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Sphinx full-text search PHP tutorial_PHP tutorial

2016-07-20 11:12:46674browse

This is an article that was not published to the public half a year ago, but I am sharing it now. There may be some inaccuracies or imprecision, and some language may be frivolous. Please forgive me.
Sphinx full-text search PHP tutorial_PHP tutorial
Take the email data table in the previous article as an example:

Data structure:

emailid mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment COMMENT '邮件id',

fromid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT '发送人ID',

toid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT '收件人ID',
content text unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT '邮件内容',
subject varchar(100) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT '邮件标题',

sendtime int(10) NOT NULL COMMENT '发送时间',

attachment varchar(100) NOT NULL COMMENT '附件ID,以逗号分割', PRIMARY KEY (emailid),

Use the open console. You must open the console PHP to connect to sphinx (make sure you have established the index source):

d:coreseekbinsearchd -c d:coreseekbinsphinx.conf

The PHP interface file sphinxapi.php is provided in the coreseek/api directory. This file contains a Sphinx full-text search PHP tutorial_PHP tutorialClient class

Introduce this file in PHP and make a new

$sphinx = new Sphinx full-text search PHP tutorial_PHP tutorialClient();


$sphinx->SetServer ( 'loclahost', 9312 );


$sphinx->SetArrayResult ( true );


$sphinx->SetLimits(0, 20, 1000);





$index = 'email' //索引源是配置文件中的 index 类,如果有多个索引源可使用,号隔开:'email,diary' 或者使用'*'号代表全部索引源

$result = $sphinx->query ('搜索关键字', $index); 

echo '



echo '

$result is an array where

total is the total number of matched data

matches is matching data, including information such as id and attrs

words is the word segmentation of the search keyword

You may be wondering why there is no information about the content of the email. In fact, sphinx does not return a data array like mysql, because sphinx does not record complete data, but only records segmented data.

The details also depend on the matches array. The ID in matches refers to the first field in the sql_query SELECT statement in the configuration file. This is what our configuration file looks like

sql_query = SELECT emailid,fromid,toid,subject,content,sendtime,attachment FROM email

So the ID in matches refers to emailid

As for weight, it refers to the weight of the match. Generally, the higher the weight, the highest priority will be returned. For information on matching weight, please refer to the official document

attrs is the information in sql_attr_ in the configuration file. The usage of these attributes will be mentioned later

Having said all that, even if the search results are not the email data we want, the fact is that sphinx does not record real data, so to get the real email data, you have to search the mysql email table based on the ID in matches, but Generally speaking, the speed of this round trip is still much faster than mysql's LIKE, provided that the amount of data is more than hundreds of thousands, otherwise using sphinx will only be slower.

Next, we will introduce some usage of sphinx similar to mysql conditions


$sphinx->SetIdRange($min, $max); 


//属性过滤,可过滤的属性必需在配置文件中设置sql_attr_    ,之前我们定义了这些

    sql_attr_uint            = fromid

    sql_attr_uint            = toid

    sql_attr_timestamp  = sendtime




$sphinx->SetFilter('fromid', array(1,2));    //fromid的值只能是1或者2


$sphinx->SetFilter('fromid', array(1,2), false);    //fromid的值不能是1或者2


$sphinx->SetFilterRange('toid', 5, 200);    //toid的值在5-200之间


$sphinx->SetFilterRange('toid', 5, 200, false);    //toid的值在5-200以外



$result = $sphinx->query('关键字', '*');

Sort mode
Search results can be sorted using the following patterns:

SPH_SORT_RELEVANCE mode, sort in descending order of relevance (best matches first)

SPH_SORT_ATTR_DESC mode, sort by attributes in descending order (the higher the attribute value, the higher it is)

SPH_SORT_ATTR_ASC mode, sort by attributes in ascending order (the smaller the attribute value, the higher it is)

SPH_SORT_TIME_SEGMENTS mode, first descending order by time period (last hour/day/week/month), then descending order by relevance

SPH_SORT_EXTENDED mode, combines columns in a SQL-like manner and sorts them in ascending or descending order.

SPH_SORT_EXPR mode, sort by an arithmetic expression



$sphinx->SetSortMode ( "SPH_SORT_ATTR_DESC", 'fromid');



$sphinx->SetSortMode ( "SPH_SORT_ATTR_DESC", 'fromid ASC, toid DESC, @id DESC');


$result = $sphinx->query('关键字', '*');

//For more information, please check the official document for instructions on sorting mode

Match pattern
The following optional matching patterns are available:

SPH_MATCH_ALL, match all query terms (default mode);

SPH_MATCH_ANY, matches any one of the query terms;

SPH_MATCH_PHRASE, treats the entire query as a phrase and requires a complete match in order;

SPH_MATCH_BOOLEAN, treat the query as a Boolean expression

SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED, treats the query as an expression in the CoreSeek/Sphinx full-text search PHP tutorial_PHP tutorial internal query language. Starting with version CoreSeek 3/Sphinx full-text search PHP tutorial_PHP tutorial 0.9.9, this option is replaced by the option SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2, which provides more functionality and better performance. This option is retained for compatibility with legacy code - so that old application code can continue to work even if Sphinx full-text search PHP tutorial_PHP tutorial and its components, including APIs, are upgraded.

SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2, uses the second version of the "extended matching mode" to match the query.

SPH_MATCH_FULLSCAN, forces the query to be matched using the "full scan" mode described below. Note that in this mode, all query terms are ignored, and although filters, filter ranges, and grouping still work, no text matching will occur.

The main thing we want to focus on is the SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2 extended matching mode. The extended matching mode allows the use of some conditional statements like mysql


$sphinx->SetMatchMode ( "SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2" );


$result = $sphinx->query('@content (测试) & @toid =1', '*');


$result = $sphinx->query('(@content (测试) & @subject =呃) | (@fromid -(100))', '*');


What is worth mentioning in the extended matching mode is the search field. If the field is set with attributes, then the fields searched by the extended matching do not contain these attributes by default. You can only use SetFilter() or SetFilterRange() etc.

We have set fromid, toid, and sendtime as attributes before, but what should we do if we want to use them as conditions in the extended matching mode?

Just select the field one more time in the sql_query statement

sql_query = SELECT emailid,fromid,fromid,toid,toid,subject,content,sendtime,sendtime,attachment FROM email

//Remember to re-establish the index after setting up





$sphinx->SetFilterRange('sendtime', $time, 10000000000) //时间截最大是10个9,再加1是不可超越了。。



$sphinx->SetFilterRange('sendtime', $time+1, 10000000000)


$sphinx->SetFilterRange('sendtime', -1, $time)    //时间截最小是0,所以应该减1


$sphinx->SetFilterRange('sendtime', -1, $time - 1)

怎样搜索为空的字段,比如我要搜索附件为空的邮件,有人可能会想 @attachment ('')不就可以了吗?其实这是搜索两个单引号。。。sphinx搜索的字符串不用加引号的


sql_query = SELECT emailid,fromid,toidsubject,content,sendtime,attachement != '' as attach is not null FROM email //这里返回了一个新字段attachisnotnull,当attachisnotnull为1的时候附件就不为空了


搜索包含某一附件的邮件,mysql习惯用FIND_IN_SET这么简单一句就搞定了,在sphinx中必需在配置里设置属性sql_attr_multi 多值属性(MVA):

sql_attr_multi = attachment #attachment可以是逗号分隔的附件ID,或者是空格、分号等sphinx都能识别




//搜索包含附件ID为1或2邮件,mysql语法是这样FIND_IN_SET(`attachment`, '1,2')

$sphinx->SetFilter('attachment', array(1,2))


$sphinx->SetFilterRange('attachment', 50, 100)



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