Home >Web Front-end >HTML Tutorial >DOM notes (2): Node interface_html/css_WEB-ITnose
All nodes are represented using the Node interface. You can use many methods to obtain nodes, such as document.getElementsByTagName(), document.getElementsByName(), etc., which all return a NodeList object, and then obtain the node.
The corresponding attributes and amplification of nodes are defined in the Node interface:
1. Common attribute list of Node interface
属性名 | 数据类型 | 说明 |
nodeName | DOMString | 返回节点名 |
nodeValue | DOMString | 返回节点值 |
nodeType | int | 返回节点类型(见后文) |
parentNode | Node | 返回当前节点的父节点 |
childNodes | NodeList | 返回当前节点的所有子节点 |
firstChild | Node | 返回当前节点的第一个子节点 |
lastChild | Node | 返回当前节点的最后一个子节点 |
previousSibling | Node | 返回当前节点的紧邻的前一个兄弟节点 |
nextSibling | Node | 返回当前节点的紧邻的后一个兄弟节点 |
attributes | NamedNodeMap | 返回当前节点的所有属性 |
ownerDocument | Document | 返回当前节点对应的Document对象 |
namespaceURI | DOMString | 返回当前节点所属命名空间的URI |
prefix | DOMString | 返回当前节点所属命名空间的前缀 |
localName | DOMString | 返回当前节点限定名的本地部分 |
2. List of common methods of Node interface
方法名 | 数据类型 | 说明 |
appendChild | Node | 在末尾添加一个子节点 |
cloneNode | Node | 克隆一个子节点 |
hasAttributes | Boolean | 判断该节点是否有属性 |
hasChildNodes | Boolean | 判断该节点是否有子节点 |
insertBefore | Node | 在指定节点插入一个节点 |
isSupported | Boolean | 判断节点特定是否被支持 |
normalize | Void | 规格化节点 |
removeChild | Node | 删除一个子节点 |
replaceChild | Node | 替换一个子节点 |
3. Node type
In In a DOM document, each node belongs to a type. You can use the Node.nodeType property to obtain the node type. The DOM specification specifies 12 node types, which can be represented by constants defined by the Node interface or by numbers.
节点类型常量 | 数值表示 | 说明 |
ELEMENT_NODE | 1 | 元素节点 |
ATTRIBUTE_NODE | 2 | 属性节点 |
TEXT_NODE | 3 | 文本节点 |
ENTITY_NODE | 6 | 实体节点 |
COMMENT_NODE | 8 | 注释节点 |
DOCUMENT_NODE | 9 | 文档节点 |
DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE | 10 | 文档类型节点 |
NOTATION_NODE | 12 | 符号节点 |
PS: IE does not support constant representation, it is best to use numbers. The six most commonly used Node types: 1,2,3,8,9,11