Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >wampserver configuration memcache, wampservermemcache_PHP tutorial
The environment I use is win7 64-bit operating system, wampserver is also 64-bit, the version is 2.5, and the php version it comes with is 5.5 .
Steps to configure memcache:
The first step is to download the memcahed.exe and php_memcache.dll extensions. Download address: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1jG8OREu
The second step is to install memcache and configure memcache extension. Unzip the compressed package of memcache.exe to the bin directory of wampserver, which is at the same level as the directory of php.
Then execute the command in the picture in dos; Note: Replace the path in the picture below with the path where your memcached.exe is located.
Next, configure the mecahce extension of php and place php_memcache.dll in the ext directory of php. My directory is D:wampbinphpphp5.5.12ext;
Then add a line extension=php_memcache.dll in php.ini, be careful not to add a semicolon in front. Then restart the wampserver service.
Note: Because no error was reported when restarting wampserver when configuring memcache, I did not detect memcache in phpinfo. So I can only test the code directly. I was lucky and the configuration was successful.
Here is the code I used to test:
<span> 1</span> <?<span>php </span><span> 2</span> <span>/*</span><span>* </span><span> 3</span> <span> * 这里介绍PHP的memcache操作 </span><span> 4</span> <span> * </span><span> 5</span> <span> * @author lidaming<lidaming307@163.com> </span><span> 6</span> <span> * @copyright Copyright ? 2014-2015 Dajiangtai.com Inc. </span><span> 7</span> <span>*/</span> <span> 8</span> <span>//</span><span> 连接</span> <span> 9</span> <span>$mem</span> = <span>new</span><span> Memcache (); </span><span>10</span> <span>$mem</span>->connect ( "localhost", 11211 ); <span>//</span><span> 默认端口为11211 </span><span>11</span> <span> // 保存数据</span> <span>12</span> <span>$mem</span>->set ( 'course', 'php', 0, 60<span> ); </span><span>13</span> <span>$course</span> = <span>$mem</span>->get ( 'course'<span> ); </span><span>14</span> <span>echo</span> "First course is: " . <span>$course</span> . "<br>"<span>; </span><span>15</span> <span>//</span><span> 替换数据</span> <span>16</span> <span>$mem</span>->replace ( 'course', 'haddop', 0, 60<span> ); </span><span>17</span> <span>$course</span> = <span>$mem</span>->get ( 'course'<span> ); </span><span>18</span> <span>echo</span> "Second course is: " . <span>$course</span> . "<br>"<span>; </span><span>19</span> <span>//</span><span> 保存数组</span> <span>20</span> <span>$arr</span> = <span>array</span><span> ( </span><span>21</span> 'zhangsan', <span>22</span> 'lisi', <span>23</span> 'wangwu' <span>24</span> <span> ); </span><span>25</span> <span>$mem</span>->set ( 'user', <span>$arr</span>, 0, 60<span> ); </span><span>26</span> <span>$user</span> = <span>$mem</span>->get ( 'user'<span> ); </span><span>27</span> <span>echo</span> "user’s name is : "<span>; </span><span>28</span> <span>print_r</span> ( <span>$user</span><span> ); </span><span>29</span> <span>echo</span> "<br>"<span>; </span><span>30</span> <span>//</span><span> 删除数据</span> <span>31</span> <span>$mem</span>->delete ( 'course'<span> ); </span><span>32</span> <span>$course</span> = <span>$mem</span>->get ( 'course'<span> ); </span><span>33</span> <span>echo</span> "Now course is : " . <span>$course</span> . "<br>"<span>; </span><span>34</span> <span>//</span><span> 清除所有数据</span> <span>35</span> <span>$mem</span>-><span>flush</span><span> (); </span><span>36</span> <span>$user</span> = <span>$mem</span>->get ( 'user'<span> ); </span><span>37</span> <span>echo</span> "Now user’s name is: "<span>; </span><span>38</span> <span>print_r</span> ( <span>$user</span><span> ); </span><span>39</span> <span>echo</span> "<br>"<span>; </span><span>40</span> <span>//</span><span> 关闭连接</span> <span>41</span> <span>$mem</span>-><span>close (); </span><span>42</span> ?>
This configuration is successful! If there are any mistakes, please correct them if you see them.
Attached here are some functions commonly used by PHP to operate memcache:
Memcache::add adds a value, if it already exists, returns false
Memcache::addServer adds a server address for use
Memcache::close closes a Memcache object
Memcache::connect creates a Memcache object
memcache_debug controls debugging function
Memcache::decrement subtracts the value in a saved key
Memcache::delete deletes a key value
Memcache::flush clears all cached data
Memcache::get gets a key value
Memcache::getExtendedStats Gets the running system statistics of all processes in the process pool
Memcache::getServerStatus Gets the parameters for running the server
Memcache::getStats returns some running statistics of the server
Memcache::getVersion returns the version information of running Memcache
Memcache::increment performs an addition operation on the value in a saved key
Memcache::pconnect creates a Memcache persistent connection object
Memcache::replace overwrites an existing key
Memcache::set adds a value or overwrites it if it already exists
Memcache::setCompressThreshold compresses data larger than a certain size
Memcache::setServerParams Modifies server parameters at runtime