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Practical simple PHP paging collection including usage methods_PHP tutorial

2016-07-13 10:26:001438browse

Method 1:

Copy the code The code is as follows:

The paging class is used to display multiple pieces of data in pages
version: 1.0
Date: 2013-10-20

The call is very convenient. First connect to the database and directly pass the sql string to be queried. You can also specify the number of data displayed on each page
For example $pages = new Page( 'SELECT * FROM `zy_common_member`');
or $pages = new Page('SELECT * FROM `zy_common_member`', 10);
class Page{
private $curPage;
private $totalPages;//How many pages of data are displayed in total
private $dispNum;//Number of data items displayed on each page
private $queryStr;//SQL statement for query
private $limitStr ; // Query the Limit control statement behind the sentence

/ *
The constructor
$ Querystr query data SQL statement
$ Dispnum The number of data displayed by each page
*/ */
public function __construct($queryStr='',$dispNum=10){
$result = mysql_query($queryStr);
$totalNum = mysql_num_rows($result);
$this-> ;dispNum = $dispNum;
$this->totalPages = ceil($totalNum / $dispNum);
$this->queryStr = $queryStr;

$temp = (isset( $_GET["curPage"]) ? $_GET["curPage"] : 1);


/*Display the data content of the current page*/
private function showCurPage(){
$this ->limitStr = ' LIMIT '.(($this->curPage - 1)* $this->dispNum).','.$this->dispNum;
                   $result = mysql_query($this->queryStr.$this->limitStr);                                                                        🎜> if ($ this->totalPages > 0)
            $cols = mysql_num_fields($result);

            echo '';
            echo '';
            for($i=0; $i<$cols; $i++)
                echo '';
            echo '';

            while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
                echo '';
                foreach($row as $key=>$value)
                    echo '';
                echo '';

            echo '
                echo mysql_field_name($result, $i);
                echo '
                    echo $value;
                    echo '

        private function setCurPage($curPage){
                if($curPage < 1)
                    $curPage = 1;
                else if($curPage > $this->totalPages)
                    $curPage = $this->totalPages;
                    $this->curPage = $curPage;

        private function showFoot(){
            echo '首页';
            echo '上一页';
            echo '下一页';
            echo '尾页';




复制代码 代码如下:

class mysqlPager{
var $pagePerNum=5;//Number of data items displayed on each page
var $pagePerGroup=5;//Number of pages in each paging group
var $curPage=0;//Current page, Defualt first page
var $totalPage=0;//Total number of pages
var $totalNum=0;//Total number of data items
var $curPageGroup=0;//Current paging group
var $curPageUrl="";//Currently used paging URL
var $custom;//Custom style
var $pageQuerySql= "";
function mysqlPager(){//Constructor PHP4
* Initialize all variables
function InitAllVar($totalNum,$pagePerGroup,$curPageUrl,$curPage=1 ,$curPageGroup=1)
* Set the current page variable
* @param number $curPage
function setCurPage($curPage)
* Set the current paging group variable
* @param mixed $curPageGroup
function setCurPageGroup($curPageGroup)
$this- >curPageGroup=$curPageGroup;
* Set the URL of the currently used distribution class
* $curPageUrl string
function setCurPageUrl($curPageUrl)
* Get all
* @param number $totalNum
* @param number $curPage
* @return float
function getTotalPage($totalNum,$curPage=0)
return $this->totalPage=ceil($totalNum/$this- >pagePerNum);
* Set user-defined style
* @param mixed $customStyle
function setCustomStyle($customStyle)
* Set user-defined style return string
* @param mixed $pagerString
function setCustomStyleString($pagerString)
return $styleString="".$pagerString. "";
* You can output navigation page information without parameters, but you must set the corresponding variables before use
* @param mixed $curPageGroup
* @param mixed $curPage
* @param mixed $curPageUrl
function showNavPager($curPageGroup=0,$curPage=0,$curPageUrl=0)
$this->curPage=$ curPage;
//Judgement Whether the variable is initialized
if($this->curPageGroup && $this->curPageUrl && $this->totalNum && $this->curPage)
$this-> totalPage=$this->getTotalPage($this->totalNum);
$this->curPage=($this->curPageGroup- 1)*$this->pagePerGroup+1;
$ rtnString.="".$this->setCustomStyleString("<<")." " ;
$curPageNum=($this->curPageGroup-1)* $this->pagePerGroup+$i;
$ rtnString.=" ".$this->setCustomStyleString($curPageNum);
$rtnString.=" curPageUrl?cpg={$ this->curPageGroup}&cp=$curPageNum >";
$nextPageGroup=$this->curPageGroup+ 1;
$rtnString.=" curPageUrl?cpg=$nextPageGroup >".$this->setCustomStyleString(">>")."}
$this->pageQuerySql=" limit ".(($this->curPage-1)*$this->pagePerNum).",".$this-> pagePerNum;
$rtnString="Error: Variable not initialized! ";
return $rtnString;
* Get the complete Sql statement for querying MYSQL
* @param mixed $sql
function getQuerySqlStr($sql)
$allsql=$sql. $this->pageQuerySql;
return $allsql;
* Set how many data items there are on each page
* @param INT $num
function setPagePerNum($num)
$this-> pagePerNum=$num;

$curPage =1;
//They all start from 1. The incoming data must be verified before to prevent injection
/ /. . .
$pager=new MysqlPager();
//The following SQL can be any output
$sql="select id form dbname ";
//You can use $querysql to query the database in the future to get the corresponding result set

Method three:

PHP paging function:

Copy code The code is as follows:

< ?
//In order to avoid duplication Including files causes errors,
adds a condition to determine whether the function exists:
//Define the function pageft(), the meaning of the three parameters is:
//$totle: the total number of information;
//$displaypg: the number of information displayed on each page, the default setting here is 20;
//$url: the link in the paging navigation, in addition to adding different query information
The parts outside "page" are the same as this URL.
//The default value should be set to the URL of this page (i.e. $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])
, but the right side of the default value can only be a constant, so the default value is set to an empty string
, and then set it to the URL of this page inside the function.
function pageft($totle,$displaypg=20,$url=”){
//Define several global variables:
//$page: current page number;
//$firstcount: (Database) starting item of query;
//$pagenav: page navigation bar code, it is not output inside the function;
//$_SERVER: Read the URL of this page "$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI" ]" required.
global $page,$firstcount,$pagenav,$_SERVER;
//In order to make the "$displaypg" here accessible from outside the function,
set it as a global variable. Note that after a variable is redefined
as a global variable, the original value is overwritten, so reassign it here
if(!$page) $. page=1;
//If $url uses the default value, which is an empty value, the value is assigned to the URL of this page:
if(!$url){ $url=$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];}
//URL analysis:
//Take out the query string of the URL separately
if($ url_query){
//Because the URL may contain page number information, we need to remove it
in order to add new page number information.
//Regular expressions are used here, please refer to "PHP. Regular expression "

//Replace the query string of the processed URL The query string of the original URL:

//Add page query information after the URL, but wait for assignment :
if($url_query) $url.=”&page”; else $url.=”page”;
}else {
//The last page is also the total number of pages
$prepg=$page-1 ;
//Previous page
$nextpg=($page==$lastpg ? 0 : $page+1);
//Next page
$firstcount=($page-1 )*$displaypg;
//Start paging navigation bar code:
$pagenav=”Display the < B>”.($totle?($firstcount+1):0).”
< ; /B>-< B>”.min($firstcount+$displaypg,$totle).”
< /B> records, total $totle records< BR>”;
// If there is only one page, jump out of the function:
if($lastpg<=1) return false;
$pagenav.=” < a href='$url=1′>Homepage< /a> “ ;
if($prepg) $pagenav.=” < a href='$url=$prepg'>
Previous page< /a> “; else $pagenav.=” Previous page”;
if($nextpg) $pagenav.=” < a href='$url=$nextpg'>
Next page< /a> “; else $pagenav.=”Next page”;
$pagenav.=” < a href='$url=$lastpg'>Last page< /a> “;
//Drop-down jump list, loop through all page numbers:
$ pagenav.=”Go to page< select name=’topage’
size=’1′ onchange=’window.location=”
for($i=1;$i< =$lastpg;$i++){
if($i==$page) $pagenav.=”< option value='$i'
selected>$ i< /option>n”;
else $pagenav.=”< option value=’$i’>$i< /option>n”; ; /select> page of $lastpg";

The pageft() function is called during paging. However, it does not output anything, but generates several global variables for use: $firstcount, $displaypg, $pagenav.
The following is an example of how to use the PHP paging function:

Copy the code The code is as follows:

< ?
//(The previous procedure is omitted)
//Include the "pageft.php" file
//Get the total number of information
* from mytable”);
//Call pageft() to display 10 pieces of information per page
(When using the default 20, you can omit this parameters),
use this page URL (default, so omitted).
//The global variables generated now come in handy:
$result=mysql_query(”select *
from mytable limit $firstcount,
$displaypg “);
//(list content omitted)
//Output paging navigation bar code:
echo $ pagenav;
//(The following procedures are omitted)

www.bkjia.comtruehttp: //www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/824886.htmlTechArticleMethod 1: Copy the code as follows: ?php /* The paging class is used to display versions of multiple pieces of data in paging :1.0 Date: 2013-10-20 */ /* The call is very convenient, just connect to the database first, then...