Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >Summary of usage of PHP Chinese processing tool functions_PHP tutorial
in --- PHP Chinese processing tool function space ---
string GBspace(string) ------- -- Add spaces between each Chinese character
string GBunspace(string) ------- Clear spaces between each Chinese character
string clear_space(string) ------- Use To remove extra spaces
--- PHP Chinese processing tool function conversion---
string GBcase(string,offset) --- Convert the string to Convert Chinese and English characters to uppercase and lowercase
offset: "upper" - Convert all strings to uppercase (strtoupper)
"lower" - Convert all strings to lowercase (strtolower)
"ucwords" - Convert characters Change the first letter of each word in the string to uppercase (ucwords)
"ucfirst" - Change the first letter of the string to uppercase (ucfirst)
string GBrev(string) ---------- - Reverse the string
--- PHP Chinese processing tool function text check---
int GB_check(string) --------- -- Check whether there is GB word in the string, if so it will return true,
otherwise it will return false
int GB_all(string) ------------- Check all words in the string Whether there is a GB word, it will return true,
otherwise it will return false
int GB_non(string) ------------- Check that all the words in the string are not GB words, yes Will return true,
Otherwise, it will return false
int GBlen(string) -------------- Return the length of the string (Chinese characters only count one letter)
--- PHP Chinese processing tool function search, replacement, extraction---
int/array GBpos(haystack,needle,[offset]) ---- Search string (strpos)
offset: Leave blank - find the first occurrence position
int - search the first occurrence position from this position
"r" - find the last occurrence position (strrpos)
"a" - Store all found words as an array (return array)
string GB_replace(needle,str,haystack) - Find and replace strings (str_replace)
string GB_replace_i( needle,str_f,str_b,haystack) -- Find and replace strings without checking case
needle - Find letters
str - Replace letters (str_f - before the letter, str_b after the letter)
haystack - String
string GBsubstr(string,start,[length]) -- Extract a string from start to end or length
length from string.
Chinese characters only count one letter, and positive and negative numbers can be used.
string GBstrnear(string,length) - Extract the string closest to length from string.
length Chinese characters total 2 letters.
--- Precautions when using PHP Chinese processing tool functions---
If you use the string returned by Form, please pass the string first stripslashes() processing, removing excess.
Usage: Add:
include ("GB.inc");
to the original PHP code to use the above PHP Chinese processing tool function.