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1. Basic concepts
1. PDO: Abbreviation of PHP Data Object. The PDO extension class library defines a lightweight, consistent interface for PHP, which provides a data access abstraction layer so that no matter what database is used, queries and data can be obtained through consistent functions.
PDO is a "database access abstraction layer" that unifies the access interfaces of various databases.
2. Operations on any database are not performed using the PDO extension itself, and must be accessed using specific PDO drivers for different database servers. Such as: MYSQL (PDO_MYSQL). A list of PDO parts can be viewed in the phpinfo() function.
2. PDO installation
1. Linux: When installing PHP, add the following flag to the configure command:
–with-pdo-mysql=/usr/local/mysql ///usr/local/mysql is the mysql installation directory
2. Windows:
Find the php.ini file under C:windows
(1) Open: extension=php_pdo.dll
(2) Open: extension=php_pdo_mysql.dll
3. Using PDO process
1. Connect to database
(1) Create PDO object
(2) Set PDO behavior attributes (setattribute())
(3) Set character set ($link->query(‘set names UTF8’))
2. Send SQL statement
(1) Prepare SQL statement
(2) Execute sending
3. View results
4. Connect to database
1. Create PDO object:
(1)$link = new PDO(DSN, username, password, driver properties);
1) DSN: Data source name, used to define a driver that must be used and the database to be used. DSN format of mysql: ‘mysql:host=localhost;dbname=lamp30’
2) You can put the DSN in a file, such as: 'uri:file:///usr/local/dsn.txt'
3) Use the try...catch statement when creating an object, because when an error occurs when declaring a PDO instance, an exception will be automatically thrown. Such as:
The code is as follows | Copy code | ||||
$link = new PDO(‘mysql:host=localhost;dbname=lamp30’,’root’,’111111’); }catch(PDOException $e){ echo $e->getMessage(); exit(‘Error connecting to database.’); }
(1) You can pass the necessary options into an array (attribute name as element key, attribute value as element value) to the fourth parameter of the constructor. If the driver attribute is not defined in the constructor, you can later use the setattribute() function of the PDO class to define each attribute.
(2) There are Chinese explanations of these attributes on page P501 of the book.
3. Set character set: $link->query(‘set names UTF8’)
5. Send SQL statement
(1) $link->exec(): Execute additions, deletions, and modifications, and return the number of affected rows. If execution fails, return false or 0.
(2) $link->query(): Execute the query and return the PDOStatement result set object.
6. Query results
1. Non-query:
代码如下 | 复制代码 |
$stmt = $link->prepare(‘select * from user where id=:id’); $stmt->bindparam(‘:id’, $id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $id = 2; $stmt->execute(); |
The code is as follows | Copy code |
$stmt = $link->prepare(‘select * from user where id=:id’); $stmt->bindparam(‘:id’, $id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $id = 2; $stmt->execute(); |
bindParam() parameters have the following 7 types: you don’t need to write
PDO::PARAM_LOB: Large Object Data Type
PDO::PARAM_STMT: PDOstatement type
PDO::PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT: Data type used by stored procedures
2. Step 3:
For example:
The code is as follows | Copy code | ||||||||
(1) fetch() method $pdoStat ->bindColumn(1, $id); //The first parameter can be an index value starting from 1 $pdoStat ->bindColumn(‘name’, $name); //It can also be a column name
$pdoStat ->bindColumn(‘pass’, $pass); while($row = $stmt ->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOUND)){ echo $id.’ ’; echo $name.’ ’; echo $pass.’ } |
There are six types of fetch() parameters: see the manual.
代码如下 | 复制代码 |
$link = new PDO(‘mysql:host=localhost;dbname=lamp30’); //1 $link->setattribute(PDO::ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT, false); //2 $link->begintransaction(); $result = $link->exec(‘insert into user(name,paa) values(‘wsy’,’111’)’); //3 if($result){ $link->commit(); }else{ $link->rollback(); } //4 $link->setattribute(PDO::ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT, true); |
The code is as follows | Copy code |
$result = $stmt ->fetchall();
foreach($result as $row){
echo $row[‘id’].’ ’;
echo $row[‘name’].’ ’;
echo $row[‘pass’].’ ’; } |
The code is as follows | Copy code |
$link = new PDO(‘mysql:host=localhost;dbname=lamp30’); //1 $link->setattribute(PDO::ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT, false); //2 $link->begintransaction(); $result = $link->exec(‘insert into user(name,paa) values(‘wsy’,’111’)’); //3 if($result){ $link->commit(); }else{ $link->rollback(); } //4 $link->setattribute(PDO::ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT, true); |
9. Member methods in PDO objects
1. $link->getattribute (attribute name): Get a driver attribute.
2. $link->setattribute (attribute name, attribute value): Set a driver attribute.
1) Because Oracle returns empty strings as NULL values, but other databases do not have this feature, in order to have better compatibility $link->setattribute(PDO::ATTR_ORACLE_NULLS,PDO::NULL_EMPTY_STRING,);
2) There are three ways to display errors: static, WARNING message, exception
3. $link->errorcode(): Get the error code.
1) If the setattribute function sets the error display mode to static, nothing will be displayed when an error occurs. This function must be called to view the error number.
4. $link->errorinfo(): Get error information (array).
1) If the setattribute function sets the error display mode to static, nothing will be displayed when an error occurs. This function must be called to view the error message.
5. $link->lastinsertid(): Get the primary key value of the last data inserted into the table (if multiple pieces of data are inserted at the same time, return the ID of the first inserted row).
6. $link->prepare(): Send the prepared SQL statement and return the PDOStatement object.
7. $link->begintransaction(): Open transaction.
8. $link->commit(): Submit a transaction and execute a SQL.
9. $link->rollback(): Roll back a transaction.
10. Error mode
1. Static mode:
The code is as follows
Copy code
(1) Default mode, no operation is performed when an error occurs, PDO will only set the error code. (2) To view errors, you can call errorCode() and errorInfo(). Both PDO and PDOStatement classes have these two methods. 2. Warning mode:
Copy code
(1) In addition to setting the error code in this mode, PDO will also throw a PDOException and set its properties to reflect the error code and error information.
(2) If an exception causes the script to terminate, the transaction will be automatically rolled back.
(3) PDO recommends using this mode.
11. Persistent connection