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CodeIgniter uses phpcms template engine_PHP tutorial

2016-07-13 10:25:201048browse

CodeIgniter is very suitable for small site application development, but its built-in view function may cause trouble for front-end personnel who do not understand PHP. In comparison, the view template parsing of phpcms is much more powerful, so here we strip out the template parsing function of PHPCMS and add it to PHPCMS.
First add template_cache.php in CodeIgniter libraries

Copy the code The code is as follows:

* 模板解析缓存
final class template_cache {

public $cache_path;
public function __construct()
//$CI =& get_instance();
$this->cache_path = APPPATH.'views';

     * 编译模板
     * @param $module    模块名称
     * @param $template    模板文件名
     * @param $istag    是否为标签模板
     * @return unknown

    public function template_compile($module, $template, $style = 'default') {

        $tplfile= APPPATH.'views'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$module.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$template.'.php';

        if (! file_exists ( $tplfile )) {
            show_error($tplfile ,  500 ,  'Template does not exist(1)');

        $content = @file_get_contents ( $tplfile );

        $filepath = $this->cache_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'caches_template'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$style.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$module.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;

        if(!is_dir($filepath)) {
            mkdir($filepath, 0777, true);
        $compiledtplfile = $filepath.$template.'.php';
        $content = $this->template_parse($content);
        $strlen = file_put_contents ( $compiledtplfile, $content );
        chmod ( $compiledtplfile, 0777 );
        return $strlen;

     * 更新模板缓存
     * @param $tplfile    模板原文件路径
     * @param $compiledtplfile    编译完成后,写入文件名
     * @return $strlen 长度
    public function template_refresh($tplfile, $compiledtplfile) {
        $str = @file_get_contents ($tplfile);
        $str = $this->template_parse ($str);
        $strlen = file_put_contents ($compiledtplfile, $str );
        chmod ($compiledtplfile, 0777);
        return $strlen;

     * 解析模板
     * @param $str    模板内容
     * @return ture
    public function template_parse($str) {
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{template\s+(.+)\}/", "", $str );
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{include\s+(.+)\}/", "", $str );
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{view\s+(.+)\}/", "load->view(\\1); ?>", $str );
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{php\s+(.+)\}/", "", $str );
        //alex fix
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{{if\s+(.+?)\}}/", "``if \\1``", $str );
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{{else\}}/", "``else``", $str );
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{{\/if\}}/", "``/if``", $str );

        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{if\s+(.+?)\}/", "", $str );
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{else\}/", "", $str );
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{elseif\s+(.+?)\}/", "", $str );
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{\/if\}/", "", $str );

        //for 循环
        $str = preg_replace("/\{for\s+(.+?)\}/","",$str);
        $str = preg_replace("/\{\/for\}/","",$str);
        //++ --
        $str = preg_replace("/\{\+\+(.+?)\}/","",$str);
        $str = preg_replace("/\{\-\-(.+?)\}/","",$str);
        $str = preg_replace("/\{(.+?)\+\+\}/","",$str);
        $str = preg_replace("/\{(.+?)\-\-\}/","",$str);
        //alex fix
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\``if\s+(.+?)\``/", "{{if \\1}}", $str );
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\``else``/", "{{else}}", $str );
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\``\/if\``/", "{{/if}}", $str );

        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{loop\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\}/", "", $str );
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{loop\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\}/", " \\3) { ?>", $str );
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{\/loop\}/", "", $str );
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff:]*\(([^{}]*)\))\}/", "", $str );
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{\\$([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff:]*\(([^{}]*)\))\}/", "", $str );
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{(\\$[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)\}/", "", $str );
        $str = preg_replace("/\{(\\$[a-zA-Z0-9_\[\]\'\"\$\x7f-\xff]+)\}/es", "\$this->addquote('')",$str);
        $str = preg_replace ( "/\{([A-Z_\x7f-\xff][A-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)\}/s", "", $str );
        $str = preg_replace("/\{pc:(\w+)\s+([^}]+)\}/ie", "self::pc_tag('$1','$2', '$0')", $str);
        $str = preg_replace("/\{\/pc\}/ie", "self::end_pc_tag()", $str);
        $str = "" . $str;
        return $str;

* Escape // to /
* @param $var Escaped character
* @return Escaped character
    public function addquote($var) {
        return str_replace ( "\"", """, preg_replace ( "/[([a-zA-Z0-9_-.x7f-xff]+)]/s", "['\1']", $var ) );

* Parse PC tags
* @param string $op operation mode
* @param string $data parameters
* @param string $html All matched HTML codes
    public static function pc_tag($op, $data, $html) {
        preg_match_all("/([a-z]+)=["]?([^"]+)["]?/i", stripslashes($data), $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
        $arr = array('action','num','cache','page', 'pagesize', 'urlrule', 'return', 'start','setpages');
        $tools = array('json', 'xml', 'block', 'get');
        $datas = array();
        $tag_id = md5(stripslashes($html));
        $str_datas = 'op='.$op.'&tag_md5='.$tag_id;
        foreach ($matches as $v) {
            $str_datas .= $str_datas ? "&$v[1]=".($op == 'block' && strpos($v[2], '$') === 0 ? $v[2] : urlencode($v[2])) : "$v[1]=".(strpos($v[2], '$') === 0 ? $v[2] : urlencode($v[2]));
            if(in_array($v[1], $arr)) {
                $$v[1] = $v[2];
            $datas[$v[1]] = $v[2];
        $str = '';
        $setpages = isset($setpages) && intval($setpages) ? intval($setpages) : 10;
        $num = isset($num) && intval($num) ? intval($num) : 20;
        $cache = isset($cache) && intval($cache) ? intval($cache) : 0;
        $return = isset($return) && trim($return) ? trim($return) : 'data';
        if (!isset($urlrule)) $urlrule = '';
        if (!empty($cache) && !isset($page)) {
            $str .= '$tag_cache_name = md5(implode('&','.self::arr_to_html($datas).').''.$tag_id.'');if(!$'.$return.' = tpl_cache($tag_cache_name,'.$cache.')){';
        if (in_array($op,$tools)) {
            switch ($op) {
                case 'json':
                        if (isset($datas['url']) && !empty($datas['url'])) {
                            $str .= '$json = @file_get_contents(''.$datas['url'].'');';
                            $str .= '$'.$return.' = json_decode($json, true);';

                case 'block':
                    $str .= '$block_tag = pc_base::load_app_class(\'block_tag\', \'block\');';
                    $str .= 'echo $block_tag->pc_tag('.self::arr_to_html($datas).');';
        } else {
            if (!isset($action) || empty($action)) return false;
            if ( file_exists(APPPATH.'libraries'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$op.'_tag.php')) {
                $str .= 'if(!isset($CI))$CI =& get_instance();$CI->load->library("'.$op.'_tag");if (method_exists($CI->'.$op.'_tag, \''.$action.'\')) {';   
                if (isset($start) && intval($start)) {
                    $datas['limit'] = intval($start).','.$num;
                } else {
                    $datas['limit'] = $num;
                if (isset($page)) {
                    $str .= '$pagesize = '.$num.';';
                    $str .= '$page = intval('.$page.') ? intval('.$page.') : 1;if($page<=0){$page=1;}';
$str .= '$offset = ($page - 1) * $pagesize;$urlrule="'.$urlrule.'";';
$datas['limit'] = '$offset.",".$pagesize';
$datas['action'] = $action;
$str .= '$'.$op.'_total = $CI->'.$op.'_tag->count('.self::arr_to_html($datas).');';

                    $str .= 'if($'.$op.'_total>$pagesize){ $pages = pages($'.$op.'_total, $page, $pagesize, $urlrule); } else { $pages="" ;}';
                $str .= '$'.$return.' = $CI->'.$op.'_tag->'.$action.'('.self::arr_to_html($datas).');';
                $str .= '}';
        if (!empty($cache) && !isset($page)) {
            $str .= 'if(!empty($'.$return.')){setcache($tag_cache_name, $'.$return.', \'tpl_data\');}';
            $str .= '}';
        return "<"."?php ".$str."?".">";

     * PC标签结束
    static private function end_pc_tag() {
        return '';}?>';

* Convert data to HTML code
* @param array $data array
    private static function arr_to_html($data) {
        if (is_array($data)) {
            $str = 'array(';
            foreach ($data as $key=>$val) {
                if (is_array($val)) {
                    $str .= "'$key'=>".self::arr_to_html($val).",";
                } else {
                    if (strpos($val, '$')===0) {
                        $str .= "'$key'=>$val,";
                    } else {
                        $str .= "'$key'=>'".self::new_addslashes($val)."',";
            return $str.')';
        return false;

* Return the string or array processed by addslashes
* @param $string The string or array to be processed
* @return mixed
    function new_addslashes($string){
        if(!is_array($string)) return addslashes($string);
        foreach($string as $key => $val) $string[$key] = new_addslashes($val);
        return $string;

然后在global_helper中增加一个 template函数
复制代码 代码如下:

if ( ! function_exists('template'))
* Template call
* @param $module
* @param $template
* @param $istag
* @return unknown_type
    function template($module = 'expatree', $template = 'index', $style = 'expatree',$return_full_path=true) {
        global $CI;
        if(!isset($CI))$CI =& get_instance();
        if(!$style) $style = 'default';
        $template_cache = $CI->template_cache;
        $compiledtplfile = $template_cache->cache_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'caches_template'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$style.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$module.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$template.EXT;
        $tplfile= APPPATH.'views'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$module.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$template.EXT;
        if(file_exists($tplfile)) {
            if(!file_exists($compiledtplfile) || (@filemtime($tplfile) > @filemtime($compiledtplfile))) {   
                $template_cache->template_compile($module, $template, $style);
        } else {
            $compiledtplfile = $template_cache->cache_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'caches_template'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'default'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$module.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$template.EXT;
            if(!file_exists($compiledtplfile) || (file_exists($tplfile) && filemtime($tplfile) > filemtime($compiledtplfile))) {
                $template_cache->template_compile($module, $template, 'default');
            } elseif (!file_exists($tplfile)) {
                show_error($tplfile ,  500 ,  'Template does not exist(0)');

            return $compiledtplfile;
            return 'caches_template'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$style.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$module.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$template;

复制代码 代码如下:

* Automatic template call
* @param $module
* @param $template
* @param $istag
* @return unknown_type
   protected function view($view_file,$page_data=false,$cache=false)


This is basically complete, you can directly use the phpcms template syntax.

www.bkjia.comtruehttp: //www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/825114.htmlTechArticleCodeIgniter is very suitable for small site application development, but its built-in view function may be confusing to front-end personnel who do not understand PHP. Bring trouble. In comparison, the view template parsing of phpcms is much more powerful, so...
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