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Several functions for music playback_javascript skills

2016-05-16 19:26:311225browse
Copy code The code is as follows:

//JavaScript Document
var cookiestr;
var TotalSongs;

//Insert song list entry function
function Insertsong(songstr){
var tstr;
tstr = songstr.split("|");
if(tstr.length == 5){
if (cookiestr == null)
cookiestr = songstr;
Cookiestr = cookiestr "###" songstr; >window.onerror = killerror;

//Initialization song list process
function InitList(){
var songarray,htmlstr,i,j,tstr,ttstr,selectedindex;
htmlstr = "";
playlist.innerHTML = htmlstr ;

function play(){
     if(SongList.selectedIndex < 0) alert('请选择你要播放的曲目!');
        var varvar,person,collect,song,url;
        varvar = SongList.options[SongList.selectedIndex].value.split("|");
        url = varvar[0];song = varvar[1];collect = varvar[2];person = varvar[3];SongID = varvar[4];
        //if(person.length > 5) info_person.innerHTML = person.substr(0,5)   "...";
        //else info_person.innerHTML = person;
        if(collect.length > 5) info_collect.innerHTML = collect.substr(0,5)   "...";
        else info_collect.innerHTML = collect;
        if(song.length > 5) info_song.innerHTML = song.substr(0,5)   "...";
        else info_song.innerHTML = song;
        MusicGeCi.innerHTML = "对不起,你的浏览器不支持框架。";
        //MusicTitle.innerHTML = song   "--"   collect;
        Exobud.FileName = url;
        PageAddress.value = PageBasicAddress   SongID;
        URLTmp = PageAddress.value;return;

//控制按钮 上一首
function Last_OneOK(){
     if((SongList.selectedIndex > 0) && (SongList.selectedIndex < TotalSongs)){
        SongList.options[SongList.selectedIndex - 1].selected = true;

//控制按钮 下一首
function Next_OneOK(){
     if((SongList.selectedIndex >= 0) && (SongList.selectedIndex < TotalSongs - 1)){
        SongList.options[SongList.selectedIndex   1].selected = true;

function showTLab(){
     if(document.Exobud.playState == 0) Next_OneOK();

function HighlightAll(theField) 
    var tempval=document.all.PageAddress

function shp(){
 var expDays = 1;
 var exp = new Date();
 exp.setTime(exp.getTime()   (expDays*24*60*60*1000));
 document.cookie = "is_use_cookie=yes"   "; expires="   exp.toGMTString()    "; path=/";
 if(document.cookie.indexOf('hp') == -1) {
  document.cookie = "hp=yes"   "; expires="   exp.toGMTString()    "; path=/;";

Insertsong(url "/vv66_1/10403/1.Wma|记得我的名字|陈纪匡|记得我的名字|112739");
Insertsong(url "/vv66_1/10396/4.Wma|一生只为你|杨臣刚|老公PK老婆|112679");
SongList.options[0].selected = true;
var PageBasicAddress = "http://www.vv66.com/play/lianplayer.asp?id=";
PageAddress.value = PageBasicAddress   "112739, 112679";
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