4. Create the corresponding index view file (index.html)
Insert title here Upload allowed file types: gif png jpg image files, And generate 2 thumbnails, the large image is watermarked, and the original image will be deleted after generation.
5. Select the image and click the upload button, it will jump to the upload method of the Image module. There is no such method on the Image module yet, so we create it
class ImageAction extends Action{
/** <*>*/
Public function index () {
$ Image = m ('Image');
$ data = $ image- & gt; order ('create_time desc') ;find(); //Get the last uploaded image
$this->display ();
6. If the submission is not NULL, jump to the _upload method. This method implements the image upload function
Copy code
The code is as follows:
class ImageAction extends Action{
* Create index entry method
public function index(){
$image=M(' Image'); ; $ this->assign('data',$data); Jump to _upload method
public function upload(){ $this->_upload( );
> $upload = new UploadFile(); $upload->allowExts = explode (',', 'jpg,gif,png,jpeg');
//Set the attachment upload directory
The thumbnail diagram is effective for image files
$ upload-& gt; thumb = true;
// Set the reference image library package path
$ upload- & gt; imageClasspath = '@.org.image'
$ upload->thumbMaxWidth = '400,100';
🎜> $upload-> ;saveRule = 'uniqid';
Upload failed
if (!$upload ->upload())
> import('@.ORG.Image'); : :water($uploadList[0]['savepath'] . 'm_' . $uploadList[0]['savename'], APP_PATH.'Tpl/Public/Images/logo.png');
// The picture name is assigned to the field image
$ _post ['Image'] = $ uploadlist [0] ['savename'];
$ model = m ('image');
//Save the current data object
$data['image'] = $_POST['image'];
$data['create_time'] = NOW_TIME;
$list = $model->add ($data);
if ($list !== false)
$this->success('Uploaded image successfully!');
The upload was successful and two thumbnails were generated
What needs to be explained is:
The image upload class (UploadFile.class.php) and image model class (Image.class.php) that come with ThinkPHP require the full version of the ThinkPHP package.
If not, you need to create a folder (ORG) in Lib, then go to the official website to download the expansion package and put these two files into the ORG folder.
Mine is the second situation
http: //www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/736807.html
1. We first need to create a table and copy the code as follows: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tp_image` ( `id ` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `image` varchar(200) NOT NULL, `create_...