PHP uses QueryList to capture web page content. Querylist captures
. Previously, Java Jsoup was used to capture web page data, before I heard for a few days that it is more convenient to use PHP, so I did a brief research today, mainly using QueryList to achieve it.
QueryList is a general list collection class based on phpQuery. It is a simple, flexible, Powerful collection tool, collecting any complex page can basically be done in one sentence.
Let’s just take Blog Park as an example, We use QueryList to capture the content in the red box

View the source code of the webpage to find the location of the red box

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12 <h3><a class="titlelnk" href="" target="_blank">简单的jQuery 四级分类实用插件
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14 <a href="" target="_blank"><img width="48" height="48" class="pfs" src="" alt="">a> 前言最近因需要自己封装了一个很简单的四级分类的jQuery插件,主要用于后台数据的传输和获取。接下来就分享一下这个实用的插件吧。The old rules of the text, let’s take a look at the effect first. This one is very ugly and not beautified, because it is mainly used for the background interface. Please ignore the content of the test data: Then let’s introduce how to use it: First, the html code: . ..
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17 <a href="" class="lightblue">Kwok Jinrong
18 Published on 2015-08-09 20:40
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33 <h3><a class= "titlelnk" href="" target= "_blank">[Data Structure
& Algorithm] Seven search algorithms
a >h3>
34 <p class="post_item_summary">
35 <a href="" target="_blank"><img width="48" height="48" class="pfs" src="http:// /" alt="">a> Like the sorting algorithm, the search algorithm is also the most basic algorithm. Efficient search can enable us to operate data more efficiently, and proficiency in various search algorithms is also a basic algorithm skill. 36 p>
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38 <a href="" class="lightblue">Poll的笔记
39 发布于 2015-08-09 20:27
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54 <h3><a class="titlelnk" href="" target="_blank">第二章、进程的描述与控制
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56 <a href="" target="_blank"><img width="48" height="48" class="pfs" src="" alt="">a> 第二章、进程的描述与控制====##2.1 前趋图和程序执行### 2.1.1 前趋图####概念:所谓前趋图:指一个有向无循环图(DAG),它用于描述进程之间执行的先后顺序。###2.1.2 Program sequential execution#### Features: * Sequentiality * Closedness: It means that the program runs in a closed environment, and the program exclusively occupies the entire machine's resources when it is running, and the status of the resources...
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59 <a href="" class="lightblue">Scottzg
60 Published on 2015-08-09 20:24
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75 <h3><a class= "titlelnk" href="" target= "_blank">Raspberry Pi Getting Started Notes
a>h3 >
76 <p class="post_item_summary">
77 <a href="" target="_blank"><img width="48" height="48" class="pfs" src="http:// /" alt="">a> 1. A simple understanding of the concept of open source hardware is that the detailed design parameters of electronic hardware are public, such as circuit diagrams, bill of materials, PCB layout, etc.Main types: Arduino, CubieBoard, RaspberryPi, PcDuino, BeagleBone, KiWIBoard and Mixteil Open Source Chinese Community - Open Source Hardware Zone http://ww...
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80 <a href="" class="lightblue">clbiao
81 Published on 2015-08-09 20:05
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96 <h3><a class= "titlelnk" href="" target= "_blank">JS listening key combination
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98 <a href="" target="_blank"><img width="48" height="48" class="pfs" src="http:// /" alt="">a> Sometimes, we need to add some shortcut keys on the web page to facilitate users to use some common operations, such as: save, undo, copy, paste, etc.Let’s briefly sort out the ideas: The keys we are familiar with have such concentrated types: single key operations, such as: delete, up, down and other two-digit combinations, such as: ctrl (cmd) other keys, alt other keys, shift.. .
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101 <a href="" class="lightblue">Black MAO
102 Published on 2015-08-09 19:59
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117 <h3><a class= "titlelnk" href="" target="_blank">C copy constructor from a compiler perspective
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119 <a href="" target="_blank"><img width="48" height="48" class="pfs" src="http ://" alt=""> a> #[C Object Model] Construction operation of copy constructor For a brief introduction to copy constructor, you can read an article I wrote before [C++Copy Control] Copy Constructor]( "C Copy Control Copy Constructor") This article introduces the definition, calling timing, and... .
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121 <div class="post_item_foot">122 <a href="" class="lightblue">melonstreet
123 发布于 2015-08-09 19:44
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138 <h3><a class="titlelnk" href="" target="_blank">【Cocos2d入门教程三】HelloWorld之一目了然
139 <p class="post_item_summary">
140 <a href="" target="_blank"><img width="48" height="48" class="pfs" src="" alt="">a> 什么程序都是从HelloWorld先开始。同样Cocos2d-x我们先从HelloWorld进行下手、下面是HelloWorld的运行完成图:建立好的Cocos游戏项目中会有两个比较常用接触的文件夹。分别为Classes与resource。Classes access code files, resource access resource files, next...
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143 <a href="" class="lightblue">Cai Mingyong
144 Published on 2015-08-09 19:27
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159 <h3><a class= "titlelnk" href="" target= "_blank">Monte Carlo method to calculate pi
a> h3>
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161 <a href="" target="_blank"><img width="48" height="48" class="pfs" src="http:// /" alt="">a> In order to avoid the calculation time exceeding ten seconds, the sample value is arbitrarily reduced. [Calculation of all pixels in the square] is calculated a total of 10^8 times. When the same number of times is calculated in [Calculation of random pixels in the square], it will fall into waiting. I guess the reason is that a lot of time is wasted when obtaining random numbers, or it may be that too many loops consume time.[Average of random pixels in a square] China and Pakistan 10^8 are divided into 10 calculations...
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164 <a href="" class="lightblue">kodoyang
165 Published on 2015-08-09 19:24
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180 <h3><a class= "titlelnk" href="" target= "_blank">Implementation of Android night mode (multiple themes)
181 <p class="post_item_summary">
182 <a href="" target="_blank"><img width="48" height="48" class="pfs" src="http:// /" alt="">a> ##Introduction Night mode is actually a type of multi-theme switching, but it is the most troublesome one. Because in night mode, you not only need to switch the main color, secondary color, etc., but also cover some special colors, because in night mode, everything cannot be black, otherwise it will be ugly. -, so when you complete the night mode, your App can easily handle future expansion of multiple themes.##Implementation ideas Most Apps should not be implemented due to historical reasons...
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185 <a href="" class="lightblue">xyczero
186 Published on 2015-08-09 18:40
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201 <h3><a class= "titlelnk" href="" target= "_blank">2015-Written to myself next year
202 <p class="post_item_summary">
203 <a href="" target="_blank"><img width="48" height="48" class="pfs" src="http:// /" alt="">a> "[2014-Written to my current self next year](" Time is like running water, and in a blink of an eye, it's time again It’s been a year, and when I look back at myself last year, it seems like it was yesterday.If you read last year's blog post carefully, you will find that I was emotional, venting my dissatisfaction with myself and the people and things I saw, so I wrote it...
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206 <a href="" class="lightblue">Crickets in the field
207 Published on 2015-08-09 18:08
208 <span class="article_comment"><a href="" title="2015-08-09 20:17" class="gray">
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222 <h3><a class= "titlelnk" href="" target= "_blank">Winform develops a full set of 31 UI components for open source sharing
a> h3>
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224 <a href="" target="_blank"><img width="48" height="48" class="pfs" src="http:// /" alt="">a> 1. Preface This UI library was completed by the previous company (several years ago). At that time, it was mainly for the development of the company's internal ERP system, and all Winform components used were redesigned and implemented, including 6 Form form components (supporting skinning) and 25 basic controls. Many of them refer to other open source components, and some are integrated with other people's components and then made some adjustments.I haven't done Winform for several years now...
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227 <a href="" class="lightblue">/*How many flowers fall in a dream*/
228 Published on 2015-08-09 18:01
229 <span class="article_comment"><a href="" title="2015-08-09 20:33" class="gray">
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243 <h3><a class= "titlelnk" href="" target= "_blank">Using Nim language to develop windows GUI graphical interface program
a> h3>
244 <p class="post_item_summary">
245 <a href="" target="_blank"><img width="48" height="48" class="pfs" src="http:// /" alt=""> a> Preface This article received strong support from "Musician". We debugged the program together until late at night. Without his help, I don't know how long it would have taken to get over this hurdle. In addition, there are other people in "Guixin" who also provided help. They are all from the QQ group: "Nim Development Concentration Camp" 469329878; interested friends can join this group to discuss configuring the GUI development environment. In this blog, I wrote about setting up the Nim development environment...
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248 <a href="" class="lightblue">liulun
249 发布于 2015-08-09 17:47
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264 <h3><a class="titlelnk" href="" target="_blank">JSP执行过程详解
265 <p class="post_item_summary">
266 复习JSP的概念 JSP是Java Server Page的缩写,在传统的HTML页面中加入JSP标签和java的程序片段就构成了JSP。 JSP的基本语法:两种注释类型、三个脚本元素、三个元素指令、八个动作指令。Commonly used built-in objects of JSP are: Request, Response, Out, Session,...
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269 <a href="" class="lightblue">klguang
270 Published on 2015-08-09 17:46
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285 <h3><a class= "titlelnk" href="" target="_blank">Summary on the configuration of PHPstorm's git environment and the generation of git keys
a >h3>
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287 <a href="" target="_blank"><img width="48 " height="48" class="pfs" src="" alt="">a> Configuring the git environment on phpstorm always feels very simple, and I don’t find that seemingly simple things waste a lot of my time.我在网上查了一下关于phpstorm的git环境的配置没有具体的总结所以我把自己的配过程简单总结了一下接下来是我的配置环境的具体步骤一:在PHPstorm中配置 git环境(1)点击phpstorm的file-
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290 <a href="" class="lightblue">lance--blog
291 发布于 2015-08-09 17:40
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306 <h3><a class="titlelnk" href="" target="_blank">Java的Package和Classpath
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308 <a href="" target="_blank"><img width="48" height="48" class="pfs" src="" alt="">a> ## Package在Java中,Package是用来包含一系相关实例的集合。这些相关联的实例包括:类、接口、异常、错误以及枚举。Package主要有一些的几点作用:1. Package可以处理名字冲突,在冲突的名字前加上包的名字,通过使用名字的全限定名来访问名字的时候,可以避免名字冲突。因为在不同...
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311 <a href="" class="lightblue">Now
312 发布于 2015-08-09 17:13
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