Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >Static and dynamic sequel with some XML_javascript skills
var rs=data.recordset;
function getid() {
var str,len,pos,id,fn; // 定义一些变量
str=top.window.location.href; //获取当然文件地址
len=str.length; // 得到地址长度
pos=str.indexOf("?id=",0); // 得到"?id="的起始地址
// 判断是否存在"?id="
if(pos>0) {
id=str.substring(pos+4,len); // 获取ID
return eval(id); // 返回数值类型的ID,方便处理
else {
return 0; // 错误参数,返回0,显示新闻列表
function showmain() {
var id;
id=getid(); // 获取新闻ID
// 是 0 则显示列表
if(id>0) {
rs.absoluteposition=id; // 设置游标到指定的新闻
shownews(id); // 显示新闻
else {
showlist(); // 显示新闻列表
function showlist() {
var ss=""; // HTML
var i; // 循环计数器
rs.movefirst(); // Move to the first record
// Loop through reading news records
for(i=0;i ss=ss "·" rs("title") " (" rs("date") ") rs.movenext(); //Move to the next news item } document.all.newsmain.innerHTML=ss; //Output news in the news display area document.all.newspage.style.visibility="hidden"; // When displaying the news list, the information about the previous and following news is not displayed } Display the specified news and display information about the previous and following news function shownews(id) { var ps; // Used to store information about previous and following news document.all.newsmain.innerHTML=""; // Use iframe to display news document.all.newspage.style.visibility="visible"; // Make the previous and following news information visible rs.absoluteposition=id; // Move the record cursor to the current news // If the ID is less than 1, it means it is the first record, and the last news is "no more":) if(id<=1) { ps="Previous post: No more"; } // Otherwise, display the title of the previous news else { rs.moveprevious(); // Record cursor moves forward ps="Previous article:" rs("title") ""; // Before display News information rs.movenext(); //Restore record cursor } ps=ps " "; // Insert a space between the two messages // If the ID is greater than the total number of records, it means this is the last news~ if(id>=rs.recordcount) { ps=ps "Next article: No more"; } // Otherwise, display the title of the next news item else { rs.movenext(); // Record cursor moves forward ps=ps "Next article:" rs("title") ""; // Show next The title of the news rs.moveprevious(); //Restore record cursor } document.all.newspage.innerHTML=ps; // Display the before and after news titles~ } Okay, it’s basically finished. The specific usage can be as follows: Add XML data island to the head area
"; // Add a news
Then execute showmain() in the body’s onload event
You also need to add two layers to the body to display information
However, the method I used also has imperfections. For example, the IDs of the news list must be arranged in order and there must be no gaps, because absolute positioning is used when using the record set, and so on. I am terrible at writing articles, so: corrections and criticisms are welcome ^-^! I also welcome everyone to exchange experiences and insights, etc. My email is vipxjw@tom.com.