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class securecode
private static $instance=null;
private $code = '';
private $fontfile;
private $validate;
private $image;
private $specialadd = 'special string for securecode';
private $codeexpire=86400;
private $codecookiename='secure_code';
*Construction method
private function securecode()
$this->fontfile = dirname( __file__ ) . '/arial.ttf';
private function __construct()
public static function getinstance()
if (self::$instance==null)
self::$instance=new self();
return self::$instance;
* Specify the path to the font file, the default is the arial.ttf file in the current folder
* @param $fontfile file path
* @return void
function loadfont($fontfile)
$this->fontfile = $fontfile;
* Image output method, the program should not have any form of output before executing this method
* @return void;
function stroke()
imagegif( $this->validate );
imagedestroy( $this->validate );
imagedestroy( $this->image );
* How to save pictures
* @param $filename saving path
* @return void
function save($filename)
imagegif( $this->validate , $filename );
imagedestroy( $this->validate );
imagedestroy( $this->image );
* Verification code verification method
* @param $input The string to be verified, that is, the user’s input
* @return boolean verification result
function verify($input)
if (empty($code)||$code!=$targetcode)
$result= false;
setcookie ( $this->codecookiename, '', - 1 );
return $result;
* How to create images
* @return void;
function createimage()
$size = 30;
$width = 90;
$height = 35;
$degrees = array (
rand( 0 , 30 ), rand( 0 , 30 ), rand( 0 , 30 ), rand( 0 , 30 )
for ($i = 0; $i < 4; ++$i)
if (rand() % 2);
else $degrees[$i] = -$degrees[$i];
$this->image = imagecreatetruecolor( $size , $size );
$this->validate = imagecreatetruecolor( $width , $height );
$back = imagecolorallocate( $this->image , 255 , 255 , 255 );
$border = imagecolorallocate( $this->image , 0 , 0 , 0 );
imagefilledrectangle( $this->validate , 0 , 0 , $width , $height , $back );
for ($i = 0; $i < 4; ++$i)
$temp = self::rgbtohsv( rand( 0 , 250 ) , rand( 0 , 150 ) , rand( 0 , 250 ) );
if ($temp[2] > 60) $temp[2] = 60;
$temp = self::hsvtorgb( $temp[0] , $temp[1] , $temp[2] );
$textcolor[$i] = imagecolorallocate( $this->image , $temp[0] , $temp[1] , $temp[2] );
for ($i = 0; $i < 200; ++$i)
$randpixelcolor = imagecolorallocate( $this->validate , rand( 0 , 255 ) , rand( 0 , 255 ) , rand( 0 , 255 ) );
imagesetpixel( $this->validate , rand( 1 , 87 ) , rand( 1 , 35 ) , $randpixelcolor );
$temp = self::rgbtohsv( rand( 220 , 255 ) , rand( 220 , 255 ) , rand( 220 , 255 ) );
if ($temp[2] < 200) $temp[2] = 255;
$temp = self::hsvtorgb( $temp[0] , $temp[1] , $temp[2] );
$randlinecolor = imagecolorallocate( $this->image , $temp[0] , $temp[1] , $temp[2] );
self::imagelinethick( $this->validate , $textcolor[rand( 0 , 3 )] );
imagefilledrectangle( $this->image , 0 , 0 , $size , $size , $back );
putenv( 'gdfontpath=' . realpath( '.' ) );
// name the font to be used (note the lack of the .ttf extension
imagettftext( $this->image , 15 , 0 , 8 , 20 , $textcolor[0] , $this->fontfile , $this->code[0] );
$this->image = imagerotate( $this->image , $degrees[0] , $back );
imagecolortransparent( $this->image , $back );
imagecopymerge( $this->validate , $this->image , 1 , 4 , 4 , 5 , imagesx( $this->image ) - 10 , imagesy( $this->image ) - 10 , 100 );
$this->image = imagecreatetruecolor( $size , $size );
imagefilledrectangle( $this->image , 0 , 0 , $size , $size , $back );
imagettftext( $this->image , 15 , 0 , 8 , 20 , $textcolor[1] , $this->fontfile , $this->code[1] );
$this->image = imagerotate( $this->image , $degrees[1] , $back );
imagecolortransparent( $this->image , $back );
imagecopymerge( $this->validate , $this->image , 21 , 4 , 4 , 5 , imagesx( $this->image ) - 10 , imagesy( $this->image ) - 10 , 100 );
$this->image = imagecreatetruecolor( $size , $size );
imagefilledrectangle( $this->image , 0 , 0 , $size - 1 , $size - 1 , $back );
imagettftext( $this->image , 15 , 0 , 8 , 20 , $textcolor[2] , $this->fontfile , $this->code[2] );
$this->image = imagerotate( $this->image , $degrees[2] , $back );
imagecolortransparent( $this->image , $back );
imagecopymerge( $this->validate , $this->image , 41 , 4 , 4 , 5 , imagesx( $this->image ) - 10 , imagesy( $this->image ) - 10 , 100 );
$this->image = imagecreatetruecolor( $size , $size );
imagefilledrectangle( $this->image , 0 , 0 , $size - 1 , $size - 1 , $back );
imagettftext( $this->image , 15 , 0 , 8 , 20 , $textcolor[3] , $this->fontfile , $this->code[3] );
$this->image = imagerotate( $this->image , $degrees[3] , $back );
imagecolortransparent( $this->image , $back );
imagecopymerge( $this->validate , $this->image , 61 , 4 , 4 , 5 , imagesx( $this->image ) - 10 , imagesy( $this->image ) - 10 , 100 );
imagerectangle( $this->validate , 0 , 0 , $width - 1 , $height - 1 , $border );
* Get a randomly generated verification code
* @return string Random verification code, the returned verification code will not be processed in any way
function getcode()
return $this->code;
* Method to generate random code
* @return void;
protected function randcode()
$alphastr = 'abcdefghijklmnpqrstuvwxyz123456789';
$randstr = array (
$alphastr{rand( 0 , 33 )}, $alphastr{rand( 0 , 33 )}, $alphastr{rand( 0 , 33 )}, $alphastr{rand( 0 , 33 )}
$this->code = strtolower( $randstr[0] . $randstr[1] . $randstr[2] . $randstr[3] );
* * Conversion method from rgb color to hsv color
* @param $r
* @param $g
* @param $b
* @return array hsv array
protected static function rgbtohsv($r, $g, $b)
$tmp = min( $r , $g );
$min = min( $tmp , $b );
$tmp = max( $r , $g );
$max = max( $tmp , $b );
$v = $max;
$delta = $max - $min;
if ($max != 0) $s = $delta / $max; // s
$s = 0;
//$h = undefinedcolor;
if ($r == $max) $h = ($g - $b) / $delta; // between yellow & magenta
else if ($g == $max) $h = 2 + ($b - $r) / $delta; // between cyan & yellow
else $h = 4 + ($r - $g) / $delta; // between magenta & cyan
$h *= 60; // degrees
if ($h < 0) $h += 360;
return array (
$h, $s, $v
* * The same function as the previous method is opposite
* @param $h
* @param $s
* @param $v
* @return array rgb array
protected static function hsvtorgb($h, $s, $v)
if ($s == 0)
// achromatic (grey)
$r = $g = $b = $v;
$h /= 60; // sector 0 to 5
$i = floor( $h );
$f = $h - $i; // factorial part of h
$p = $v * (1 - $s);
$q = $v * (1 - $s * $f);
$t = $v * (1 - $s * (1 - $f));
switch ($i)
case 0 :
$r = $v;
$g = $t;
$b = $p;
case 1 :
$r = $q;
$g = $v;
$b = $p;
case 2 :
$r = $p;
$g = $v;
$b = $t;
case 3 :
$r = $p;
$g = $q;
$b = $v;
case 4 :
$r = $t;
$g = $p;
$b = $v;
default : // case 5:
$r = $v;
$g = $p;
$b = $q;
return array (
$r, $g, $b
* How to use cookies to save verification codes
* @return void
protected function savecode()
$code = $this->authcode($this->code);
* * How to obtain verification code cookie value
* @return string cookie value
protected function getcookie()
if (empty( $_cookie[$this->codecookiename] ))
return '';
return addslashes($_cookie[$this->codecookiename]);
* * Verification code cookie creation method
* @param string $code Verification code to be saved
* @return void
protected function setcookie($code)
$expire = $this->codeexpire > 0 ? $this->codeexpire + time() : 0;
setcookie( $this->codecookiename , $code, $expire );
* * Verification code encryption method
* @param string $code Random code to be encrypted
* @return mixed execution result
protected function authcode($code)
return md5($code.$this->specialadd);
* * Interference line generation method
* @param resource $image Image resource handle
* @param string $color Interference line color
protected static function imagelinethick($image, $color)
$k = rand( 5 , 20 );
for ($px = 0; $px < 400; $px = $px + 1)
$y = $k * sin( 0.1 * ($px) ); //$y=200+10*sin(0.1*($px-200));
for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++)
imagesetpixel( $image , $px , $y + 10 + $i , $color );
* http header setting method
* @return void
protected static function sendheader()
header( "pragma: no-cache" );
header( "cache-control: max-age=1, s-maxage=1, no-cache, must-revalidate" );
header( 'content-type: image/gif' );