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Search for a specific value in the array, return TRUE if found, otherwise return FALSE
boolean in_array(mixed needle,array haystack[,boolean strict])
Find a specified key in the array, return if found TRUE otherwise returns FALSE
boolean array_eky_exists(mixed key,array array)
Search for a specific value in the array, if found return TRUE otherwise return FALSE
boolean array_search(mixed needle,array haystack[, boolean strict])
Get a new array composed of all the keys of the array
array array_keys(array array[,mixed search_value])
Get a new array composed of all the values of the array
array array_values(array array)
Determine the array size
integer count(array array[,int mode])
integer sizeof(array array[,int mode])
Statistics the frequency of occurrence of array elements
array array_count_values(array array)
Delete duplicate values in the array and return an array composed of unique values
array array_unique(array array)
Reverse the order of array elements. If preserve_key is TRUE, the order of array key values remains unchanged
array array_reverse(array array[,boolean preserve_key])
Replace array keys and values
array array_flip(array array)
Array order sorting, the sort_flags parameter is optional, the default behavior is
SORT_NUMBERIC, sort by numerical value, useful for sorting integers or floating point numbers
SORT_REGULAR, sort by ASCII value
SORT_STRING, sort in the correct order that is close to what people know
asort function key value order remains unchanged
void sort(array array[,int sort_flags])
void asort(array array[,int sort_flags])
Array sort in reverse order, the sort_flags parameter is optional, the default behavior is
SORT_NUMBERIC, sort by numerical value, useful for sorting integers or floating point numbers
SORT_REGULAR, sort by ASCII value
SORT_STRING, sort in the correct order that is close to what people know
arsort function key value order remains unchanged
void rsort(array array[ ,int sort_flags])
void arsort(array array[,int sort_flags])
Natural sorting of arrays
void natsort(array array)
Case-insensitive Natural sorting
void natcasesort(array array)
Key-value pair array sorting
boolean ksort(array array[,int sort_flags])
Key-value pair array reverse order Sort
boolean krsort(array array[,int sort_flags])
Sort according to user-defined order
void usort(array array,callback function_name)
Merge arrays together , returns a combined array. The back of array_merge covers the front, array_merge_recursive merges together
array array_merge(array array1[array array2...])//More than one
array array_merge_recursive(array array1,array array2[,array...])/ /More than two
keys and values form a new array
array array_combine(array key,array value)
Returns a part of the array, starting from offset and ending at offset+length
array array_slice(array array, int offset [,int length])
Delete all elements starting from offset and ending at offset+length, and return the deleted elements in the form of an array
array array_splice (array, int offset [,int length[,array peplacement]])
Find the intersection of arrays, the key value is the key value in the first array
array array_intersect(array array1,array array2[, arrayN...])
The intersection of arrays contains equal key values, and the key values are the key values in the first array
array array_intersect_assoc(array array1,array array2[,arrayN...])
Find the difference of arrays, the first array has a value that is not found in other arrays
array array_diff(array array1,array array2[,arrayN...])
Find the difference of arrays , the first array contains key values that are equal to values that are not found in other arrays
array array_diffassoc(array array1,array array2[,arrayN...])
Return one or more key values in the array
mixed array_rand(array array[,int num_entries])
Random shuffle function
void shuffle(array input_array)
Sum the values in the array
mixed array_sum (array array);
Decompose the array into a multi-dimensional array, which contains size elements
array array_chunk(array array, int size [,boolean preserve_keys])