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PHP common functions and common troubleshooting questions_PHP tutorial

2016-07-13 10:37:081286browse



int strlen(string str)
a. strcmp函数对两个字符串进行二进制安全的比较,并区分大小写
int strcmp(string str1,string str2)
b. 以不区分大小写的方式比较两个字符串
int strcasecmp(string str1,string str2)

int strspn(string str1,string str2)
5.int strcspn(string str1,string str2)
a. 将字符串全部转换为小写
string strtolower(string str)
b. 将字符串全部转化为大写
string strtoupper(string str)
c. 将字符串第一个字符大写
string ucfirst(string str)
d. 把字符串中每个单词的首字符转换为大写
string ucwords(string str)
a. 将换行符转换为HTML终止标记
string bl2br(string str)
b. 将特殊字符转换wieldHTML等价形式(不解析格式)
string htmlentities(string str[,int quote_style[,int charset]])
string htmlspecialchars(string str[,int quote_style[,string charset]])
c. 将HTML转换为纯文本,移除所有的php和html标签
string strip_tags(string str[,string allowable_tags])
d. 将文本转换为HTML等价形式
array get_html_translaction_table(int table[,int quote_style])
e. 创建一个自定义的转换清单
string strtr(string str,array replacements)
a. strtok函数根据预定义的字符串列表来解析字符串
string strtok(string str,string tokens):返回直到遇到tokens之前的所有内容
b. 根据预定义的定界符分析字符串
array explode(string separator,string str[,int limit]):分割字符串
c. 将数组转换为字符串
string implode(string delimiter, array array)
d. 找到字符串的第一次出现
int strpos(string str,string substr[,int offset])
e. 找到字符串的最后一次出现
int strrpos(string str,char substr[,offset])
f. 用另外一个字符串替代字符串的所有实例
mixed str_replace(string occurrence,mixed replacement,mixed str[,int count])
g. 获取字符串的一部分strstr返回字符串中预定义字符串第一次出现开始的剩余部分
string strstr(string str,string occurrence)
h. 根据预定义的偏移返回字符串一部分
string substr(string str,int start[,ing length]):start可为负数,表示倒数第几开始
i. 确定字符串出现的频率
int substr_count(string str,string substring)
j. 用另一个字符串替换一个字符串的一部分
string substr_replace(string str,string replacement,int start[,int length])
a. 从字符串开始出裁剪字符
string ltrim(string str[,string charliset])
b. 从字符串结尾裁剪字符
string rtrim(string str[,string charliset])
c. 从字符串两端裁剪字符
string trim(string str[,string charliset])
d. 填充字符串
string str_pad(string str,int length[,string pad_string[,int pad_type]])
a. 字符串中字符计数
mixed count_chars(string str[,mode])
b. 字符串中单词总数计数
mixed str_word_count(string str[,int format])
二、PHP Web开发中常用的三个表单验证函数





 定义和作用范围:用于检查变量是否具有空值:包括:空字串,0,null 或false,这些都返回false,即:“http://localhost/?fo=”或“http://localhost/?fo=0”时,empty检测出来的结果都是ture





Another useful verification function is checkdate(month, day, $year), which is used to confirm whether a certain date exists or existed in the past

Comprehensive example:

This is the form:

Copy the code The code is as follows:

< ;title>Form validation example

Pass a valid value Pass an empty value Pass 0 Value

Gender: Male Gender: Female


This is verification
[code] ini_set("display_errors",1);
//ini_set("error_reporting",E_ALL); print_r

if(isset($a))echo 'isset of variable $a is true';

echo '

isset situation:

if( isset($_GET['fo'])){
echo 'The isset of variable 'fo' is true, the variable is available';
echo 'The isset of variable 'fo' is false, No variable setting';

echo '

empty situation:

echo 'The empty value of the variable 'fo' is true, that is, a null value or an invalid value';
echo 'The empty value of the variable 'fo' is false, and it has a value';

echo '

is_numeric case:

if(is_numeric($_GET['fo'])){ //When there is no fo parameter in the parameter, then Something went wrong.
echo 'is_numeric of variable 'fo' is true and is a number';
echo 'is_numeric of variable 'fo' is false and is not a number';

echo "

$_GET['fo']='' situation:

if($_GET['fo']==''){ //In the parameters If there is no fo parameter, an error occurs.
echo 'fo has no value, an empty string';
echo 'fo has a value, not ''.';

echo "

$_GET['sex']='m' case:

if($_GET['sex']= ='m'){ //An error occurs when there is no sex variable in the parameter.
echo 'male';
echo 'female';

3. Other commonly used library functions

(1) ini_set ini_get - List of operable configuration parameters
In order to make our programs have better compatibility on different platforms, many times we have to obtain the current Php operating environment parameters.
For example, what we often use:
Get the magic_quotes_gpc status to decide whether we escape (addslashes) the data when the form is submitted;
Set max_execution_time to extend the execution time of the program;
Set error_reporting Make your project switch between the development and operation phases;
Set memory_limit to increase memory, etc...
(2) ini_set(string varname, string newvalue): //Set the parameters of the environment configuration
ini_get (string varname) : //Get the parameters of the environment configuration
The PHP ini_set function is to set the value in the option. It takes effect after the function is executed. When the script ends, this setting also becomes invalid. Not all options can be set by the function. For specific values

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