied by parsing.
xml_parser_get_option: Get the options used for parsing.
xml_parser_set_option: Set the options used for parsing.
xml_set_character_data_handler: Create character data header.
xml_set_default_handler: Create a default header.
xml_set_element_handler: Set the header of the element.
xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler: Set the header of the external entity reference.
xml_set_notation_decl_handler: Set the header of the notation declaration.
xml_set_object: Use the XML parser object.
xml_set_processing_instruction_handler: Create processing instruction header.
xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler: Set the header of unparsed entity declaration.
yp_errno: Get the error code of the previous YP operation.
yp_err_string: Get the error string of the previous YP operation.
yp_first: Returns the first matching data on the map.
yp_get_default_domain: Get the Domain of the machine.
yp_master: Obtain the Master of NIS.
yp_match: Obtain specified information.
yp_next: Specify the next data of map.
yp_order: Returns the ordinal number of map.