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js class from qq_javascript skills

2016-05-16 19:24:241304browse
Copy code The code is as follows:

var Comment = new Object();

var $C = function(tagName)
    return document.createElement(tagName);
String.prototype.trim = function()
    return this.replace(/^s*|s*$/g,"");
String.prototype.realLength = function()
    return this.replace(/[^x00-xff]/g,"**").length;
String.prototype.left = function(n)
    if (this.length > n)
        return this.substr(0, n)   '...';
        return this;
Array.prototype.remove = function(n)
    if (n     {
        return this;
        return this.slice(0, n).concat(this.slice(n   1, this.length));
function findPosX(obj) 
    var curleft = 0;
    if (obj && obj.offsetParent)
        while (obj.offsetParent)
            curleft  = obj.offsetLeft;
            obj = obj.offsetParent;
    else if (obj && obj.x) curleft  = obj.x;
    return curleft;

function findPosY(obj)
    var curtop = 0;
    if (obj && obj.offsetParent) 
        while (obj.offsetParent) 
            curtop  = obj.offsetTop;
            obj = obj.offsetParent;
    else if (obj && obj.y) curtop  = obj.y;
    return curtop;
var input_domain = 'http://input.comment.qq.com';
var index_domain = 'http://comment1.qq.com';
var pinglun_domain = 'http://pinglun.qq.com';
var js_domain = 'http://pinglun.qq.com';
var img_domain = 'http://mat1.qq.com/pinglun';
Comment.Configure = {
    version:                '1.0',
    newline:                'n',
    site_length:            20,
    key_length:                20,
    id_length:                10,
    index_line_sum:            10000,
    index_width:            5,
    default_mode:            'origin_count',
    default_order:            1,
    default_reply_per_page:    10,
    quote_str_len:            60,
    intro_len:                150,
    debate_intro_len:        200,
    content_len:            200,
    reply_default_title:    '请填写标题',
    intro_min_length:        20,
    request_delay:            100,
    login_frame_delay:        2000,
    reply_type_def:            {
        '1':    '[精] ',
        '2':    '[荐] ',
        '3':    '[专] '
    postUrl:                input_domain   '/post.cmt',
    logoutUrl:                input_domain   '/cgi-bin/qqlogout',
    commentIndex:            'http://pinglun.qq.com/',
    loginIframeUrl:            index_domain   '/i_login.htm',
    defaultLogoUrl:            img_domain   '/images/defpic.jpg'

Comment.Define = {
    getReplyType: function(type)
        if (Comment.Configure.reply_type_def[type])
            return Comment.Configure.reply_type_def[type];
            return '';

Comment.PGV_Count = function(option)
    if (typeof(pgvMain) == 'function')
        pvRepeatCount = 1;
        pvCurDomain = sDomain;
        if (option)
            if (option.domain)
                pvCurDomain = option.domain;
            if (option.path)
                pvCurUrl = option.path;
        //Debug.log('call pgv function');

Comment.UrlFactory = {
    get3LevelDir: function(id)
        var path = parseInt(id / 1000000)   '/';
        path  = parseInt(id / 1000)   '/';
        path  = id / 1;
        return path;
    getCommentUrl: function(id)
        return (this.get3LevelDir(id)   '/');
    getDebateUrl: function(id)
        return this.get3LevelDir(id);
    getUserUrl: function(id)
        return this.get3LevelDir(id);
    getReplyUrl: function(key)
        var path = key.substr(0, 8);
        path  = '/'   (key.substr(8, 4));
        path  = '/'   (key.substr(12, 2));
        path  = '/'   key;
        return path;
    getIndexUrl: function(id)
        var length = id.toString().length;
        if (length         {
            for (var i = 0; i             {
                id = '0'   id;
        return id;
    getIndexDir: function(mode)
        var modes = {
            'origin_count':    'originindex',
            'total_count':    'allindex',
            'top_count':    'topindex'
        return modes[mode];
    getRangeHeader: function(start, length, line_len)
        var range_start = start * line_len;
        var range_length = length * line_len;
        return ['Range','bytes='   range_start   '-'   (parseInt(range_start)   parseInt(range_length) - 1 - Comment.Configure.newline.length)];
    getCommentNormalUrl: function(site, id)
        return 'comment.htm?site='   site   '&id='   id;
    getCommentGroupUrl: function(site, id)
        return 'comment_group.htm?site='   site   '&id='   id;
    getCommentDebateUrl: function(site, id)
        return 'comment_debate.htm?site='   site   '&id='   id;
    getCommentUserUrl: function(uin)
        return 'comment_user.htm?uin='   uin;
    getCommentUserLink: function(uin, nick)
        return ''   (nick ? nick : uin)   '';
    getCommentListLink: function(site_en, site_cn, sort_en, sort_cn, className)
        if (className)
            className = 'class="'   className   '"';
            className = '';
        return '评论首页 >> '
              ''   site_cn   ' >> '
              ''   sort_cn   '';

Comment.ContentFormat = {
    decode: function(content)
        return content.split(Comment.Configure.newline);

Comment.DataObjectFactory = function(content, model)
    content = Comment.ContentFormat.decode(content);
    var dataModel = Comment.DataObject[model];
    if (content.length - 1 != dataModel.length)
        if (model != 'commentinfo' && model != 'listsum')
            //alert('[DEBUG 信息] O/R 映射失败,远程数据和本地模型数量不匹配!请检查!');
    var dataObject = new Object();
    for (var i = 0; i     {
        dataObject[dataModel[i]] = content[i];
    return dataObject;

Comment.DataObject = {


/* 控制器类 */
Comment.Control = new Object();

/* 分页控制器 */
Comment.Control.Pagination = Class.create();
Comment.Control.Pagination.prototype = {
    initialize: function(option)
        this.totalPage = option.totalPage;
        this.currPage = 1;
        this.zoom_start = 3;
        this.zoom_end = 613;
    reset: function(option)
        this.totalPage = option.totalPage;
        this.currPage = 1;
    updateOrder: function()

    countCurrPage: function(offset)
        var page = parseInt(offset * this.totalPage / this.zoom_end)   1;
        if (page > this.totalPage)
            page = this.totalPage;
        return page;
    movePageControl: function(toPage)
        if (toPage  this.totalPage)
        var offset = 0;
        if (toPage == 1)
            offset = this.zoom_start;
        else if (toPage == this.totalPage)
            offset = this.zoom_end;
            offset = this.zoom_start   (toPage - 1) * (this.zoom_end / (this.totalPage - 1));
        $('scrfloat').style.left = offset   'px';
        //$('scrfloat_2').style.left = offset   'px';
    bindControl: function()
        var self = this;
        var tooltip = $('Page_tip');
        var offsetX = 10;
        var offsetY = -10;
        function getSite(o)
            var obj = o;
            var objS = obj.offsetLeft;
            while (obj != obj.offsetParent && obj.offsetParent)
                obj = obj.offsetParent;
                if (obj.tagName == 'span')
                    objS  = obj.offsetLeft;
            return objS;
        Event.observe($('scr'), 'mousedown', mDown, false);
        //Event.observe($('scr_2'), 'mousedown', mDown, false);
        var flag = false;
        function mDown()
            flag = true;
            if(window.event.srcElement.id != 'scr'
               && window.event.srcElement.id != 'scr_2')
                $('scrfloat').style.left = $('scrfloat').offsetLeft;
                //$('scrfloat_2').style.left = $('scrfloat').style.left;
                $('scrfloat').style.left = (window.event.x - 5);
                //$('scrfloat_2').style.left = $('scrfloat').style.left;
            tooltip.style.display = 'block';
            t = $('scrfloat').offsetLeft;
            tooltip.innerHTML = self.countCurrPage(t);
            tooltip.style.left = window.event.clientX   offsetX   'px';
            tooltip.style.top = window.event.clientY   offsetY   document.documentElement.scrollTop   'px';
        function mMove()
                $('scrfloat').style.left = window.event.clientX - getSite($('scr')) - 5   'px';
                //$('scrfloat_2').style.left = window.event.clientX - getSite($('scr')) - 5   'px';
            if (parseInt($('scrfloat').style.left.replace('px', '')) > self.zoom_end)
                $('scrfloat').style.left = self.zoom_end   'px';
                //$('scrfloat_2').style.left = $('scrfloat').style.left;
            if (parseInt($("scrfloat").style.left.replace('px', ''))             {
                $('scrfloat').style.left = self.zoom_start   'px';
                //$('scrfloat_2').style.left = $('scrfloat').style.left;
            if (flag)
                t = $('scrfloat').offsetLeft;
                tooltip.innerHTML = self.countCurrPage(t);
                tooltip.style.left = window.event.clientX   offsetX   'px';
                tooltip.style.top = window.event.clientY   offsetY   document.documentElement.scrollTop   'px';
        function mUp()
            if (flag)
                t = $('scrfloat').offsetLeft;
            flag = false;
            tooltip.style.display = 'none';

        function mEnd()
            window.event.returnValue = false;

        window.document.onmousemove = mMove;
        window.document.ondragstart = mEnd;
        window.document.onmouseup = mUp;

        Event.observe($('up'), 'click', mUpBtn, false);
        Event.observe($('down'), 'click', mDownBtn, false);
        function mUpBtn()
            self.setCurrPage(self.currPage - 1, 1);
        function mDownBtn()
            self.setCurrPage(self.currPage   1, 1);
    nextPage: function()
        if (this.currPage         {
    previousPage: function()
        if (this.currPage > 0)
    setCurrPage: function(page, move)
        if (page > 0 && page         {
            this.currPage = page;
            if (move != null)
    onPageChange: function()
    getCurrPage: function()
        return this.currPage;

Comment.Iterator = {
    getIndex: function(objComment)
        var rangeList = new Array();
        function getIndexId(reply_id)
            return parseInt(reply_id / Comment.Configure.index_line_sum);
        function getReplyPos(reply_id)
            return (reply_id % Comment.Configure.index_line_sum);

        if (objComment.order == 0)
            var reply_start = (objComment.currPage - 1) * objComment.replyPerPage;
            var start_index_id = getIndexId(reply_start);
            var start_reply_id = getReplyPos(reply_start);
            var currReply = 1;
            var replySum = 0;
            while (currReply )
                if (reply_start   currReply > objComment.totalReply)
                        url:    Comment.UrlFactory.getIndexUrl(start_index_id),
                        range:    Comment.UrlFactory.getRangeHeader(start_reply_id, currReply - replySum - 1, objComment.index_line_len)
                if (currReply == objComment.replyPerPage)
                        url:    Comment.UrlFactory.getIndexUrl(start_index_id),
                        range:    Comment.UrlFactory.getRangeHeader(start_reply_id, currReply - replySum, objComment.index_line_len)
                if (start_reply_id   currReply > Comment.Configure.index_line_sum)
                        url:    Comment.UrlFactory.getIndexUrl(start_index_id),
                        range:    Comment.UrlFactory.getRangeHeader(start_reply_id, currReply, objComment.index_line_len)
                    start_index_id ;
                    start_reply_id = 0;
                    replySum = currReply - 1;
            var reply_start = objComment.totalReply - 1 - (objComment.currPage - 1) * objComment.replyPerPage;
            var start_index_id = getIndexId(reply_start);
            var start_reply_id = getReplyPos(reply_start);
            var currReply = 1;
            var replySum = 0;
            while (currReply )
                if (reply_start - currReply                 {
                        url:    Comment.UrlFactory.getIndexUrl(start_index_id),
                        range:    Comment.UrlFactory.getRangeHeader(0, start_reply_id   1, objComment.index_line_len)
                if (currReply == objComment.replyPerPage)
                        url:    Comment.UrlFactory.getIndexUrl(start_index_id),
                        range:    Comment.UrlFactory.getRangeHeader(start_reply_id - currReply   replySum   1, currReply - replySum, objComment.index_line_len)
                if (start_reply_id - currReply                 {
                        url:    Comment.UrlFactory.getIndexUrl(start_index_id),
                        range:    Comment.UrlFactory.getRangeHeader(0, start_reply_id   1, objComment.index_line_len)
                    start_reply_id = Comment.Configure.index_line_sum - 1;
                    replySum = currReply;
        return rangeList;

/* 显示样式控制器 */
Comment.Control.Display = Class.create();
Comment.Control.Display.prototype = {
    initialize: function()

/* 页面显示类 */
Comment.Page = new Object();
/* 评论页控制接口 */
Comment.Page.Base = {
    changeMode: function(mode)
        this.mode = mode;
        this.totalReply = this.data_sum[mode];
        this.totalPage = parseInt(this.totalReply / this.replyPerPage)
              (this.totalReply % this.replyPerPage != 0 ? 1 : 0);
    changeOrder: function(order)
        if (this.order == order)
        this.order = order;
        this.currPage = 1;
    bindOrderControl: function()
        var self = this;
        if (self.order == 0)
            $('order_front').style.cursor = 'none';
            $('order_front').style.color = '#000';
            $('order_front').onclick = function(e)
                return false;
            $('order_desc').style.cursor = 'pointer';
            $('order_desc').style.color = '#3B78AF';
            $('order_desc').onclick = function()
                return false;
        else if (self.order == 1)
            $('order_front').style.cursor = 'pointer';
            $('order_front').style.color = '#3B78AF';
            $('order_front').onclick = function(e)
                return false;
            $('order_desc').style.cursor = 'none';
            $('order_desc').style.color = '#000';
            $('order_desc').onclick = function()
                return false;
    bindRowsPerPage: function()
        var self = this;
            button.onclick = function()
                self.replyPerPage = button.value;
                self.currPage = 1;
                return false;
    selectTab: function(mode)
        var self = this;
            if (tab.value == mode)
                    if (t.value != '')
                        t.className = 'none';
                tab.className = 'c';
    appendTab: function(option)
        var pTab = $C('p');
        pTab.innerHTML = option.title;
        pTab.value = '';
        pTab.onclick = function()
        return false;
    bindTabControl: function()
        var self = this;
            var mode = tab.value;
            if (mode != '')
                tab.onclick = function()
                        t.className = 'none';
                    this.className = 'c';
                    self.currPage = 1;
                    return false;
    bindPageRandom: function()
        var self = this;
        $A($('page_random', 'page_random_2')).each(function(button)
            button.onclick = function()
                if (self.totalPage == 1)
                    self.currPage = 1;
                    self.currPage = Math.floor(Math.random() * (self.totalPage   1));
                    if (self.currPage == 0)
                        self.currPage = 1;
                return false;
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