Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >PHP SPL standard library SplFixedArray usage example, splsplfixedarray_PHP tutorial
SplFixedArray is mainly the main function related to processing arrays. Different from ordinary php array, it is of fixed length, and The advantage of arrays with numbers as keys is that they are faster to process than ordinary arrays.
Look at my native Benchmark test:
ini_set('memory_limit','12800M'); for($size = 10000; $size < 10000000; $size *= 4) { echo PHP_EOL . "Testing size: $size" . PHP_EOL; for($s = microtime(true), $container = Array(), $i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) $container[$i] = NULL; echo "Array(): " . (microtime(true) - $s) . PHP_EOL; for($s = microtime(true), $container = new SplFixedArray($size), $i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) $container[$i] = NULL; echo "SplArray(): " . (microtime(true) - $s) . PHP_EOL; }
The results are as follows:
Testing size: 10000 Array(): 0.004000186920166 SplArray(): 0.0019998550415039 Testing size: 40000 Array(): 0.017001152038574 SplArray(): 0.0090007781982422 Testing size: 160000 Array(): 0.050002098083496 SplArray(): 0.046003103256226 Testing size: 640000 Array(): 0.19701099395752 SplArray(): 0.16700983047485 Testing size: 2560000 Array(): 0.75704312324524 SplArray(): 0.67303895950317
Usually SplFixedArray is 20%~30% faster than PHP array, so if you are dealing with a huge number of fixed-length arrays, it is still strongly recommended.
The SplFixedArray class summary is as follows:
SplFixedArray implements Iterator , ArrayAccess , Countable { /* 方法 */ public __construct ([ int $size = 0 ] ) public int count ( void ) public mixed current ( void ) public static SplFixedArray fromArray ( array $array [, bool $save_indexes = true ] ) public int getSize ( void ) public int key ( void ) public void next ( void ) public bool offsetExists ( int $index ) public mixed offsetGet ( int $index ) public void offsetSet ( int $index , mixed $newval ) public void offsetUnset ( int $index ) public void rewind ( void ) public int setSize ( int $size ) public array toArray ( void ) public bool valid ( void ) public void __wakeup ( void ) }
Use SplFixedArray:
$arr = new SplFixedArray(4); $arr[0] = 'php'; $arr[1] = 1; $arr[3] = 'python'; //遍历, $arr[2] 为null foreach($arr as $v) { echo $v . PHP_EOL; } //获取数组长度 echo $arr->getSize(); //4 //增加数组长度 $arr->setSize(5); $arr[4] = 'new one'; //捕获异常 try{ echo $arr[10]; } catch (RuntimeException $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); }