Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >ThinkPHP basic add, delete, check and modify operation example tutorial, thinkphp example tutorial_PHP tutorial
The example in this article describes the basic addition, deletion, check and modification operations of ThinkPHP. It is the most commonly used basic operation in ThinkPHP project development and has very important application value. Now I will share the complete example code with you, I hope it will be helpful to everyone. The details are as follows:
1. Table aoli_user field settings:
Table aoli_user mainly has the following fields:
id username password createtime createip
2. View template part
1. User homepage template:
aoli/Home/Tpl/default/User/index.html page code is as follows:
<form action="__URL__/add" method="post"> 用户名:<input type="text" name="username" /><br /> 密码:<input type="password" name="password" /><br /> 重复密码:<input type="repassword" name="repassword" /><br /> <input type="submit" value="注册" /> </form> <volist name="alist" id="vo"> <li><span>ID:</span>{$vo['id']}<span>用户名:</span>{$vo['username']}<span>注册ip:</span>{$vo['createip']}<a href="__URL__/del/id/{$vo['id']}">删除</a> <a href="__URL__/edit/id/{$vo['id']}">编辑</a></li> </volist>
2. User edit template:
aoli/Home/Tpl/default/User/edit.html page code is as follows:
<form action="__URL__/update" method="post"> 用户名:<input type="text" name="username" value="{$data['username']}" /><br /> 密码:<input type="password" name="password" value="{$data['password']}" /><br /> IP:<input type="text" name="createip" value="{$data['createip']}" /><br /> 时间:<input type="text" name="createtime" value="{$data['createtime']}" /><br /> <input type="hidden" value="{$data['id']}" name="id" /> <input type="submit" value="更新" /> </form>
2. Action part:
aoli/Home/Lib/Action/UserAction.class.php page is as follows:
class UserAction extends Action { function index(){ $user=M('user'); $list=$user->field(array('id','username','createip'))->select(); $this->assign('title','thinkphp视频演示'); $this->assign('alist',$list); $this->display(); } //删除 function del(){ $user=D('user'); if($user->delete($_GET['id'])){ $this->success('删除成功'); }else{ $this->error('删除失败'); } } //增加 function add(){ Load('extend'); if($_POST['password']!=$_POST['repassword']){ $this->error('两次密码不一致'); } $user=D('user'); if($vo=$user->create()){ $user->password=md5($user->password); $user->createtime=time(); //$user->createip=$_SERVER[]; $user->createip=get_client_ip(); if($user->add()){ $this->success('用户注册成功,返回上级页面'); }else{ $this->error('用户注册失败,返回上级页面'); } }else{ $this->error($user->getError()); } } //显示用户的修改项 function edit(){ $user=M('user'); $id=(int)$_GET['id']; $list=$user->where("id=$id")->find(); $this->assign('data',$list); $this->assign('title','显示用户编辑信息'); $this->display(); } //将更新数据写入数据库 function update(){ $user=M('user'); $user->password=md5($user->password); if($user->create()){ if($insertid=$user->save()){ $this->success('更新成功,受影响的行数为'.$insertid); }else{ $this->error('更新失败'); } } } } ?>
Interested readers can debug and run the examples described in this article in the project to deepen their understanding of the addition, deletion, check, and modification operations of ThinkPHP and facilitate their flexible use in future projects.
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