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php general paging class code This is a PHP paging code that uses methods. We summarized the special features of various paging codes and wrote a PHP general paging class that is simple to use and easy to understand.
php tutorial general paging class code
This is a PHP paging code that uses methods. We summarized the special features of various paging codes and wrote a PHP general paging class that is simple to use and easy to understand.
class dividepage{//Page divider class
private $total;//The total number of records to be displayed
private $url;//requested url address
private $displaypg;//The number of records displayed on each page, the default is 10 records displayed on each page
private $page;//Current page number
private $lastpg;//The total number of pages, that is, the page number of the last page
private $prepg; //Previous page
private $nextpg;//next page
private $firstcount;//The serial number of the number of records starts from 0
private $startd;//The record number where the number of records starts.
private $stopd;//The record number at the end of the number of records.//Constructor
public function __construct($url, $total, $displaypg){
$this->url = $url;//Requested url
$this->total = $total;//Total number of records
//if($displaypg == '')
$this->displaypg = $displaypg;//Number of records displayed on each page
$this->initdividepage();//Initialize paging class
//echo ','.$this->displaypg;
}//Initialize paging class
private function initdividepage(){
//Analyze url
$parse_url = parse_url($this->url);//Interpret url as an array with fixed key-value pairs
$url_query = $parse_url['query'];//Get the query string in the url
if($url_query){//If there is a query string, delete the query field of the current page in the query string, such as: &page=$page or page=$page
ereg('(^|&)page=([0-9]*)', $url_query, $k);
$this->page = $k[2];//Get the value of the current page
$url_query = ereg_replace("(^|&)page=$this->page", '', $url_query);//Delete the query field of the current page in the query string such as: &page=$page or page=$ page
$this->url = str_replace($parse_url['query'], $url_query, $this->url);//Keep other query strings,
$this->page = $this->page ? $this->page : 1;//wIf there is no value for the current page in the query string, set the current page to 1
if($url_query){//If there are other query strings, add the page turning query string in the form of &page=$page
$this->url .= '&page';
}else{//If there is no other query string, add the page turning query string in the form of page=$page
$this->url .= 'page';
}else{//If there is no query string, add a page turning query string in the form of ?page=$page after the url
$this->page = 1;
$this->url .= '?page';
$this->lastpg = ceil($this->total / $this->displaypg);//Calculate the total number of pages, that is, the page number of the last page
$this->page = min($this->lastpg, $this->page);//If the current page is greater than the total number of pages, the current page is the page number of the last page
$this->prepg = $this->page - 1;//The previous page is the current page minus one www.bKjia.c0m
$this->nextpg = $this->page + 1;//(($this->page == $this->lastpg) ? $this->lastpg : ($this->page + 1));//The next page is the current page plus one. If the current page is the last page, the next page is 0
$this->firstcount = ($this->page - 1) * $this->displaypg;//Calculate the record number of the current page and the number of records, starting from 0.
$this->startd = $this->total ? ($this->firstcount + 1) : 0;//The record start number starts from 1
$this->stopd = min($this->firstcount + $this->displaypg, $this->total);//Record end number
//echo $this->displaypg;
//echo $this->nextpg.'+=+='.$this->lastpg;
}public function getpageinfo(){//Get the basic information of the current page, such as: display records 1-10, a total of 23 records.
return 'Display page '.$this->startd.'-'.$this->stopd.' records, a total of '.$this->total.' records. ';
}public function getcommonpagenav(){//Get common paging navigation, such as: Home Page Previous Page Next Page Last Page
$commonnav = '';
if($this->lastpg == 1){//If there is only one page, return to the page-turning navigation, exit, and do not display the next page, previous page, etc. . .
Return $commonnav;
$commonnav = 'Homepage';//Set homepage navigation, page=1
$commonnav .= 'Previous page';
$commonnav .= 'Previous page';
if($this->nextpg <= $this->lastpg){
$commonnav .= 'Next page';
$commonnav .= 'Next page';
$commonnav .= 'Last page';/ /Show last page link
return $commonnav;
}//Get the jump page navigation, such as: page n
public function getjumppagenav(){
////Get all pagination navigation
public function getallpagenav(){
$temp = $this->getpageinfo().$this->getcommonpagenav().$this->getjumppagenav();
return $temp;
}//Get the records to be displayed on the current page, within the limited range in the database tutorial, such as 0-9
public function getlimitstr(){
//echo $this->page;
//echo $this->firstcount;
//echo $this->dispalypg;
$temp = $this->firstcount.','.$this->displaypg;
//echo $temp;
return $temp;
Usage example:
*$result=mysql tutorial_query("select * from tb_pagetest");//Query the data to be displayed from the database
*$total=mysql_num_rows($result);//The total number of queried data
*$pagesize = 5;//Number of records displayed on each page
*$url = $_server['request_uri'];//Requested uri
*$dividepageclass = new dividepage($url, $total, $pagesize); //Create a paging class, (the class can be automatically initialized)
*$limitstr = $dividepageclass->getlimitstr();//Get the starting sequence number of the records to be displayed on the current page and the number of records displayed on each page, such as: 0, 5 (display 5 records starting from 0)
*echo $dividepageclass->getallpagenav();//Display all paging navigation bars,
*For example: Display records 11-13, 13 records in total. Home Page Previous Page Next Page Last Page To *Page 1, 3 pages in total
*$sql = 'select * from tb_pagetest limit '.$limitstr;
*$result=mysql_query($sql);//Get the record set to be displayed on the current page from the database, and then display it ok
*For example:
*echo "
".$row[title]." | ".$row[author];