Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >Related to YUI extended Gird component Part-1_YUI.Ext
Article date: 2006/9/26
The new version of GIRD can support remote data. The settings for paging and remote sorting are easy to understand. I will explain some other commonly used custom parameters in this post. The new forum interface (under construction) is a good example of paging and remote sorting, and the code for this article comes from that example.
New methods and properties
Using LoadableDatatModel object (the parent class of XMLDataModel and JSONDataModel) to implement paging and remote sorting, there are several new methods and properties.
The following variable "dm" refers to an instance of DataModel.
dm.initPaging('topics.php', 20);
// the grid is ready, load page 1 of topics dm.loadPage(1);
dm = new YAHOO.ext.grid.XMLDataModel({ tagName: 'Topic', totalTag: 'TotalCount', id: 'id', fields: ['title', 'author', 'totalPosts', 'lastPost', 'lastPoster'] });Another method:
dm = new YAHOO.ext.grid.XMLDataModel({ tagName: 'Topic', id: 'id', fields: ['title', 'author', 'totalPosts', 'lastPost', 'lastPoster'] }); dm.getTotalRowCount = function(){ return 500; //或者是你要的数量 }
// 调用“/data.php”产生所有分页、排序 dm.pageUrl = '/data.php'; //这种方式也不错 dm.initPaging('/foo.php', 50);
// 传入已选择好forumId的值,产生所有分页、排序 dm.baseParams['forumId'] = forumId;
//"page"改名为"pageNum" myDataModel.paramMap['page'] = 'pageNum';
Group all functions together
This is the process of creating a Gird, and the paging code:
// 限制选区只是一行 sm = new YAHOO.ext.grid.SingleSelectionModel(); // 监听选区改变 sm.addListener('selectionchange', onSelection); // 创建我们的column model cm = new YAHOO.ext.grid.DefaultColumnModel([ {header: "Topic", width: 330}, {header: "Author", width: 100}, {header: "Posts", width: 40}, {header: "Last Post", width: 150}, {header: "Last User", width: 120} ]); //这个属性设置默认的排序,免得在每个column上设置。 cm.defaultSortable = true; // 创建数据模型data model。注意"totalTag"条目。它告诉model去寻找该节点下全部的纪录。 dm = new YAHOO.ext.grid.XMLDataModel({ tagName: 'Topic', totalTag: 'TotalCount', id: 'id', fields: ['title', 'author', 'totalPosts', 'lastPost', 'lastPoster'] }); // 初始化分页 dm.initPaging('topics.php', 20); //设置我们想转入的附加参数(可作为第三个参数传入到inirPaing) dm.baseParams = {'forumId': 4}; dm.setDefaultSort(cm, 3, 'DESC'); //当每次新数据加载后,选择GIRD的第一行 dm.addListener('load', sm.selectFirstRow, sm, true); // 创建grid对象 grid = new YAHOO.ext.grid.Grid('topics-grid', dm, cm, sm); grid.render(); //分页工具条,下面将会分析 var toolbar = grid.getView().getPageToolbar(); toolbar.addSeparator(); toolbar.addButton({ className: 'new-topic-button', text: "New Topic", click: createTopic }); // 当gird准备好,加载话题的第一项 dm.loadPage(1);
Paging Toolbar
Since paging buttons are more commonly used, I decided to write a simple toolbar component to implement paging. The YAHOO.ext.Toolbar released this time is very simple and provides some methods to implement paging of the toolbar. Button setting is done with CSS. The icon ICON should be a 16X16 standard picture. If not, the image will be cut. Example of adding a button:
toolbar.addButton({ className: 'my-button', tooltip: "New Foo", click: createFoo });ENABLE/DISABLED icon in CSS:
.my-button{ background-image: url(../images/foo.gif); } .ytb-button-disabled .my-button{ background-image: url(../images/foo-disabled.gif); }Create an ICON with text (JS writing is as in the above example):
toolbar.addButton({ className: 'my-button', text: "New Foo", click: createFoo });But CSS writing is a bit complicated:
.ytoolbar .my-button{ background-image: url('images/foo.gif'); background-position: 0px 0px; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding-left:18px; padding-top:1px; width:auto; display:block; }
To customize the toolbar with a lot of icons, the best thing is css sprite. The paging icon of the new version of GIRD may use CSS Sprite.
The next step is. .
In the next post, I will talk about drag-and-drop of grid and drag-and-drop between two grids.