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Encapsulate your own JS components_javascript skills

2016-05-16 15:17:241259browse

1. Extend existing components
1. Demand background
Many times, we use jquery.ajax to send requests to the background, such as

        type: "post",
        url: "/User/Edit",
        data: { data: JSON.stringify(postdata) },
        success: function (data, status) {
          if (status == "success") {
        error: function (e) {
        complete: function () {


This kind of code is too common. At this time, we have a need: when we call the ajax request ourselves, we don’t want to write code like error:function(e){} every time, but we also want it to Each time, the ajax error message is output to the browser so that the user can see it. What to do?

2. Implementation principle
It is not difficult to achieve the above effect. We can encapsulate $.ajax({}) and define the event corresponding to error in the encapsulated public method. Indeed, this can meet our requirements, but it is not perfect. The reason is very simple: 1) Encapsulating a layer on top of jquery is not efficient enough; 2) The caller's habits need to be changed, and every time ajax is called, We don’t want to see it written according to the rules of the method we defined, instead of directly using the native $.ajax({}) method.

In this case, how can we achieve the above requirements without encapsulating controls? The answer is to extend the native jquery.ajax through our $.extend.

In fact, it is not difficult to implement. Our requirements can be achieved through the following piece of code.

(function ($) {
  var _ajax = $.ajax;
  $.ajax = function (options) {
    var fn = {
      error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
        toastr.error(XMLHttpRequest.responseText, '错误消息', { closeButton: true, timeOut: 0, positionClass: 'toast-top-full-width' });
      success: function (data, textStatus) { },
      beforeSend: function (XHR) { },
      complete: function (XHR, TS) { }
    if (options.error) {
      fn.error = options.error;
    if (options.success) {
      fn.success = options.success;
    if (options.beforeSend) {
      fn.beforeSend = options.beforeSend;
    if (options.complete) {
      fn.complete = options.complete;
    var _options = $.extend(options, {
      error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
        fn.error(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown);
      success: function (data, textStatus) {
        fn.success(data, textStatus);
      beforeSend: function (XHR) {
      complete: function (XHR, TS) {
        fn.complete(XHR, TS);

If you have not been exposed to the $.extend method in jquery, you may not understand what the above means. Okay, let's first take a look at how the jquery API explains the $.extend() method.

What does it mean? Let’s look at the two official examples to find out

Chestnut 1:

var settings = { validate: false, limit: 5, name: "foo" };
var options = { validate: true, name: "bar" };
$.extend(settings, options);


settings == { validate: true, limit: 5, name: "bar" }

Chestnut 2:

var empty = {};
var defaults = { validate: false, limit: 5, name: "foo" };
var options = { validate: true, name: "bar" };
var settings = $.extend(empty, defaults, options);


settings == { validate: true, limit: 5, name: "bar" }
empty == { validate: true, limit: 5, name: "bar" }

The above two simple examples illustrate that the function of the extend() method is to merge another object. If there are the same objects, they will be overwritten. If there are no identical objects, they will be added. It's that simple.

Understanding the role of $.extend(), we can roughly understand the implementation of the above extension jquery.ajax. The main steps are divided into:

1) Define the default error handling method.

var fn = {
      error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
        toastr.error(XMLHttpRequest.responseText, '错误消息', { closeButton: true, timeOut: 0, positionClass: 'toast-top-full-width' });
      success: function (data, textStatus) { },
      beforeSend: function (XHR) { },
      complete: function (XHR, TS) { }

2) Determine whether the user has customized error:function(){} when calling $.ajax({}). If it has been defined, the user-defined one will be used. Otherwise, the default error handling method will be used.

3) Use $.extend() to pass the default error handling method into the parameter of $.ajax(). When we look at the options parameter, it includes all the parameters in the $.ajax() method, and then use the default fn to expand it.

Through the above three steps, you can implement the default error handling method in the $.ajax() method. With this expansion, our users will not feel the change at all. We can still send ajax requests like $.ajax({});. If there are no special circumstances, there is no need to write an error handling method.

3. The meaning of component extension
Using component extensions can help us add some processing requirements related to our system business to the original components. When using them, we can still call them just like using native components, eliminating the need to encapsulate them again. A layer of bloat.

2. Expand your own components
The error event handling method of $.ajax() is extended above through the $.extend() method. Let's try encapsulating a component of our own. The function is very simple, but relatively illustrative. Let's take the select component as an example. In many cases, the options in our select need to fetch data from the database, so the general approach is to send an ajax request and then spell html in the success method. Now we will encapsulate a method to select remote data retrieval.

1. Code implementation and usage examples
Let’s start with the practical stuff and write it out:

(function ($) {
  $.fn.combobox = function (options, param) {
    if (typeof options == 'string') {
      return $.fn.combobox.methods[options](this, param);
    options = $.extend({}, $.fn.combobox.defaults, options || {});
    var target = $(this);
    target.attr('valuefield', options.valueField);
    target.attr('textfield', options.textField);
    var option = $('<option></option>');
    option.attr('value', '');
    if (options.data) {
      init(target, options.data);
    else {
      //var param = {};
      options.onBeforeLoad.call(target, options.param);
      if (!options.url) return;
      $.getJSON(options.url, options.param, function (data) {
        init(target, data);
    function init(target, data) {
      $.each(data, function (i, item) {
        var option = $('<option></option>');
        option.attr('value', item[options.valueField]);
    target.on("change", function (e) {
      if (options.onChange)
        return options.onChange(target.val());

  $.fn.combobox.methods = {
    getValue: function (jq) {
      return jq.val();
    setValue: function (jq, param) {
    load: function (jq, url) {
      $.getJSON(url, function (data) {
        var option = $('<option></option>');
        option.attr('value', '');
        $.each(data, function (i, item) {
          var option = $('<option></option>');
          option.attr('value', item[jq.attr('valuefield')]);

  $.fn.combobox.defaults = {
    url: null,
    param: null,
    data: null,
    valueField: 'value',
    textField: 'text',
    placeholder: '请选择',
    onBeforeLoad: function (param) { },
    onLoadSuccess: function () { },
    onChange: function (value) { }

Let’s first take a look at how to use our custom components:

Usage 1: Remotely retrieve data through URL and initialize
First define an empty select

<select id="sel_search_plant" class="form-control"></select>

Then initialize it

      url: '/apiaction/Plant/Find',
      valueField: 'TM_PLANT_ID',
      textField: 'NAME_C'

The parameters are very simple, so I won’t introduce them one by one. It’s very simple, is there any~~

Usage 2: Value and setting

var strSelectedValue = $('#sel_search_plant').combobox("getValue");
$('#sel_search_plant').combobox("setValue", "aaa");




(function ($) {


var fn = function($){



$.fn.combobox = function (options, param) {

习惯这种写法的应该知道,这个就表示向jquery对象添加自定义方法,比如你想使用文章开始的 $("#id").MyJsControl({}) 这种用法,你就可以这样定义 $.fn.MyJsControl=function(options){} 。

(3) options = $.extend({}, $.fn.combobox.defaults, options || {}); 这一句,看过上文的朋友应该还记得extend这么一个方法吧,怎么样,又来了你。这句话其实就没什么好说的了,合并默认参数和用户传进来的参数。


 $.fn.combobox.defaults = {
    url: null,
    param: null,
    data: null,
    valueField: 'value',
    textField: 'text',
    placeholder: '请选择',
    onBeforeLoad: function (param) { },
    onLoadSuccess: function () { },
    onChange: function (value) { }



bootstrap table组件



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