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Users are stored in text form, and the user array is json-encoded.
<span>用户文件格式: </span>* <span>array</span><span>( </span>* 'user1' => <span>array</span><span>( </span>* 'pass'=>'', * 'group'=>'', * 'home'=>'/home/ftp/', <span>//</span><span>ftp主目录</span> * 'active'=><span>true</span>, * 'expired=>'2015-12-12'<span>, * </span>'description'=>''<span>, * </span>'email' => ''<span>, * </span>'folder'<span>=>array( * //可以列出主目录下的文件和目录,但不能创建和删除,也不能进入主目录下的目录 * //前1-5位是文件权限,6-9是文件夹权限,10是否继承(inherit) * array(</span>'path'=>'/home/ftp/','access'=>'RWANDLCNDI'<span>), * //可以列出/home/ftp/a/下的文件和目录,可以创建和删除,可以进入/home/ftp/a/下的子目录,可以创建和删除。 * array(</span>'path'=>'/home/ftp/a/','access'=>'RWAND-----'<span>), * ), * </span>'ip'<span>=>array( * </span>'allow'<span>=>array(ip1,ip2,...),//支持*通配符: 192.168.0.* * </span>'deny'<span>=>array(ip1,ip2,...) * ) * ) * ) * * 组文件格式: * array( * </span>'group1'<span>=>array( * </span>'home'=>'/home/ftp/dept1/'<span>, * </span>'folder'<span>=>array( * * ), * </span>'ip'<span>=>array( * </span>'allow'<span>=>array(ip1,ip2,...), * </span>'deny'<span>=>array(ip1,ip2,...) * ) * ) * )</span>
Permission description of folders and files:
* 文件权限 * R读 : 允许用户读取(即下载)文件。该权限不允许用户列出目录内容,执行该操作需要列表权限。 * W写: 允许用户写入(即上传)文件。该权限不允许用户修改现有的文件,执行该操作需要追加权限。 * A追加: 允许用户向现有文件中追加数据。该权限通常用于使用户能够对部分上传的文件进行续传。 * N重命名: 允许用户重命名现有的文件。 * D删除: 允许用户删除文件。 * * 目录权限 * L列表: 允许用户列出目录中包含的文件。 * C创建: 允许用户在目录中新建子目录。 * N重命名: 允许用户在目录中重命名现有子目录。 * D删除: 允许用户在目录中删除现有子目录。注意: 如果目录包含文件,用户要删除目录还需要具有删除文件权限。 * * 子目录权限 * I继承: 允许所有子目录继承其父目录具有的相同权限。继承权限适用于大多数情况,但是如果访问必须受限于子文件夹,例如实施强制访问控制(Mandatory Access Control)时,则取消继承并为文件夹逐一授予权限。 *
The implementation code is as follows:
class User{ const I = 1; // inherit const FD = 2; // folder delete const FN = 4; // folder rename const FC = 8; // folder create const FL = 16; // folder list const D = 32; // file delete const N = 64; // file rename const A = 128; // file append const W = 256; // file write (upload) const R = 512; // file read (download) private $hash_salt = ''; private $user_file; private $group_file; private $users = array(); private $groups = array(); private $file_hash = ''; public function __construct(){ $this->user_file = BASE_PATH.'/conf/users'; $this->group_file = BASE_PATH.'/conf/groups'; $this->reload(); } /** * 返回权限表达式 * @param int $access * @return string */ public static function AC($access){ $str = ''; $char = array('R','W','A','N','D','L','C','N','D','I'); for($i = 0; $i 5e0442b35c98401cd96eaeaac594011duser_file); $group_file_hash = md5_file($this->group_file); if($this->file_hash != md5($user_file_hash.$group_file_hash)){ if(($user = file_get_contents($this->user_file)) !== false){ $this->users = json_decode($user,true); if($this->users){ //folder排序 foreach ($this->users as $user=>$profile){ if(isset($profile['folder'])){ $this->users[$user]['folder'] = $this->sortFolder($profile['folder']); } } } }if(($group = file_get_contents($this->group_file)) !== false){ $this->groups = json_decode($group,true); if($this->groups){ //folder排序 foreach ($this->groups as $group=>$profile){ if(isset($profile['folder'])){ $this->groups[$group]['folder'] = $this->sortFolder($profile['folder']); } } } } $this->file_hash = md5($user_file_hash.$group_file_hash); } } /** * 对folder进行排序 * @return array */ private function sortFolder($folder){ uasort($folder, function($a,$b){ return strnatcmp($a['path'], $b['path']); }); $result = array(); foreach ($folder as $v){ $result[] = $v; } return $result; } /** * 保存用户数据 */ public function save(){ file_put_contents($this->user_file, json_encode($this->users),LOCK_EX); file_put_contents($this->group_file, json_encode($this->groups),LOCK_EX); } /** * 添加用户 * @param string $user * @param string $pass * @param string $home * @param string $expired * @param boolean $active * @param string $group * @param string $description * @param string $email * @return boolean */ public function addUser($user,$pass,$home,$expired,$active=true,$group='',$description='',$email = ''){ $user = strtolower($user); if(isset($this->users[$user]) || empty($user)){ return false; } $this->users[$user] = array( 'pass' => md5($user.$this->hash_salt.$pass), 'home' => $home, 'expired' => $expired, 'active' => $active, 'group' => $group, 'description' => $description, 'email' => $email, ); return true; } /** * 设置用户资料 * @param string $user * @param array $profile * @return boolean */ public function setUserProfile($user,$profile){ $user = strtolower($user); if(is_array($profile) && isset($this->users[$user])){ if(isset($profile['pass'])){ $profile['pass'] = md5($user.$this->hash_salt.$profile['pass']); }if(isset($profile['active'])){ if(!is_bool($profile['active'])){ $profile['active'] = $profile['active'] == 'true' ? true : false; } } $this->users[$user] = array_merge($this->users[$user],$profile); return true; } return false; } /** * 获取用户资料 * @param string $user * @return multitype:|boolean */ public function getUserProfile($user){ $user = strtolower($user); if(isset($this->users[$user])){ return $this->users[$user]; } return false; } /** * 删除用户 * @param string $user * @return boolean */ public function delUser($user){ $user = strtolower($user); if(isset($this->users[$user])){ unset($this->users[$user]); return true; } return false; } /** * 获取用户列表 * @return array */ public function getUserList(){ $list = array(); if($this->users){ foreach ($this->users as $user=>$profile){ $list[] = $user; } } sort($list); return $list; } /** * 添加组 * @param string $group * @param string $home * @return boolean */ public function addGroup($group,$home){ $group = strtolower($group); if(isset($this->groups[$group])){ return false; } $this->groups[$group] = array( 'home' => $home ); return true; } /** * 设置组资料 * @param string $group * @param array $profile * @return boolean */ public function setGroupProfile($group,$profile){ $group = strtolower($group); if(is_array($profile) && isset($this->groups[$group])){ $this->groups[$group] = array_merge($this->groups[$group],$profile); return true; } return false; } /** * 获取组资料 * @param string $group * @return multitype:|boolean */ public function getGroupProfile($group){ $group = strtolower($group); if(isset($this->groups[$group])){ return $this->groups[$group]; } return false; }/** * 删除组 * @param string $group * @return boolean */ public function delGroup($group){ $group = strtolower($group); if(isset($this->groups[$group])){ unset($this->groups[$group]); foreach ($this->users as $user => $profile){ if($profile['group'] == $group) $this->users[$user]['group'] = ''; } return true; } return false; } /** * 获取组列表 * @return array */ public function getGroupList(){ $list = array(); if($this->groups){ foreach ($this->groups as $group=>$profile){ $list[] = $group; } } sort($list); return $list; } /** * 获取组用户列表 * @param string $group * @return array */ public function getUserListOfGroup($group){ $list = array(); if(isset($this->groups[$group]) && $this->users){ foreach ($this->users as $user=>$profile){ if(isset($profile['group']) && $profile['group'] == $group){ $list[] = $user; } } } sort($list); return $list; } /** * 用户验证 * @param string $user * @param string $pass * @param string $ip * @return boolean */ public function checkUser($user,$pass,$ip = ''){ $this->reload(); $user = strtolower($user); if(isset($this->users[$user])){ if($this->users[$user]['active'] && time() e3e96638d35b2b2a78a1c9998cf8b46ausers[$user]['expired']) && $this->users[$user]['pass'] == md5($user.$this->hash_salt.$pass)){ if(empty($ip)){ return true; }else{ //ip验证 return $this->checkIP($user, $ip); } }else{ return false; } } return false; }/** * basic auth * @param string $base64 */ public function checkUserBasicAuth($base64){ $base64 = trim(str_replace('Basic ', '', $base64)); $str = base64_decode($base64); if($str !== false){ list($user,$pass) = explode(':', $str,2); $this->reload(); $user = strtolower($user); if(isset($this->users[$user])){ $group = $this->users[$user]['group']; if($group == 'admin' && $this->users[$user]['active'] && time() e3e96638d35b2b2a78a1c9998cf8b46ausers[$user]['expired']) && $this->users[$user]['pass'] == md5($user.$this->hash_salt.$pass)){ return true; }else{ return false; } } } return false; } /** * 用户登录ip验证 * @param string $user * @param string $ip * * 用户的ip权限继承组的IP权限。* Matching rules: * 1. Perform group allow list matching; * 2. As if passed, perform group rejection list matching; * 3. Perform user permission matching * 4. If passed, perform user rejection matching * */ public function checkIP($user,$ip){ $pass = false; //Perform group verification first $group = $this->users[$user]['group']; //Group allows matching if(isset($this->groups[$group]['ip']['allow' ])){ foreach ($this->groups[$group]['ip']['allow'] as $addr){ $pattern = '/'.str_replace('*','d ',str_replace('.', '.', $addr)).'/'; if(preg_match($pattern, $ip) && !empty( $addr)){ $pass = true; break; } } } //If allowed, deny matching if($pass){ if(isset($this->groups[$group]['ip']['deny' ])){ foreach ($this->groups[$group]['ip']['deny'] as $addr){ $pattern = '/'.str_replace('*','d ',str_replace('.', '.', $addr)).'/'; if(preg_match($pattern, $ip) && !empty( $addr)){ $pass = false; break; } } } } if(isset($this->users[$user]['ip']['allow' ])){ foreach ($this->users[$user]['ip']['allow'] as $addr){ $pattern = '/'.str_replace('*','d ',str_replace('.', '.', $addr)).'/'; if(preg_match($pattern, $ip) && !empty( $addr)){ $pass = true; break; } } } if($pass){ if(isset($this->users[$user]['ip']['deny' ])){ foreach ($this->users[$user]['ip']['deny'] as $addr){ $pattern = '/'.str_replace('*','d ',str_replace('.', '.', $addr)).'/'; if(preg_match($pattern, $ip) && !empty( $addr)){ $pass = false; break; } } } } echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s')." [debug]tIP ACCESS: ".' '.($pass? 'true':'false')."n"; return $pass; } /** * Get the user's home directory * @param string $user * @return string */ public function getHomeDir($user){ $user = strtolower($user); $group = $this->users[$user]['group']; $dir = ''; if($group){ if(isset($this->groups[$group]['home']))$dir = $this->groups[$group]['home']; }$dir = !empty($this->users[$user]['home'])?$this->users[$user]['home']:$dir; return $dir; } //文件权限判断 public function isReadable($user,$path){ $result = $this->getPathAccess($user, $path); if($result['isExactMatch']){ return $result['access'][0] == 'R'; }else{ return $result['access'][0] == 'R' && $result['access'][9] == 'I'; } } public function isWritable($user,$path){ $result = $this->getPathAccess($user, $path); if($result['isExactMatch']){ return $result['access'][1] == 'W'; }else{ return $result['access'][1] == 'W' && $result['access'][9] == 'I'; } } public function isAppendable($user,$path){ $result = $this->getPathAccess($user, $path); if($result['isExactMatch']){ return $result['access'][2] == 'A'; }else{ return $result['access'][2] == 'A' && $result['access'][9] == 'I'; } } public function isRenamable($user,$path){ $result = $this->getPathAccess($user, $path); if($result['isExactMatch']){ return $result['access'][3] == 'N'; }else{ return $result['access'][3] == 'N' && $result['access'][9] == 'I'; } } public function isDeletable($user,$path){ $result = $this->getPathAccess($user, $path); if($result['isExactMatch']){ return $result['access'][4] == 'D'; }else{ return $result['access'][4] == 'D' && $result['access'][9] == 'I'; } } //目录权限判断 public function isFolderListable($user,$path){ $result = $this->getPathAccess($user, $path); if($result['isExactMatch']){ return $result['access'][5] == 'L'; }else{ return $result['access'][5] == 'L' && $result['access'][9] == 'I'; } } public function isFolderCreatable($user,$path){ $result = $this->getPathAccess($user, $path); if($result['isExactMatch']){ return $result['access'][6] == 'C'; }else{ return $result['access'][6] == 'C' && $result['access'][9] == 'I'; } }public function isFolderRenamable($user,$path){ $result = $this->getPathAccess($user, $path); if($result['isExactMatch']){ return $result['access'][7] == 'N'; }else{ return $result['access'][7] == 'N' && $result['access'][9] == 'I'; } } public function isFolderDeletable($user,$path){ $result = $this->getPathAccess($user, $path); if($result['isExactMatch']){ return $result['access'][8] == 'D'; }else{ return $result['access'][8] == 'D' && $result['access'][9] == 'I'; } } /** * 获取目录权限 * @param string $user * @param string $path * @return array * 进行最长路径匹配 * * 返回: * array( * 'access'=>目前权限 * ,'isExactMatch'=>是否精确匹配 * * ); * * 如果精确匹配,则忽略inherit. * 否则应判断是否继承父目录的权限, * 权限位表: * --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- * | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | * --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- * | R | W | A | N | D | L | C | N | D | I | * --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- * | FILE | FOLDER | * ------------------- ------------------- */ public function getPathAccess($user,$path){ $this->reload(); $user = strtolower($user); $group = $this->users[$user]['group']; //去除文件名称 $path = str_replace(substr(strrchr($path, '/'),1),'',$path); $access = self::AC(0); $isExactMatch = false; if($group){ if(isset($this->groups[$group]['folder'])){ foreach ($this->groups[$group]['folder'] as $f){ //中文处理 $t_path = iconv('UTF-8','GB18030',$f['path']); if(strpos($path, $t_path) === 0){ $access = $f['access']; $isExactMatch = ($path == $t_path?true:false); } } } } if(isset($this->users[$user]['folder'])){ foreach ($this->users[$user]['folder'] as $f){ //中文处理 $t_path = iconv('UTF-8','GB18030',$f['path']); if(strpos($path, $t_path) === 0){ $access = $f['access']; $isExactMatch = ($path == $t_path?true:false); } } } echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s')." [debug]tACCESS:$access ".' '.($isExactMatch?'1':'0')." $pathn"; return array('access'=>$access,'isExactMatch'=>$isExactMatch); }/** * 添加在线用户 * @param ShareMemory $shm * @param swoole_server $serv * @param unknown $user * @param unknown $fd * @param unknown $ip * @return Ambigous e4385123060e1288e04b074f537cc292 > */ public function addOnline(ShareMemory $shm ,$serv,$user,$fd,$ip){ $shm_data = $shm->read(); if($shm_data !== false){ $shm_data['online'][$user.'-'.$fd] = array('ip'=>$ip,'time'=>time()); $shm_data['last_login'][] = array('user' => $user,'ip'=>$ip,'time'=>time()); //清除旧数据 if(count($shm_data['last_login'])>30)array_shift($shm_data['last_login']); $list = array(); foreach ($shm_data['online'] as $k =>$v){ $arr = explode('-', $k); if($serv->connection_info($arr[1]) !== false){ $list[$k] = $v; } } $shm_data['online'] = $list; $shm->write($shm_data); } return $shm_data; } /** * 添加登陆失败记录 * @param ShareMemory $shm * @param unknown $user * @param unknown $ip * @return Ambigous a5af89a7fb3a0f8b577ced2e83928d56 */ public function addAttempt(ShareMemory $shm ,$user,$ip){ $shm_data = $shm->read(); if($shm_data !== false){ if(isset($shm_data['login_attempt'][$ip.'||'.$user]['count'])){ $shm_data['login_attempt'][$ip.'||'.$user]['count'] = 1; }else{ $shm_data['login_attempt'][$ip.'||'.$user]['count'] = 1; } $shm_data['login_attempt'][$ip.'||'.$user]['time'] = time(); //清除旧数据 if(count($shm_data['login_attempt'])>30)array_shift($shm_data['login_attempt']); $shm->write($shm_data); } return $shm_data; } /** * 密码错误上限 * @param unknown $shm * @param unknown $user * @param unknown $ip * @return boolean */ public function isAttemptLimit(ShareMemory $shm,$user,$ip){ $shm_data = $shm->read(); if($shm_data !== false){ if(isset($shm_data['login_attempt'][$ip.'||'.$user]['count'])){ if($shm_data['login_attempt'][$ip.'||'.$user]['count'] > 10 && time() - $shm_data['login_attempt'][$ip.'||'.$user]['time'] 73032f363c7c10c92e1197d9b739ad47 */ public static function genPassword($len){ $str = null; $strPol = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz@!#$%* -"; $max = strlen($strPol)-1; for($i=0;$if6fe2d3011c4e23db6fac9cbe47e6e9eshm_key = ftok(__FILE__,$key); $this->shm_size = $size 1; } /** * 读取内存数组 * @return array|boolean */ public function read(){ if(($shm_id = shmop_open($this->shm_key,'c',$this->mode,$this->shm_size)) !== false){ $str = shmop_read($shm_id,1,$this->shm_size-1); shmop_close($shm_id); if(($i = strpos($str,"