Arranged in increasing order of magnitude, common time complexities are: constant order O(1), logarithmic order O(log2n), linear order O(n), linear logarithmic order O(nlog2n), square order O(n2), Cubic order O(n3)
//Binary search O(log2n)
function erfen($a,$l,$h,$f){
if($l >$h){ return false;}
$m = intval(($l+$h)/2);
if ($a[$m] == $f){
return $m;
}elseif ($f < $a[$m]){
return erfen($a , $l, $m-1, $f);
} return erfen($a, $m+1, $h, $f);
$a = array(1,12,23,67,88,100);
//Traverse the tree O(log2n)
function bianli($p){
$a = array();
foreach (glob($p.'/*') as $f){
if(is_dir($f)) {
$a = array_merge($a,bianli($f)); ;
//Factorial O(log2n)
function jc($n){
return 1;
return $n*jc($n-1);
} > $c = count($a);
if($c <= 1){return $a;}
$l = $r = array();
for ($i=1 ;$i<$c;$i++){
🎜> Return array_merge($l,array($a[0]),$r);
//Insertion sort O(N*N)
function charu($a){
$c = count($a);
$t = $a[$i];
for($j =$i;$j>0 && $a[$j-1]>$t;$j--){
$a[$j] = $t;
return $a;
//Selection sort O(N*N)
function xuanze($a ){
$c = count($a);
for ($j=$i+1;$j< $c;$j++){
= $a[$i];
; Bubble sort O(N*N)
function maopao($a){
$c = count($a);
for ($j=$c-1;$j>$i;$j--){
if($a[$j] < $a[$j-1]){
$t = $a[$j-1]; 🎜> Return $a;
* Permutation and combination
* Use the binary method to select combinations. For example, when choosing 3 from 5, only 3 bits are 1, so the available combinations are 10 types such as 01101 11100 00111 10011 01110. Combination
* @param Array to be arranged $arr
* @param Minimum number $min_size
* @return New array combination that meets the conditions
function plzh($arr,$size=5) {
$len = count($arr);
$max = pow(2 ,$len);
$min = pow(2,$size)-1;
$r_arr = array();
for ($i=$min; $i<$max; $i++ ){
$count = 0;
$t_arr = array();
for ($j=0; $j<$len; $j++){
$a = pow(2, $j);
$t = $i&$a;
if($t == $a){
$t_arr[] = $arr[$j];
if($count == $size){
$r_arr[] = $t_arr;
return $r_arr;
$pl = pl(array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7),5);
var_dump($pl); // in ascending order of magnitude, common time complexities include: constant order O(1), logarithmic order O( log2n), linear order O(n), linear logarithmic order O(nlog2n), square order O(n2), cubic order O(n3) Copy the code code as follows...