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unix timestamp: the number of seconds elapsed from 0:00 on January 1, 1970 to the current time.
1. Convert date to UNIX timestamp
mktime(): can automatically correct out-of-bounds input
Prototype: mktime(hour, minute, second, month, day, year);
<?php echo date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,2,12,2015)); //2015-12-12 echo date("Y-m-d h:i:s",mktime(7,50,59,10,21,2015)); //2015-10-21 07:50:59 echo date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,12,33,2015)); //2016-01-02 ,日期超过31天,自动校正时间 ?>
2. Parse the date and time of English text into unix timestamp
Prototype: strtotime(time,now)
<?php echo strtotime("now"); //1447987573 echo date("Y-m-d",strtotime("now")); //2015-11-20 echo date("Y-m-d h:i:s",strtotime("now")); //2015-11-20 02:49:18 echo date("Y-m-d",strtotime("8 december 2015")); //2015-12-08 ?>
Example: Write an anniversary countdown program through strtotime()
<?php $now = strtotime("now"); //开始时间 $endTime = strtotime('2018-10-12 10:20:59'); //毕业时间,转成时间戳 $second = $endTime - $now; //获取从毕业到现在的时间戳(秒数) $year = floor($second/3600/24/365); //从这个时间戳中算出的年数 floor() 函数向下舍入为最接近的整数。 $temp = $second - $year*365*24*3600; //从时间戳中去掉整年的秒数,就剩下月份的秒数 $month = floor($temp/3600/24/30); //换算出月数 $temp = $temp - $month*30*24*3600; //减去整月的秒数,剩下天数的秒数 $day = floor($temp/3600/24); //换算出剩余的天数 $temp = $temp - $day*24*3600; //减去整天的秒数,剩下小时的秒数 $hour = floor($temp/3600); //换算出剩余的小时数 $temp = $temp - $hour*3600; //减去整小时的秒数,剩下分的秒数 $minute = floor($temp/60); //换算出剩余的分数 $second1 = $temp - $minute*60; //剩余的秒数 echo "距离毕业还有{$year}年{$month}月{$day}天{$hour}小时{$minute}分{$second1}秒"; //距离毕业还有2年10月27天1小时56分14秒 ?>
Extension: Date Calculation
The simplest way to calculate the length between two dates is to calculate the difference between two UNIX timestamps.
Example: Receive the date of birth submitted from the html form in a php script to calculate the age of this user
<?php $year = 1989; $month = 12; $day = 20; $birthday = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year); //转换成时间戳 $nowDay = strtotime("now"); //获取到当前日期时间戳 $ageUnix = $nowDay - $birthday; $age = floor($ageUnix/(60*60*24*365)); echo "年龄:$age"; // 年龄:25 ?>
Date and time formatted output
When dates and times need to be saved or calculated, use UNIX timestamp as the standard format.
Disadvantages: unix timestamp format is poorly readable
Solution: call date() to format local time and date
Syntax date(format, timestamp) format a local time and date
<?php date_default_timezone_set('PRC'); //设置中国时区 echo date("Y年-m月-d日 H:i:s"); //2015年-11月-20日 17:30:21 ?>
Instructions: Study Notes
Reference material: "Explanation of PHP"