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A very comprehensive collection of common JavaScript functions_javascript skills

2016-05-16 15:18:441322browse

This article mainly summarizes the common functions of JavaScript, such as some commonly used JS objects, basic data structures, functional functions, etc., as well as some commonly used design patterns.


As we all know, JavaScript is a dynamic object-oriented programming language that can achieve the following effects:

  • Rich Web page functions
  • Rich web interface
  • Implement local or remote storage.
  • Implement the front-end components of distributed network applications and perform data storage management in the background.
  • A complete distributed web application can be implemented using JavaScript.

1. Data types in JavaScript

JavaScript provides three metadata types, string, number, and Boolean. You can use typeof(v) to test the type of variable V, typeof(v)===" number"

Provides five basic reference types: Object, Array, Function, Date and RegExp. Arrays, functions, dates, and regular expressions are special types, but strictly speaking, dates and regular expressions are metadata types that can be encapsulated in other objects.

In JS, variable types, array element types, function parameters and return value types do not need to be declared, and conversions between types are automatically performed.

The variable value can be:

  • 1. Numeric value: such as string, number or Boolean value.
  • 2. Object reference: It can refer to typical objects, or it can be data, functions, dates or regular expressions.
  • 3. The special data value, Null, is a typical default value used to initialize objects.
  • 4. The special data undefined is often used for variables that have been defined but not assigned a value.

string is a series of Unicode strings, String such as "hello world", 'A3FO' or the empty string "". String concatenation can be performed through the + operator, or the = sign can be used to verify two characters Whether the strings are equal;

if (firstName + lastName === "James Bond") ...

numeric represents a 64-bit floating point number. There is no obvious distinction between integers and floating point numbers in JS. If the value of an expression is not equal to a certain number, then its value can be set to NaN, which means not a number and can be combined. isNaN is used.
The following table is detailed type testing and conversion

2. Variable scope
Currently, JavaScript and ES5 provide two scope types: global variables and function scope, and there is no block scope. The scope of block scope is unclear, so its use should be avoided. The following code, although it is a pattern commonly used by developers, is a trap.

function foo() {
 for (var i=0; i < 10; i++) {
 ... // do something with i

All variable declarations are best placed at the beginning of the function. Block scope is supported in JS and ES6 versions, and variables are defined using the keyword let.

Strict Mode
Starting from ES5, strict mode is used to detect runtime errors. In strict mode, all variables must be declared. If an undeclared variable is assigned a value, an exception will be thrown.

Within a JavaScript file or 2934a685527f5cd6bcb20a3dc28499e1 element, switch to strict mode by entering the following code:

use strict;
It is recommended to use strict mode unless the library the project depends on is not compatible with strict mode.

Multiple objects
The concept of objects in JS is different from objects in OO or UML. Especially in JS, objects do not need to be instantiated and can also have their own methods, including not only property slots, but also method slots. In addition, it also contains key-value slots; so they have three kinds of Slots in total, while common objects only have attribute slots.

JS object is a Slot composed of a series of name-value. And name can be an attribute name, a function name, or a mapping name. Objects can be created in a specific way, using JS Object Declaration Syntax (JSON), without instantiating a class. The code is as follows:

var person1 = { lastName:"Smith", firstName:"Tom"};
var o1 = Object.create( null); // an empty object with no slots

如果Slot 的name 是合法的JS 标识符,则Slot可表示属性,方法,或键值对。如果名称含有一些特殊字符如空格,则Slot代表键值对,是一种映射元素,如下:

Property Slot  中的name:

1. data value 属性,在这种情况下,Value 表示变量值,或是值表达式。

2. object-valued 属性,Value 表示对象的引用或对象表达式。

method Slot 表示的是JS 函数,它的值是JS 函数定义表达式:

Object 属性可以使用两种方法来访问:

1. 使用”.”(与C++ 和Java的类似):

person1.lastName = "Smith"

2. 使用map:

person1["lastName"] = "Smith"

JS 对象能够用于各种途径,以下是五种常见情况:

1. Record是Property slots集合,如:

var myRecord = {firstName:"Tom", lastName:"Smith", age:26}

2. map 如Hash map,数组,hash表;

var numeral2number = {"one":"1", "two":"2", "three":"3"}

3. Untyped 对象不需要实例化类,它可能包含property slot 和function slots:

var person1 = { 
 lastName: "Smith", 
 firstName: "Tom",
 getFullName: function () {
 return this.firstName +" "+ this.lastName; 
Array List

JS array 即逻辑数据结构,通过数组下标访问。如数组初始化:

var a = [1,2,3];

a[4] = 7;

for (i=0; i deb559b41c3b2d69490ed3128dfca121 -1)  ...

var i=0;
for (i=0; i < a.length; i++) {
 console.log( a[i]);

如果数组较小,可使用foreach 循环:

a.forEach( function (elem) {
 console.log( elem);

JS 也提供克隆数组的函数:

var clone = a.slice(0);

map 提供key 到值得映射。JS map 是一串字符集,可包含空格:

var myTranslation = { 
 "my house": "mein Haus", 
 "my boat": "mein Boot", 
 "my horse": "mein Pferd"

myTranslation["my car"] = "mein Auto";
myTranslation["my car"] = "mein Auto";
if ("my bike" in myTranslation)  ...
var i=0, key="", keys=[];
keys = Object.keys( m);
for (i=0; i < keys.length; i++) {
  key = keys[i];
  console.log( m[key]);
如果map 较小可使用foreach 语句:
Object.keys( m).forEach( function (key) {
  console.log( m[key]);
var clone = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( m))
小结:JavaScript 支持4种基本的数据结构。
1:array lists:如["one","two","three"],special JS对象

2:records:特殊的JS 对象,如{firstName:"Tom", lastName:"Smith"};

3:maps: 如{"one":1, "two":2, "three":3}

4:entity 表:如下表所示,是一种特殊的map,值是有固定ID的记录。

record,map,entity 在实际应用中没有明显的区分,只是概念上的区分。对JS 引擎而言,都是对象。但是从概念上是有区分的。

如表1 所示,函数是特殊的JS 对象,有name 属性和length属性表示参数的个数,如下,判断v是否指向函数:

if (typeof( v) === "function") {...}


var myFunction = function theNameOfMyFunction () {...}

theNameOfMyFunction 是可选的,如果省略函数名称,则称该函数为匿名函数。通常,函数是通过变量来调用的,如上面的代码,则表示

myFunction 会调用myFunction()函数,而不是使用theNameOfMyFunction()调用。

匿名函数表达式在其他编程语言中称为lambda 表达式。如下代码是匿名函数。可以与预定义的sort函数对比:

var list = [[1,2],[1,3],[1,1],[2,1]]; 
list.sort( function (x,y) { 
 return ((x[0] === y[0]) &#63; x[1]-y[1] : x[0]-y[0]);


function theNameOfMyFunction () {...}


var theNameOfMyFunction = function theNameOfMyFunction () {...}


声明了函数theNameOfMyFunction ,并使用theNameOfMyFunction 变量来引用函数。

JS 提供函数内联,closure机制允许JS 函数调用函数之外的使用变量。函数可以创建closure 来存储当前的环境。如下,不需要通过参数将外部变量的结果传给内部函数,它本身就是可用的。

var sum = function (numbers) {
 var result = 0;
 numbers.forEach( function (n) {
 result += n;
 return result;
console.log( sum([1,2,3,4]));

当执行一个方法时,可以使用内置arguments 对象访问函数内的参数,arguments 对象与数组使用方法类似,有长度属性,也有索引,并且可以使用For语句来循环迭代。但是由于它并不是Array 实例,因此JS arrary的部分方法无法应用如foreach。

arguments 对象的元素个数与函数参数个数相同,也可以定义方法的时候不指定参数个数,在调用时,可为函数赋多个参数,如:

var sum = function () {
 var result = 0, i=0;
 for (i=0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
 result = result + arguments[i];
 return result;
console.log( sum(0,1,1,2,3,5,8)); // 20

方法是在构造函数的原型上定义的,可以通过对象创建的构造器调用,如Array.prototype.forEach;Array表示构造器,调用类的实例作为上下文对象参考的,如下: 在foreach中numbers表示上下文对象:

var numbers = [1,2,3]; // create an instance of Array
numbers.forEach( function (n) {
 console.log( n);

无论原型方法是否被上下文对象调用,但是只要是参数为对象,可以使用JS函数的Call 方法来辅助调用对象。如下,我们可以使用foreach 循环方法:

var sum = function () {
 var result = 0;
 Array.prototype.forEach.call( arguments, function (n) {
 result = result + n;
 return result;

Function.prototype.call方法和apply都是为了改变某个函数运行时的 context 即上下文而存在的。



2. 是可预测的实力,能够用于验证是否是某一对象的实例。

3. 实例级别的属性用于检测对象的直接类型。

4. 属性继承




1. 构造函数规范,可通过prototype chain实现方法继承,并支持创建新的类实例。

2. factory 对象,用于预定义Object.create 方法来创建新实例。该方法中基于构造函数的继承机制可以被其他机制代替。


 六、Constructor-based classes 

Step 1.a 基类Person 具有两个属性,first Name 和Last Name,实例层的方法toString和静态方法checkLastName;

class Person {
 constructor( first, last) {
 this.firstName = first;
 this.lastName = last;
 toString() {
 return this.firstName + " " +
 static checkLastName( ln) {
 if (typeof(ln)!=="string" || 
 ln.trim()==="") {
 console.log("Error: " +
  "invalid last name!");

Step 1.b 类层次的属性定义:

Person.instances = {};

class Student extends Person {
 constructor( first, last, studNo) {
 super.constructor( first, last);
 this.studNo = studNo; 
 // method overrides superclass method
 toString() {
 return super.toString() + "(" +
 this.studNo +")";


Step1.a 首先定义构造函数,能够隐式的定义类的属性并赋值;

function Person( first, last) {
 this.firstName = first; 
 this.lastName = last; 

注意,上述代码中的this 指的是新生成的对象,当构造函数被调用时,该对象就已经生成了。

Step1.b 定义实例层的方法:

Person.prototype.toString = function () {
 return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;

Step 1.c 定义静态方法:

Person.checkLastName = function (ln) {
 if (typeof(ln)!=="string" || ln.trim()==="") {
 console.log("Error: invalid last name!");

Step 1.d 定义类层次的静态属性

Person.instances = {};

Step 2.a 定义子类:
1: function Student( first, last, studNo) {
2: // invoke superclass constructor
3: Person.call( this, first, last);
4: // define and assign additional properties
5: this.studNo = studNo;
6: }
通过调用超类的构造函数Person.call( this, ...),来创建新对象。其中This指的是Student,Property Slots 在超类的构造函数中已经创建((firstName 和lastName) 以及其他子类相关的属性。在这种情况下可使用Property Inheritance 机制保证所有的属性已经被定义且被创建。

Step2b,通过构造函数的prototype 属性安装method inheritance 。如下,分配了一个新对象创建子类型构造函数的Prototype 属性,并做出适当的调整:

// Student inherits from Person
Student.prototype = Object.create( 
// adjust the subtype's constructor property
Student.prototype.constructor = Student;

Step2c, 重新定义子类方法重写超类方法:

Student.prototype.toString = function () {
 return Person.prototype.toString.call( this) +
 "(" + this.studNo + ")";

基于构造器类的实例化是通过应用new 操作符来创建的,并提供合适的构造参数:

var pers1 = new Person("Tom","Smith");

方法toString 通过pers1. 来调用:

alert("The full name of the person are: " + 

在JS中,prototype 是具有method slots 的对象,可以通过JS方法或属性槽继承的。

七、基于Factory 的类
在该方法中定义了JS 对象Person,含有特殊的Create 方法来调用预定义的Object.Create方法,创建Person类型的对象;

var Person = {
 name: "Person",
 properties: {
 firstName: {range:"NonEmptyString", label:"First name", 
 writable: true, enumerable: true},
 lastName: {range:"NonEmptyString", label:"Last name", 
 writable: true, enumerable: true}
 methods: {
 getFullName: function () {
 return this.firstName +" "+ this.lastName; 
 create: function (slots) {
 // create object
 var obj = Object.create( this.methods, this.properties);
 // add special property for *direct type* of object
 Object.defineProperty( obj, "type", 
 {value: this, writable: false, enumerable: true});
 // initialize object
 Object.keys( slots).forEach( function (prop) {
 if (prop in this.properties) obj[prop] = slots[prop];
 return obj;

Note that the JS object Person actually represents a factory-based class. A factory-based class is instantiated by calling its own Create method:

var pers1 = Person.create( {firstName:"Tom", lastName:"Smith"});
The getFullName method is called through pers1., as follows:

alert("The full name of the person are: " + pers1.getFullName());
The declaration of each attribute is declared using Object.Create, which contains three parameters and values, 'descriptors'writable: true and enumerable: true; as shown in the fifth line above.

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