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PHP Operators for PHP Learning_PHP Tutorial

2016-07-21 16:05:18937browse

PHP Operators

Let me take a look at PHP3’s arithmetic, string, logical and comparison operators respectively.
1. Arithmetic operators
+: $a + $b plus $a plus $b -: $a - $b minus $a minus $b *: $a * $b multiplied by $a Divide $a by $b by $b /: $a / $b %: $a % $b Modulo the remainder of $a divided by $b If both operands are integer values ​​(strings will be converted is an integer value), the division sign ("/") returns an integer value (a value that is evenly divisible). If either operand is a floating-point value, floating-point division is performed.
2 String operators  
The only string operators are string concatenation characters ("."). $a = "Hello "; $b = $a . "World!"; // now $b = "Hello World!"
3. Assignment operator
The basic assignment operator is "=". The value of an assignment expression is the assigned value. For example, the expression $a = 3 evaluates to 3. This allows you to do some complicated things: $a = ($b = 4) + 5; // Now $a is equal to 9 and $b is 4. In addition to the basic assignment operators, there are also "compound operators". For all binary numbers and strings, you are allowed to do variable self-composition operations.
For example:  =: $a = 3;  +=:$a += 5; // Set $a to 8, that is: $a = $a + 5;   $b = "Hello ";   . :$b .= "There!"; // Set $b to "Hello There!", just like $b = $b . "There!";
4. Bit operators
Bit operations are allowed You set or reset the specified data. &: AND operation, $a & $b If both $a and $b are set, the result will be set |: OR operation, $a | $b or either $a or $b is set, the result will be set Bit ~: NOT operation, ~ $a If $a is not set, the result is set
5. Logical operator
and: $a and $b and $a and $b are true at the same time, the result is is true or: $a or $b or if either $a or $b is true, the result is true xor: $a xor $b Exclusive OR $a and $b are not true at the same time, the result is true! :! $a If $a is false, the result is true&&: $a && $b If both $a and $b are true, the result is true||: $a || If either $b or $a or $b is true, the result is true When comparing two variables, there are two operators for "AND" and "OR" operations. This means that the two operators have different priorities. 6. Comparison Operators Comparison operators, just like the name, allow you to compare two values. ==: $a == $b is equal to $a is equal to $b and the result is true!=: $a != $b is not equal to $a is not equal to $b and the result is true< : $a < $b is less than $a Less than $ is true> : $a > $b is greater than $a is greater than $b is true<=: $a <= $b is less than or equal to $a is less than or equal to $b is true>=: $a >= $b is greater than or equal to $a is greater than or equal to $b and the result is true

www.bkjia.comtruehttp: //www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/315724.htmlTechArticlePHP Operators Next, I will take a look at the arithmetic, string, logical and comparison operators of PHP3. 1. Arithmetic operators +: $a + $b plus $a plus $b -: $a - $b minus $a minus $b *:...
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