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php socket编程 读完成后写阻塞

2016-06-23 14:23:051090browse

socket tcp php server

server端代码 如下:
<?phpset_time_limit(0); $host = "";$port = 12345; $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP) or die("Could not create	socket\n"); // 创建一个Socket $result = socket_bind($socket, $host, $port) or die("Could not bind tosocket\n"); //绑定Socket到端口 $result = socket_listen($socket) or die("Could not set up socket listener\n"); // 开始监听连接 $spawn = socket_accept($socket) or die("Could not accept incoming connection\n"); // 处理通信//若换成循环接收数据,客户端将一直处理等待接收状态$input = socket_read($spawn, 1024) or die("Could not read data\n");/* while (( $data = socket_read($spawn, 1024)) != false) 	$input .= $data;*/ echo 'input:', strlen($input), "\n"; $output = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"). "\n"; //处理客户端输入并返回结果 echo "output:", $output, "\n"; //	数据传送 向客户端写入返回结果socket_write($spawn, $output, strlen($output)) or die("Could not write output\n");	 // 关闭socketssocket_close($spawn);socket_close($socket);

client端, 代码如下:
<?phpset_time_limit(0); $host = "";$port = 12345; $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP)or die("Could not create	socket\n"); // 创建一个Socket $connection = socket_connect($socket, $host, $port) or die("Could not connet server\n");    //  连接 socket_write($socket, "time") or die("Write failed\n"); // 数据传送 向服务器发送消息echo 'wait for data';while (($buffer = socket_read($socket, 1024))!=false) {    echo("Data sent was: time\nResponse was:" . $buffer . "\n");} socket_close($socket);

如果将server端对client read操作换成循环内部读取,则client会一直处于 wait data状态。



<?phpset_time_limit(0); $host = "";$port = 12345; $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP) or die("Could not create	socket\n"); // 创建一个Socket $result = socket_bind($socket, $host, $port) or die("Could not bind tosocket\n"); //绑定Socket到端口 $result = socket_listen($socket) or die("Could not set up socket listener\n"); // 开始监听连接 $spawn = socket_accept($socket) or die("Could not accept incoming connection\n"); // 处理通信//若换成循环接收数据,客户端将一直处理等待接收状态$input = socket_read($spawn, 1024) or die("Could not read data\n"); while (( $data = socket_read($spawn, 1024)) != false) {	$input .= $data;echo 'input:', strlen($input), "\n"; $output = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"). "\n"; //处理客户端输入并返回结果 echo "output:", $output, "\n"; //	数据传送 向客户端写入返回结果socket_write($spawn, $output, strlen($output)) or die("Could not write output\n");	 }// 关闭socketssocket_close($spawn);socket_close($socket);

<?phpset_time_limit(0); $host = "";$port = 12345; $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP) or die("Could not create	socket\n"); // 创建一个Socket $result = socket_bind($socket, $host, $port) or die("Could not bind tosocket\n"); //绑定Socket到端口 $result = socket_listen($socket) or die("Could not set up socket listener\n"); // 开始监听连接 $spawn = socket_accept($socket) or die("Could not accept incoming connection\n"); // 处理通信//若换成循环接收数据,客户端将一直处理等待接收状态$input = socket_read($spawn, 1024) or die("Could not read data\n"); while (( $input = socket_read($spawn, 1024)) != false) {	echo 'input:', strlen($input), "\n"; $output = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"). "\n"; //处理客户端输入并返回结果 echo "output:", $output, "\n"; //	数据传送 向客户端写入返回结果socket_write($spawn, $output, strlen($output)) or die("Could not write output\n");	}// 关闭socketssocket_close($spawn);socket_close($socket);


<?phpset_time_limit(0); $host = "";$port = 12345; $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP) or die("Could not create	socket\n"); // 创建一个Socket $result = socket_bind($socket, $host, $port) or die("Could not bind tosocket\n"); //绑定Socket到端口 $result = socket_listen($socket) or die("Could not set up socket listener\n"); // 开始监听连接 $spawn = socket_accept($socket) or die("Could not accept incoming connection\n"); // 处理通信//若换成循环接收数据,客户端将一直处理等待接收状态$input = socket_read($spawn, 1024) or die("Could not read data\n"); while (( $input = socket_read($spawn, 1024)) != false) {	echo 'input:', strlen($input), "\n"; $output = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"). "\n"; //处理客户端输入并返回结果 echo "output:", $output, "\n"; //	数据传送 向客户端写入返回结果socket_write($spawn, $output, strlen($output)) or die("Could not write output\n");	}// 关闭socketssocket_close($spawn);socket_close($socket);


while (true) {    $msg = socket_accept ($socket);               // 接受一个SOCKET    if (!$msg) {        echo "socket_accept() failed:".socket_strerror ($msg)."\n";        break;    }    while (true) {        $command = strtoupper (trim (socket_read ($msg, 1024))); //等待客户端数据        if (!$command) break;        //相关处理,比如直接回显        socket_write ($msg, $command, strlen ($command));    }    socket_close ($msg);    if ($command == "QUIT") //如果收到的是通讯结束        break;}socket_close ($socket);                   // 关闭SOCKET

<?phpset_time_limit(0); $host = "";$port = 12345; $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP) or die("Could not create	socket\n"); // 创建一个Socket $result = socket_bind($socket, $host, $port) or die("Could not bind tosocket\n"); //绑定Socket到端口 $result = socket_listen($socket) or die("Could not set up socket listener\n"); // 开始监听连接 $spawn = socket_accept($socket) or die("Could not accept incoming connection\n"); // 处理通信//若换成循环接收数据,客户端将一直处理等待接收状态$input = socket_read($spawn, 1024) or die("Could not read data\n"); while (( $input = socket_read($spawn, 1024)) != false) {	echo 'input:', strlen($input), "\n"; $output = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"). "\n"; //处理客户端输入并返回结果 echo "output:", $output, "\n"; //	数据传送 向客户端写入返回结果socket_write($spawn, $output, strlen($output)) or die("Could not write output\n");	}// 关闭socketssocket_close($spawn);socket_close($socket);

<?php/* * 不使用apache,cli模式 * 命令接收端 * 单用户,即单连接 *//** * 命令接收端Messenger * 单线程 */class SocketServer {    protected $ip;    protected $port;    protected $webSocket;    protected $users;    protected $userIndex = 0;    protected $message;    public function __construct($ip = "", $port = 12345) {        $this->ip = $ip;        $this->port = $port;        //        self::init();        //        $this->createServer();        $this->log('listenning user...');        $this->listenningUser();    }    protected function createServer() {        $errno;        $errstr;        $this->webSocket = stream_socket_server("tcp://" . $this->ip . ':' . $this->port, $errno, $errstr);        if (!$this->webSocket) {            self::log("$errstr ($errno)");            exit();        }        $this->log('server ok .');    }    protected function listenningUser() {        while (true) {            $this->userIndex++;            $user = $this->users[$this->userIndex] = stream_socket_accept($this->webSocket, 9999999999);            //            if (is_resource($this->users[$this->userIndex - 1])) {                $u = $this->users[$this->userIndex - 1];                $u->close();                $u = NULL;                unset($this->users[$this->userIndex - 1]);            }            //            $this->log('连入新用户');            $this->listenningMessage();        }    }    protected function listenningMessage() {        while (is_resource($this->users[$this->userIndex])) {            $this->message = stream_socket_recvfrom($this->users[$this->userIndex], 10270000);            if (!$this->message) {                $this->closeUser();                break;            }            $this->messageOperate();        }    }    function messageOperate() {        $this->log("收到消息:");        $this->log($this->message);        //mb_strstr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle, $encoding)        $this->sendMessage('done');    }    function sendMessage($msg) {        if($msg===''){            return -1;        }        return stream_socket_sendto($this->users[$this->userIndex], $msg);    }    public function closeUser() {        if (!is_resource($this->users[$this->userIndex]))            return FALSE;        @stream_socket_shutdown($this->users[$this->userIndex], STREAM_SHUT_RDWR);        @fclose($this->users[$this->userIndex]);        $this->log("用户连接断开.");        return TRUE;    }    public function shutdown() {        stream_socket_shutdown($this->webSocket, STREAM_SHUT_RDWR);        fclose($this->webSocket);    }    protected static function init() {        error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);        set_time_limit(0);        ob_implicit_flush();        date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Shanghai');        ignore_user_abort(TRUE);        mb_internal_encoding('gbk');    }    protected static function log($message) {        echo "\r\n" . $message . "\r\n";    }}$server = new SocketServer();

<?php/* * 不使用apache,cli模式 * 客户端 */class SocketClient {    protected $client;    protected $message;    public function __construct($domain,$port) {        $this->init();        $this->client = stream_socket_client("tcp://$domain:$port", $errno, $errstr, 300000);        if (!$this->client) {            $this->log("$errstr ($errno)");            return FALSE;        }        $this->log('client ok');    }    protected static function init() {        error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);        //error_reporting(0);        set_time_limit(0);        ob_implicit_flush();        date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Shanghai');        ignore_user_abort(TRUE);        mb_internal_encoding('gbk');    }    public function sendMessage($msg) {        if ($msg === '') {            return -1;        }        try {            stream_socket_sendto($this->client, $msg);        } catch (Exception $exc) {            //$this->log($exc->getTraceAsString());        }    }    public function getMessage() {        $this->message = stream_socket_recvfrom($this->client, 10270000);        //$this->log("收到消息:");        //$this->log($this->message);        fwrite(STDOUT, $this->message . "\r\n");    }    public function shutdown() {        stream_socket_shutdown($this->client, STREAM_SHUT_RDWR);        fclose($this->client);    }    public static function log($message) {        echo "\r\n" . $message . "\r\n";    }}//$client = new SocketClient('',12345);while (true) {    $msg = fread(STDIN, 9999999);    if (!trim($msg)) {        continue;    }    $client->sendMessage($msg);    $client->getMessage();}

while (true) {    $msg = socket_accept ($socket);               // 接受一个SOCKET    if (!$msg) {        echo "socket_accept() failed:".socket_strerror ($msg)."\n";        break;    }    while (true) {        $command = strtoupper (trim (socket_read ($msg, 1024))); //等待客户端数据        if (!$command) break;        //相关处理,比如直接回显        socket_write ($msg, $command, strlen ($command));    }    socket_close ($msg);    if ($command == "QUIT") //如果收到的是通讯结束        break;}socket_close ($socket);                   // 关闭SOCKET


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