Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >ThinkPHP's solution to the problem that the interception string function cannot display the ellipses_PHP tutorial
For the situation where ThinkPHP’s interception string function cannot display the ellipsis, the solution is as follows:
Open the Common/extend.php page and modify the msubstr function as follows:
function msubstr($str, $start=0, $length, $charset="utf-8", $suffix=true) { if(function_exists("mb_substr")) { if($suffix) { if($str==mb_substr($str, $start, $length, $charset)) { return mb_substr($str, $start, $length, $charset); } else { return mb_substr($str, $start, $length, $charset)."..."; } } else { return mb_substr($str, $start, $length, $charset); } } elseif(function_exists('iconv_substr')) { if($suffix) { if($str==iconv_substr($str,$start,$length,$charset)) { return iconv_substr($str,$start,$length,$charset); } else { return iconv_substr($str,$start,$length,$charset)."..."; } } else { return iconv_substr($str,$start,$length,$charset); } } $re['utf-8'] = "/[\x01-\x7f]|[\xc2-\xdf][\x80-\xbf]|[\xe0-\xef][\x80-\xbf]{2}|[\xf0-\xff][\x80-\xbf]{3}/"; $re['gb2312'] = "/[\x01-\x7f]|[\xb0-\xf7][\xa0-\xfe]/"; $re['gbk'] = "/[\x01-\x7f]|[\x81-\xfe][\x40-\xfe]/"; $re['big5'] = "/[\x01-\x7f]|[\x81-\xfe]([\x40-\x7e]|\xa1-\xfe])/"; preg_match_all($re[$charset], $str, $match); $slice = join("",array_slice($match[0], $start, $length)); if($suffix) return $slice."…"; return $slice; }