Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >dedecms plug-in development tutorial, dedecms plug-in tutorial_PHP tutorial
This is a very simple plug-in example. Through this plug-in, you can know how to develop a plug-in and how its structure is set up. , database, backend, etc.
File structure:
enroll.php file is under the plus file
enroll.htm file is under the templates/plus folder
adenroll.php file is under the dede folder
adenroll.html file
sql file in dede/templet folder:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `dede_enroll` ( `id` int(4) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `mail` varchar(30) NOT NULL, `tag` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ; INSERT INTO `dede_plus` (`aid`, `plusname`, `menustring`, `mainurl`, `writer`, `isshow`, `filelist`) VALUES (30, '网上报名', '<m:item name=''网上报名'' link=''adenroll.php'' rank=''plus_网上报名'' target=''main'' />', '', 'g1000', 1, '');
For convenience, I have simply set up two fields: name and email tag. The fields indicate whether to admit or not. 1 is admission.
The first insert statement is added to the background management.
The second insert statement is Add to front navigation bar
<?php //*******要先包含common.inc.php 然后 session_start(); 否则取不到session的值 //*******因为common.inc.php 有关于session路径的配置 include_once dirname(__FILE__).'./../include/common.inc.php';//包含配置文件 session_start(); require_once DEDEINC."/arc.partview.class.php";//包含partiew类 //*****实例化 这个类的作用是得到头部导航栏和尾部信息 若不需要可以使用dedetemplate.class.php 这个类 $pv = new PartView(); if($_POST){ if( CheckEmail($_POST['mail'])==false){//验证邮箱 方法在common.func.php 公用函数 ShowMsg('邮箱格式错误','-1'); exit(); } if($_POST['name']==""){ ShowMsg('用户名不能为空','-1'); exit(); }else{ $name=htmlspecialchars($_POST['name']); } if($_SESSION['dd_ckstr']!=strtolower($_POST['validation'])){//验证 验证码 必须转换成小写 ShowMsg('验证码错误',-1); exit(); } $sql="insert into `cms_enroll`(name,mail) values('$name','$_POST[mail]')"; //********$db可直接使用 系统自动实例化了dedesql.class.php $affected = $db->ExecuteNoneQuery2($sql);//执行一条语句 返回影响值 if($affected){ ShowMsg('报名成功',-1); } }else{ $pv->SetTemplet(DEDETEMPLATE.'/plus/enroll.htm');//设置模板 $pv->Display();//显示页面 } ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <head> <title>{dede:global.cfg_webname/}-在线报名</title> <link href="{dede:global.cfg_templeturl/}/style/dedecms.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" type="text/css" /> </script> </head> <body> {dede:include filename="../default/head.htm"/}<!-- 包含头部 --> <blockquote><?php require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/config.php');//后台配置文件 检查登陆 配置信息 require_once(DEDEINC."/datalistcp.class.php");//包含分页类 if($_GET['action']&&$_GET['id']){ if($_GET['action']=='pass'){//各种操作 $db->ExecuteNoneQuery("update cms_enroll set `tag`=1 where id='$_GET[id]'"); ShowMsg('录取成功','adenroll.php'); } if($_GET['action']=='nopass'){ $db->ExecuteNoneQuery("update cms_enroll set `tag`=0 where id='$_GET[id]'"); ShowMsg('取消录取','adenroll.php'); } if($_GET['action']=='delete'){ $db->ExecuteNoneQuery("delete from cms_enroll where id='$_GET[id]'"); ShowMsg('删除成功','adenroll.php'); } }else{ $dl = new DataListCP(); $dl->pageSize = 10;//每页显示10条 $dl->SetTemplate('./templets/adenroll.htm');//载入模板 $sql="select * from cms_enroll"; $dl->SetSource($sql);//执行sql 不能与$dl->SetTemplate 颠倒 $dl->Display();//显示页面 } ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN""http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <head> <title>在线报名管理</title> <link href='img/base.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' /> <style type="text/css"> th,td{ text-align:center; border:1px #D1DDAA solid; font-size:15px; } th{ background:#E6F8B7; } table{ margin-top:20px; } </style> </head> <body> <table width="90%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center"> <tr> <th>姓名</th> <th>E-mail</th> <th>状态</th> <th>操作</th> </tr> <!-- 循环得到结果 --> {dede:datalist} <tr> <td>{dede:field.name /}</td> <td>{dede:field.mail /}</td> <td> {dede:if field.tag==0} 未录取 {else} <font color="red">已录取</font> {/dede:if} </td> <td> <a href="adenroll.php?action=pass&id={dede:field.id /}">[录取]</a> | <a href="adenroll.php?action=nopass&id={dede:field.id /}">[不通过]</a> | <a href="adenroll.php?action=delete&id={dede:field.id /}">[删除]</a> </td> </tr> {/dede:datalist} </table> <!-- 分页标签 --> <p style="text-align:center;font-size:15px;">{dede:pagelist listitem="info,index,end,pre,next,pageno" listsize="5"/}</p> </body> </html>
No, you can use dz for the forum and integrate it together. For questions about dream weaving, you can search for the dream weaver administrator’s home on Baidu. There are many tutorials on dream weaving.
It’s available in dede’s help page. bbs.dedecms.com/136294.html This page has detailed instructions. You can download a product manual and take a look. The bottom part of the manual is secondary development. But this still depends on how you want to develop it.