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Friends.com's PHP code related to QQ (excellent information for studying QQ), php is excellent_PHP tutorial

2016-07-13 10:09:001029browse

Friends Network’s PHP code related to QQ (excellent information for studying QQ), php is excellent

Copy code The code is as follows:


error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

require_once( 'http.inc.php' );
require_once( 'class.Chinese.php');

    define( 'QQ_RETURN_SUCCESS',    200 );
    define( 'QQ_LOGIN_SUCCESS',    201 );
    define( 'QQ_LIST_NONE',        202 );
    define( 'QQ_ADDTOLIST_SUCCESS',    203 );
    define( 'QQ_REPLYADD_SUCCESS',    204 );
    define( 'QQ_GETMSG_NONE',    205 );

    define( 'QQ_ADDTOLIST_NEEDAUTH',300 );
    define( 'QQ_ADDTOLIST_REFUSE',    301 );
    define( 'QQ_ADDTOLIST_UNKNOWN',    302 );

    define( 'QQ_RETURN_FAILED',    400 );
    define( 'QQ_LIST_ERROR',    401 );
    define( 'QQ_GETMSG_ERROR',    402 );

    define( 'QQ_STATUS_ONLINE',    10);
    define( 'QQ_STATUS_OFFLINE',    20);
    define( 'QQ_STATUS_BUSY',    30);

    $QQ_DATA_BT = array
=> '',
=> 'A型',
=> 'B型',
=> 'O型',
=> 'AB型',
=> '其他'

    $QQ_DATA_CO = array
=> '',
=> '水瓶座',
=> '双鱼座',
=> '牡羊座',
=> '金牛座',
=> '双子座',
=> '巨蟹座',
=> '狮子座',
=> '处女座',
=> '天秤座',
=> '天蝎座',
=> '射手座',
=> '摩羯座'

    $QQ_DATA_SH = array
=> '',
=> '鼠',
=> '牛',
=> '虎',
=> '兔',
=> '龙',
=> '蛇',
=> '马',
=> '羊',
=> '猴',
=> '鸡',
=> '狗',
=> '猪'

    $QQ_DATA_SX = array
=> '男',
=> '女'

class QQClient
    var $uin;
    var $pwd;

    var $server    =    'kconn.tencent.com';
    var $port    =    21001;
    var $httpclient;
    var $chs    =    NULL;

    function QQClient($uin,$pwd)
        $this->uin = $uin;
        $this->pwd = $pwd;

    function encode($str)
        $arr = explode('&' , $str);
        $return = array();
        foreach($arr as $k=>$v)
            list($key,$val) = explode('=',$v);
            $return[$key] = $val;
            $this->chs = NULL;
        return $return;

    function utf8_to_gb2312($str)
        $this->chs = new Chinese("UTF8","GB2312", $str );
        return $this->chs->ConvertIT();

    function gb2312_to_utf8($str)
        $this->chs = new Chinese("GB2312","UTF8", $str );
        return $this->chs->ConvertIT();

    function query($str)
        $this->httpclient = new http( HTTP_V11, true );
        $this->httpclient->host = 'kconn.tencent.com';
        $this->httpcilent->port = 21001;

        $query = $this->encode($str);
        $status = $this->httpclient->post( '', $query, '' );
        if ( $status == HTTP_STATUS_OK ) {
            return $this->httpclient->get_response_body();
            return false;

    function split_str($str)
        $arr = explode("," , $str);
        if($arr[count($arr)-1] == NULL)
        return $arr;

    function login()
        $str = "VER=1.1&CMD=Login&SEQ=".rand(1000,9000)."&UIN=".$this->uin."&PS=".md5($this->pwd)."&M5=1&LC=9326B87B234E7235";
        $return = $this->encode($this->query($str));
        if($return['RES']==0 and $return['UIN'] == $this->uin)
                return QQ_LOGIN_SUCCESS;
                $GLOBALS['QQ_ERROR_MSG'] = $this->utf8_to_gb2312($return['RA']);
                return QQ_LOGIN_FAILED;
            return QQ_RETURN_FAILED;

function getFriendsList()
​​​​ //Get friends list
            $str = "VER=1.1&CMD=List&SEQ=".rand(1000,9000)."&UIN=".$this->uin."&TN=160&UN=0";
           $return = $this->encode($this->query($str));
If($return['RES']==0 and $return['UIN'] == $this->uin)
//Return successfully
                return $this->split_str($return['UN']);
//Return failed
             return QQ_RETURN_FAILED;

function getOnlineList()
//Get the list of online friends
            $str = "VER=1.1&CMD=Query_Stat&SEQ=".rand(1000,9000)."&UIN=".$this->uin."&TN=50&UN=0";
           $return = $this->encode($this->query($str));
If($return['RES']==0 and $return['UIN'] == $this->uin)
//Return successfully
If($return['SN'] > 0)
//Number of online friends>0
                    $uns = $this->split_str($return['UN']);                       $nks = $this->split_str($return['NK']); // Nickname list
                       $sts = $this->split_str($return['ST']); //Status list
                     $fcs = $this->split_str($return['FC']); //Avatar list
                    $error = 0;
((count($uns)==count($nks))==(count($sts)==count($fcs)))==(count($nks)==count($sts)) ?
                         $num = count($uns)
$error = 1;
If($error == 1) return QQ_LIST_ERROR;
                     $arr = array();
                           $arr[] = array(
"UN" => $uns[$i] ,
"NK" => $this->utf8_to_gb2312($nks[$i]) ,
"ST" => $sts[$i] ,
"FC" => $fcs[$i]
                   return ($arr);
//Number of online friends<=0
//Return failed
             return QQ_RETURN_FAILED;

function getInfo($uin)
​​​​ //Get friend information
//AD is the contact address, AG is the age, EM is the MAIL, FC is the avatar, HP is the website, JB is the occupation, PC is the zip code, PH is the contact number, PR is the profile, PV is the province, RN is the real name, SC is the graduating school, SX is the gender, UN is the QQ number, and NK is the QQ nickname
//Research on the following annotations by Hackfan
//BT is the blood type, CO is the constellation, CT is the city, CY is the country, MO is the mobile phone, SH zodiac sign
//LV is the number to be queried (1 is simplified query, 2 is normal query, 3 is detailed query)
//CV is unknown, ID is unknown (ID card?), MT is unknown, MV is unknown,
            $str = "VER=1.1&CMD=GetInfo&SEQ=".rand(1000,9000)."&UIN=".$this->uin."&LV=3&UN=".$uin;
           $return = $this->encode($this->query($str));
If($return['RES']==0 and $return['UIN'] == $this->uin)
//Return successfully
                $arr = array
'Ad' = & gt; $ this- & gt; UTF8_TO_GB2312 ($ Return ['Ad']), // Contact address
'Ag' = & gt; $ this- & gt; UTF8_TO_GB2312 ($ Return ['ag']), // age
'Bt' = & gt; $ Return ['bt'], // blood type
'Co' = & gt; $ Return ['Co'], // Constellation
'Ct' = & gt; $ this- & gt; UTF8_TO_GB2312 ($ Return ['ct']), // City
'Cy' = & gt; $ this-& gt; UTF8_TO_GB2312 ($ Return ['cy']), // National
'Em' = & gt; $ this-& gt; UTF8_TO_GB2312 ($ Return ['em']), // email
'Fc' = & gt; $ Return ['fc'], // avatars
'Hp' = & gt; $ this-& gt; UTF8_TO_GB2312 ($ Return ['hp']), // website
'Jb' = & gt; $ this-& gt; UTF8_TO_GB2312 ($ Return ['jb']), // Occupation
                                         'MO' => 'Pc' = & gt; $ this-& gt; UTF8_TO_GB2312 ($ Return ['pc']), // Postcode
'PH' = & gt; $ this- & gt; UTF8_TO_GB2312 ($ Return ['ph']), // contact phone number
'PR' = & gt; $ this- & gt; UTF8_TO_GB2312 ($ Return ['PR']), // Introduction
'Pv' = & gt; $ this- & gt; UTF8_TO_GB2312 ($ Return ['pv']), // provincial
'Rn' = & gt; $ this-& gt; UTF8_TO_GB2312 ($ Return ['rn']), // The real name
'SC' = & GT; $ this- & gt; UTF8_TO_GB2312 ($ Return ['SC']), // Graduate college
'Sh' = & gt; $ return ['sh'], // zodiac
                                    'SX' => 'Un' = & gt; $ Return [' un'], // QQ number
'Nk' = & gt; $ this- & gt; UTF8_TO_GB2312 ($ Return ['nk']) // Nickname
               return $arr;
//Return failed
             return QQ_RETURN_FAILED;


function addFriend($uin)
//Add new friend
             $str = "VER=1.1&CMD=AddToList&SEQ=".rand(1000,9000)."&UIN=".$this->uin."&UN=".$uin;
           $return = $this->encode($this->query($str));
If($return['RES']==0 and $return['UIN'] == $this->uin)
//Return successfully
case 0 :
//The other party allows anyone to add as a friend
                case 1:
                                                                                                                                                                                            Return QQ_ADDTOLIST_NEEDAUTH;
                case 3:
//No one is allowed to be added as a friend
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    to being //Unknown code
//Return failed
             return QQ_RETURN_FAILED;

function replyAdd($uin,$type,$msg)
//Respond to add friends
                      //CD is the response status, and CD 0 means “passed verification”. A CD of 1 means "refuse to add the other party as a friend". A CD of 2 means "requesting the other party to be added as a friend". RS is the reason for your request
$str = "VER=1.2&CMD=Ack_AddToList&SEQ=".rand(1000,9000)."&UIN=".$this->uin."&UN=".$uin."&CD=".$type."&RS =".$this->gb2312_to_utf8($msg);
           $return = $this->encode($this->query($str));
If($return['RES']==0 and $return['UIN'] == $this->uin)
//The server successfully obtained the information
             return QQ_RETURN_SUCCESS;
               return QQ_RETURN_FAILED;                                           }

function delFriend($uin)

//Delete friends
            $str = "VER=1.1&CMD=DelFromList&SEQ=".rand(1000,9000)."&UIN=".$this->uin."&UN=$uin";
           $return = $this->encode($this->query($str));
If($return['RES']==0 and $return['UIN'] == $this->uin)
//The server successfully obtained the information
             return QQ_RETURN_SUCCESS;
             return QQ_RETURN_FAILED;

function changeStatus($status)

​​​​ //Change status
//ST is the status to be changed, 10 is online, 20 is offline, and 30 is busy.
            $str = "VER=1.1&CMD=Change_stat&SEQ=".rand(1000,9000)."&UIN=".$this->uin."&ST=".$status;
           $return = $this->encode($this->query($str));
If($return['RES']==0 and $return['UIN'] == $this->uin)
//The server successfully obtained the information
             return QQ_RETURN_SUCCESS;
             return QQ_RETURN_FAILED;

function logout()
//Log out
             $str = "VER=1.1&CMD=Logout&SEQ=".rand(1000,9000)."&UIN=".$this->uin;
           $return = $this->encode($this->query($str));
If($return['RES']==0 and $return['UIN'] == $this->uin)
//The server successfully obtained the information
             return QQ_RETURN_SUCCESS;
             return QQ_RETURN_FAILED;

function getMsg()
​​​​ //Get news
//MT represents the message type, 99 represents the system message, and 9 represents the user message. UN represents the user from whom the message is sent, MG represents the message sent, and the MG message can represent some specific system meaning
//When MT=99: MG=10 means the user is online, MG=20 means the user is offline, MG=30 means the user is busy
            $str = "VER=1.1&CMD=GetMsgEx&SEQ=".rand(1000,9000)."&UIN=".$this->uin;
           $return = $this->encode($this->query($str));
If($return['RES']==0 and $return['UIN'] == $this->uin)
//The server successfully obtained the information
If($return['MN'] > 0)
//Number of messages>0
                    $mts = $this->split_str($return['MT']);                      $uns = $this->split_str($return['UN']); //Sender number
                    $mgs = $this->split_str($return['MG']); //Message content
                    $error = 0;
                        $num = count($uns)
                          $error = 1;
If($error == 1) return QQ_GETMSG_ERROR; //Something went wrong
                      $arr = array();
                          $arr[] = array(
"MT" => $mts[$i] ,
"UN" => $uns[$i] ,
"MG" => $this->utf8_to_gb2312($mgs[$i])
                   return ($arr);
//Number of online friends<=0
             return QQ_RETURN_FAILED;

function sendMsg($uin,$msg)
//Send message
$str = "VER=1.1&CMD=CLTMSG&SEQ=".rand(1000,9000)."&UIN=".$this->uin."&UN=".$uin."&MG=".$this-> gb2312_to_utf8($msg);
           $return = $this->encode($this->query($str));
If($return['RES']==0 and $return['UIN'] == $this->uin)
//The server successfully obtained the information
             return QQ_RETURN_SUCCESS;
             return QQ_RETURN_FAILED;


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