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Usage examples of using the RequireJS library in ASP.NET MVC projects_javascript tips

2016-05-16 15:15:331884browse

RequireJS is a popular tool for front-end modular development. It is a Javascript library file, namely require.js.
Main functions of RequireJs:

(1) Implement asynchronous loading of js files to avoid web pages losing response;

(2) Manage dependencies between modules to facilitate code writing and maintenance.

There are many tools for front-end modular development, which are generally divided into two categories. One is high-end tools like dojo, which has built-in modular development components after dojo v1.8; the other is tools like require .js, sea.js is a tool that focuses on modular development.

From the rules of modular division, it is mainly divided into two categories: AMD and CMD. Dojo and require.js follow the former, while sea.js follows the CMD specification.

require works well in single-page applications. However, for traditional multi-page applications, using require can be somewhat confusing and inconvenient.

This article explains how to apply require in the structure of ASP.NET MVC, and provides a compression script to achieve semi-automatic compression.

Separate js code
Generally speaking, a route in ASP.NET MVC corresponds to a view. The file structure of the view may be as follows:


It is assumed that _layout.cshtml is shared by all pages. Under normal circumstances, we will reference public js libraries in _layout, such as jQuery, bootstrap, etc., so that other pages do not need to reference these libraries again, which improves coding efficiency. However, different pages will eventually rely on different js, especially custom js that implements the functions of the page itself. In this way, we have to reference special js in other pages, or even write js directly in the page, such as the following code Often appears in View:

<script type="text/javascript">

This will cause the page to be confusing, and the code in the 3f1c4e4b6b16bbbd69b2ee476dc4f83a tag of the page cannot be cached by the browser, which increases the length of the page code. The more important flaw is that libraries such as jQuery will execute anonymous functions after loading into the page, which takes some time. If some pages do not need jQuery at all, as long as the page uses _layout as the layout page, then jQuery The initialization code will inevitably be executed, which is a waste. In fact, the idea of ​​modular loading of JavaScript is to solve these problems.

Next we use require to plan our js and build a js directory with the following structure


Put public library-level js modules directly in the js directory, and place page-level js in a subdirectory of an app. Note that in the app, each page has a js file, which means that we need to extract the js of each page. Although this increases the structural complexity, it avoids the bad habit of writing 3f1c4e4b6b16bbbd69b2ee476dc4f83a tags in the page. In addition, the public libraries in the js directory, in addition to third-party libraries, also include self-developed libraries, and a file called config.js. This file is very critical and will be discussed later.

Then, we can delete all js references in _layout and use the @RenderSection command to require the subpage to provide js references, _layout.cshtml:

@RenderSection("require_js_module", false)

In this way, the demand for js is decentralized to each view page. According to the usage of require, we need to reference require.js in each sub-View and specify the main module, and these main modules are in the app directory above Each js

@section require_js_module{
 <script src="@Url.Content("~/js/require.js")" data-main="@Url.Content("~/js/app/home.index.js")" ></script>

All js codes will be written into js under the app, which standardizes js and makes the page cleaner. More importantly, these js can also be compressed and cached by the browser to further improve execution efficiency.

Public config
We know that in addition to using the require method, the main module often needs to configure the paths of other modules through require.config, and even needs shim. For example, the following code often appears at the beginning of the main module:

 paths: {
 "jquery": "lib/jquery.min",
 "underscore": "lib/underscore.min",
 "backbone": "lib/backbone.min"
 shim: {
  exports: '_'
 'backbone': {
  deps: ['underscore', 'jquery'],
  exports: 'Backbone'

For single-page applications, there is often only one main module, so it is OK to write the above code once. However, in the case of multiple pages, there are multiple main modules, and each main module must contain such code. Isn't it unscientific? So, I hope there is a unified configuration place, but how should I write it? We thought that we could use these configurations as a module config.js and let other main modules depend on this module, such as the following config.js:
 paths: {
 "jquery": "/js/jquery.min",
 "bootstrap": "/js/bootstrap"
 shim: {
 'bootstrap': {
  deps: ['jquery'],
  exports: "jQuery.fn.popover"

There is nothing special about how config.js is written. Next, just quote

in home.index.js
require(['../config','jquery', 'bootstrap'], function () {
 //main module code here


However, it is still wrong to write this way, because when the modules that the main module depends on (config, jquery, bootstrap here) are loaded, the loading order is uncertain, but the config module needs to be loaded before other modules. , what to do? A compromise solution is to modify home.index.js to become the following code:

require(['../config'], function () {
, define("home.index2", ['jquery', 'bootstrap'], function () {
 //main module code here



var build = {
 appDir: '../js',
 baseUrl: '.',
 dir: '../js-built',
 mainConfigFile: '../js/config.js',
 modules: [
 //First set up the common build layer.
  //module names are relative to baseUrl
  name: 'config',
  //List common dependencies here. Only need to list
  //top level dependencies, "include" will find
  //nested dependencies.
  include: ["bootstrap", "config","jquery"]
 //Now set up a build layer for each page, but exclude
 //the common one. "exclude" will exclude nested
 //the nested, built dependencies from "common". Any
 //"exclude" that includes built modules should be
 //listed before the build layer that wants to exclude it.
 //"include" the appropriate "app/main*" module since by default
 //it will not get added to the build since it is loaded by a nested
 //require in the page*.js files.


node.exe r.js -o build.js




fs = require('fs');
var target_build = process.argv[2];
var pwd = __dirname;
var js_path = pwd.substring(0,pwd.lastIndexOf('\\')) + '\\js';
console.log('js path : ' + js_path);
var app_path = js_path + '\\app';
console.log('js app path : ' +app_path);

var app_modules = [];
var global_modules = [];

//build json object
var build = {
 appDir: '../js',
 baseUrl: '.',
 dir: '../js-built',
 modules: [
 //First set up the common build layer.
  //module names are relative to baseUrl
  name: 'config',
  //List common dependencies here. Only need to list
  //top level dependencies, "include" will find
  //nested dependencies.
  include: []

fs.readdir(app_path,function (err,files) {
 // body...
 if (err) throw err;
 for(var i in files){
 //put module in app_modules
 var dotindex = files[i].lastIndexOf('.');
 if(dotindex >= 0){
  var extension = files[i].substring(dotindex+1,files[i].length);
  if(extension == 'js'){
   name: 'app/' + files[i].substring(0,dotindex),
   exclude: ['config']

 for(var j in app_modules){
 fs.readdir(js_path,function (err,files){
 if (err) throw err;
 for(var i in files){
  //put module in app_modules
  var dotindex = files[i].lastIndexOf('.');
  if(dotindex >= 0){
  var extension = files[i].substring(dotindex+1,files[i].length);
  if(extension == 'js'){

 build.modules[0].include = global_modules;
 var t = pwd + '\\' + target_build;
 var fd = fs.openSync(t, 'w');
 var json = JSON.stringify(build);
 fs.writeFileSync(t, json);


@echo off
set PWD=%~p0
set PWD=%PWD:\=/%
cd "D:\node"
node.exe %PWD%build-build.js build.js
node.exe %PWD%r.js -o %PWD%build.js
cd %~dp0





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