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Detailed analysis: About PHP event-driven issues_PHP tutorial

2016-07-13 17:36:05984browse


在WEB应用上,在客户端的事件是基于JS或是插件或是JAVAAPPLET之类的东西,基本上如果是插件或是JAVAAPPLET的话,就不属于 HTML的范畴了,而真正必须用到JS的场合其实并不多,最多就是FORM的提交或是链接点击之类的基本操作,因此谈论事件无太大意义。



如果大家感兴趣,不妨到www.php.net官方主页去看一下一位中国哥们(Qiang Xue)写的一套基于事件驱动的PHP框架PRADO,这个还是获得高票当选的最佳,强烈推荐!请参考http://www.zend.com/php5/contest,你看了他的源代码后就会理解PHP的事件驱动是怎么回事。但我认为,在这上面,由于PHP无预编译机制,而且过度依赖OO(虽然是用PHP5写的代码),造成这个框架有些庞大,且使用比较复杂,可扩展性也不是很好。不过,其中的理念非常之好,有些想法还解决了困惑我多日的问题。我下面简单介绍一下这个框架。

该框架用ZDE及PHP5写成,有详细文档,结构十分清晰,注释极为充分,代码非常易于读懂,说明作者写码水平非常之高。作者明确说明,这套框架参考了ASP点NET及Borland Delphi的概念。

这个框架在验证性上非常之强(并不是指里面有什么验证登录之类的模块),十分健壮,几乎不可能有什么直接的漏洞可以从外面攻入,它是引入了规范文件这个概念做限制,很有效地解决了大量验证时的效率瓶颈,这种验证方法只有一个问题就是规范文件本身的制作比较费力(当然用工具的话是另一回事了),然而一旦做好(规范文件本身有格式与规范的),验证就自然而然地由框架去做了,而无需每次人为调用。它的事件也可以定义在规范文件之内(我却认为这就没有必要了),其实它的规范文件就有点类似于DELPHI或是VB中的FORM定义文件,只不过是用XML写的纯文本,而非可视化。而对于事件驱动,框架内置了一套与点NET类似的基本事件流,你可以在不同阶段定制这些事件,其实说白了,就是重新定义这几个OnXXX函数,用给定形式的参数,你也可以自己加入自己的事件,比如你在定义自己的组件时,在规范文件中定义好该组件可能有的事件函数及参数,以后你在使用该组件时可以直接定义这些被允许的函数——不过我认为这种方式过于复杂,且要大量读入并分析XML文件,虽然十分地严谨,很安全,但有些过分了,也没有充分利用到PHP本身的灵活性,我的思路是用类似于 DELPHI的函数句柄赋值的办法或是用C的回调函数的特性,即可在写代码时在任何时间任何地点定义事件,而仍然能明确事件发出者及类型并有足够地安全性保证,且无需机械地强制各个组件只能有哪些事件,代码修改及扩展都十分方便。当然,在做大项目的时候,严格的定义是必要的,不过,即使如此,该框架处理事件的方法还是有些古板。

I think its template is a better idea. Its template is somewhat similar to the ASP file of NET before compilation (I am not familiar with ASP NET, but I understand some principles), but it works. The method is similar to DELPHI's FORM file, which is a good concept. The only disadvantage is that it is not very convenient to use a WYSIWYG general editor such as DW, because several interactive elements can be combined in one template at the same time. The components that are excluded are placed together, and which ones are decided to be displayed only during runtime.

As far as I look at the code of this framework, I still find that it has some very weak items. The most important one is the path problem. The scalability is very low. It should be more suitable for dedicated hosts. There is nothing you can do about some restricted hosts (directory restrictions or permission restrictions), and there are no corresponding reminder measures (and no related interface). It uses a cumbersome mechanism called assetService to determine the path of certain resources or files. The author himself also said that if this service is used, system consumption will increase significantly. In fact, this is borrowed from The concept of asset library in FLASH allows you to specify the path arbitrarily, but it must be re-verified every time, which is not worth the gain. My approach is to fix several main paths, and their subdirectories can be arbitrary, which comprehensively balances the contradiction between the two. Due to the lack of consideration of path issues, the framework is powerless with language settings, personalized templates, etc. If you want to translate a project, it is conceivable that the procedures are complicated, the workload is huge, and it is easy to make mistakes. This is the single most serious problem with the framework.

Generally speaking, the concept, design, and code of this framework are absolutely first-class. Of course, there are always shortcomings, but this does not prevent us from studying and learning it at all. I have not read all of its code, only a few core programs and some instructions, but I can clearly see its structure and ideas. I deeply admire the author, but I also deeply regret the shortcomings. No matter what, it is definitely a good work for studying PHP event-driven code. Therefore, it is highly recommended!

www.bkjia.comtruehttp: //www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/508250.htmlTechArticleThe concept of event-driven is broad. It can be on the client side or on the server side. In WEB applications, events on the client are based on JS or plug-ins or JAVAAPPLET and the like...
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