Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >Implement login, registration, and password retrieval functions under the thinkphp framework_php skills
The example in this article shares with you how to implement login, registration, and password retrieval using ajax form submission under the thinkphp framework, as well as the background review required for registered users.
The fields of the user table are id, num, password, name, email, addtime, status
The specific code is as follows
<?php namespace Home\Controller; use Think\Controller; class LoginController extends Controller { //处理登录 public function signin(){ if(IS_GET){ $this->display(); } if(IS_POST){ /* 调用登录接口登录 */ $User = M('user') ; //I方法接收页面传递来的值 $num = I('num') ; $password = I('password') ; //查找user表中num等于$num的值 $datanum = $User->where(array('num'=>$num))->find(); //判断$datanum的值 if ($datanum){ if (md5($password) === $datanum['password']) { if ($datanum['status'] == 0) { $this->error('用户处于未审核状态,请联系管理员'); }elseif($datanum['status'] == 2){ $this->error('用户处于禁用状态,请联系管理员'); }else{ $this->autoLogin($datanum) ; //调用私有方法自动登录. $uid = $datanum['id']; if($_SESSION['user_auth']['uid'] && $_SESSION['user_auth']['role'] == 'user'){ $this->success('登录成功!', U('Index/index')); }else{ $this->error('存储错误.'); } } }else{ $this->error('密码填写不正确,请重新填写'); exit(); } }else{ $this->error('用户不存在,请注册',U('signup')); } } } public function autoLogin($user){ /* 记录登录SESSION */ $auth = array( 'uid' => $user['id'], 'num' => $user['num'], 'role' => 'user' , //记录用户类型 ); session('user_auth', $auth); session('user_auth_sign', data_auth_sign($auth)); } /* * 用户注册 */ public function signup(){ if(is_user_login()){ $this->redirect('Index/index'); } if(IS_GET){ //注册页面 $this->display(); } if(IS_POST){ //判断用户 $data['num'] = I('num') ; $User = M('user') ; $datanum = $User->where($data)->find(); if ($datanum){ $this->success('您已经注册过,请直接登录',U('signin')); }else{ $data['password'] = md5(I('password')); $data['name'] = I('name'); $data['email'] = I('email'); $data['addtime'] = time(); $uid = $User->add($data); if($uid) $this->success('注册成功',U('signin')) ; else $this->error('注册失败') ; } } } public function logout(){ if(is_user_login()){ $User = M('user') ; session('user_auth', null); session('user_auth_sign', null); session('[destroy]'); $this->success('登出成功!', U('signin')); } else { $this->redirect('signin'); } } //忘记密码 public function wjpas(){ if(IS_GET){ $this->display(); } if(IS_POST){ $User = M('user') ; $num = I('num') ; $data['password'] = md5(I('password')) ; $email = I('email') ; $datanum = $User->where(array('num'=>$num))->find(); if ($datanum){ if ($email === $datanum['email']) { $User->where(array('num'=>$num))->save($data); // 根据条件更新记录 $this->success('密码修改成功',U('signin')) ; }else{ $this->error('邮箱填写不正确,请重新填写'); exit(); } }else{ $this->error('用户不存在,请注册',U('signup')); } } } } ?>
The above is the entire content of this article. I hope it will be helpful to everyone in learning PHP programming.