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Value transfer of static pages (three parts)_javascript skills

2016-05-16 19:26:001169browse

There is a relationship between these two windows. The parent window parent.htm opens the child window son.htm
The child window can point to the parent window through window.opener. In this way, the object of the parent window can be accessed.

Advantages: It is convenient to obtain values. As long as window.opener points to the parent window, you can access all objects.
Not only can you access the value, but you can also access the methods of the parent window. There is no limit to the value length.
Disadvantage: There must be a relationship between the two windows. .It is a window opened using window.open. It cannot cross domain.



Use of cookies.

A cookie is a small amount of named data stored by the browser.
It is associated with a specific web page or website. Together.
Cookies are used to provide memory to the browser,
so that scripts and server programs can use input data from another page in one page.

Advantages: Can be used anywhere within the same source Access within the web page. The lifetime can be set.
Disadvantages: The value length is limited.



URL article

can pass the URL to pass the value. Receive the information to be passed. On the URL.

Advantages: Convenient to get the value. Can cross domain.
Disadvantage: The value length is limited.

<script> <BR>//window.open打开的窗口. <BR>//利用opener指向父窗口. <BR>var parentText = window.opener.document.all.maintext.value; <BR>alert(parentText); <BR></script>Read.htm <script> <BR>function setCookie(name,value) <BR>{ <BR>/* <BR> *--------------- setCookie(name,value) ----------------- <BR> * setCookie(name,value) <BR> * 功能:设置得变量name的值 <BR> * 参数:name,字符串;value,字符串. <BR> * 实例:setCookie('username','baobao') <BR> *--------------- setCookie(name,value) ----------------- <BR> */ <BR> var Days = 30; //此 cookie 将被保存 30 天 <BR> var exp = new Date(); <BR> exp.setTime(exp.getTime() + Days*24*60*60*1000); <BR> document.cookie = name + "="+ escape (value) + ";expires=" + exp.toGMTString(); <BR> location.href = "Read.htm"; //接收页面. <BR>} <BR></script><script> <BR>function getCookie(name) <BR>{ <BR>/* <BR> *--------------- getCookie(name) ----------------- <BR> * getCookie(name) <BR> * 功能:取得变量name的值 <BR> * 参数:name,字符串. <BR> * 实例:alert(getCookie("baobao")); <BR> *--------------- getCookie(name) ----------------- <BR> */ <BR> var arr = document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(^| )"+name+"=([^;]*)(;|$)")); <BR> if(arr !=null) return unescape(arr[2]); return null; <BR>} <BR>alert(getCookie("baobao")); <BR></script><script> <BR>function Post() <BR>{ <BR> //单个值 Read.htm?username=baobao; <BR> //多全值 Read.htm?username=baobao&sex=male; <BR> url = "Read.htm?username="+escape(document.all.username.value); <BR> url += "&sex=" + escape(document.all.sex.value); <BR> location.href=url; <BR>} <BR></script> <script> <BR>/* <BR> *--------------- Read.htm ----------------- <BR> * Request[key] <BR> * 功能:实现ASP的取得URL字符串,Request("AAA") <BR> * 参数:key,字符串. <BR> * 实例:alert(Request["AAA"]) <BR> *--------------- Request.htm ----------------- <BR> */ <BR>var url=location.search; <BR>var Request = new Object(); <BR>if(url.indexOf("?")!=-1) <BR>{ <BR> var str = url.substr(1) //去掉?号 <BR> strs = str.split("&"); <BR> for(var i=0;i<strs.length;i++) <BR> { <BR> Request[strs[i].split("=")[0]]=unescape(strs[i].split("=")[1]); <BR> } <BR>} <BR>alert(Request["username"]) <BR>alert(Request["sex"]) <BR></script>

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