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Share a small js framework written by others_javascript skills

2016-05-16 19:10:411042browse

It mainly integrates commonly used extensions, including Dom and String, Array, StringBuffer, NameSpace, etc., and of course Ajax is indispensable. Volume is about 8k. Because the volume is strictly controlled, the functionality is limited. If you only want the Ajax part, it's only 1k.

This small framework has been applied to the company's projects and has begun to gradually replace prototype.js on the front-end display page. Some applications will be made around this framework in the future.

Copy code The code is as follows:

*    My JavaScript Framework
*    Version    :    1.0 beta
*    Author    :    misshjn
*    Email    :    misshjn@163.com
function NameSpace(){};
function StringBuffer(){this.data = []};

var Method = {
    Version : "1.0 beta",
    Element    : function(){
        this.version = Method.Version;
        this.hide = function(){this.style.display="none"; return this};
        this.show = function(){this.style.display=""; return this};
        this.getStyle = function(s){
            var value = this.style[s.camelize()];
            if (!value){
                if (this.currentStyle) {
                    value = this.currentStyle[s.camelize()];
                }else if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) {
                    var css = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(this, null);
                    value = css ? css.getPropertyValue(s) : null;
            return value;
        this.setStyle = function(s){
            var sList = s.split(";");
            for (var i=0,j; j=sList[i]; i ){
                var k = j.split(":");
                this.style[k[0].trim().camelize()] = k[1].trim();
            return this;
        this.toggle = function(){this.getStyle("display")=="none"?this.setStyle("display:"):this.setStyle("display:none"); return this};
        this.hasClassName = function(c){return this.className.hasSubString(c," ")?true:false;};
        this.addClassName = function(c){if(!this.hasClassName(c)){this.className =" " c};return this};
        this.removeClassName = function(c){if(this.hasClassName(c)){this.className = (" " this.className " ").replace(" " c " "," ").trim(); return this}};
        this.getElementsByClassName = function(c){return this.getElementsByAttribute("className",c)};
        this.getElementsByAttribute = function(n,v){ //name,value;
            var elems = this.getElementsByTagName("*");
            var elemList = [];
            for (var i=0,j; j=elems[i]; i ){
                var att = j[n] || j.getAttribute(n);
                if (att==v){
            return elemList;
        this.parentIndex = function(p){
            if (this==p){return 0}            
            for (var i=0,n=this; n=n.parentNode; i ){
                if(n==p){return i;}
                if(n==document.documentElement) return -1;
        this.nextElement = function(){
            var n = this;
            for (var i=0,n; n = n.nextSibling; i ){
                if(n.nodeType==1) return $(n);
            return null;
        this.previousElement = function(){
            var n = this;
            for (var i=0,n; n = n.previousSibling; i ){
                if(n.nodeType==1) return $(n);
            return null;
        this.moveAhead = function(){
            if (this.previousElement()){
            return this;
        this.moveBack = function(){
            var n = this.nextElement();
            if (n){
            return this;
    Array :    function(){
        this.indexOf = function(){
            for (i=0; i                if (this[i]==arguments[0])
                    return i;
            return -1;
        this.lastIndexOf = function(){
            for (i=this.length-1; i>=0; i--){
                if (this[i]==arguments[0])
                    return i;
            return -1;
        this.each = function(fn){
            for (var i=0,len=this.length; i                fn(this[i]);
            return this;
    String : function(){
        this.trim = function(){
            var _re,_argument = arguments[0] || " ";
            typeof(_argument)=="string"?(_argument == " "?_re = /(^s*)|(s*$)/g : _re = new RegExp("(^" _argument "*)|(" _argument "*$)","g")) : _re = _argument;
            return this.replace(_re,"");
        this.ltrim = function(){
            var _re, _argument = arguments[0] || " ";
            typeof(_argument)=="string"?(_argument == " "?_re = /(^s*)/g : _re = new RegExp("(^" _argument "*)","g")) : _re = _argument;
            return this.replace(_re,"");
        this.rtrim = function(){
            var _re, _argument = arguments[0] || " ";
            typeof(_argument)=="string"?(_argument == " "?_re = /(s*$)/g : _re = new RegExp("(" _argument "*$)","g")) : _re = _argument;
            return this.replace(_re,"");
        this.concat = function(){
            var s = new StringBuffer();
            for (var i=0,j; j=arguments[i]; i ){
                s.append(typeof j=="object" ? j.join("") : j);
            return s.toString();
        this.stripTags = function(){
            return this.replace(/] >/gi, '');
        this.cint = function(){
            return this.replace(/D/g,"")-0;
        this.camelize = function(){
            return this.replace(/(-S)/g,function($1){return $1.toUpperCase().substring(1,2)})
        this.hasSubString = function(s,f){
            if(!f) f="";
            var v = (f this f).indexOf(f s f);
            return v==-1?false:v;
        this.toXMLString = function(){
            var arr = arguments[0].split("&");
            var str = new StringBuffer();
            for (var i=0,len=arr.length; i                var item = arr[i].split("=");
                str.append("<" item[0] ">");
            return str.toString();
        this.URLEncode = function(){ return encodeURIComponent(this)};
        this.URLDecode = function(){ return decodeURIComponent(this)};
    StringBuffer : function(){
        this.append = function(){this.data.push(arguments[0]);return this};
        this.toString = function(){return this.data.join(arguments[0]||"")};
        this.length = function(){return this.data.length};
    NameSpace : function(){
        this.copyChild = this.appendChild = function(ns){
            for (var key in ns){
                this[key] = ns[key];
            return this;


function $(){
    var elem = typeof(arguments[0])=="string"?document.getElementById(arguments[0]):arguments[0];
    if (!elem){return null}
    if (elem["version"]){return elem}
    if ( arguments[1] == undefined || arguments[1]==true ){Method.Element.apply(elem);}
    return elem;

var Ajax={
    xmlhttp:function (){
            return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');
                return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
                return new XMLHttpRequest();
Ajax.Request=function (){
    if(arguments.length<2)return ;
    var para = {asynchronous:true,method:"GET",parameters:""};
    for (var key in arguments[1]){
        para[key] = arguments[1][key];
    var _x=Ajax.xmlhttp();
    var _url=arguments[0];
    if(para["parameters"].length>0) para["parameters"] ='&_=';
    if(para["method"].toUpperCase()=="GET") _url =(_url.match(/?/)?'&':'?') para["parameters"];
    _x.onreadystatechange=function (){

    for (var ReqHeader in para["setRequestHeader"]){


var Cookies = {
    get : function(n){
        var dc = "; " document.cookie "; ";
        var coo = dc.indexOf("; " n "=");
        if (coo!=-1){
            var s = dc.substring(coo n.length 3,dc.length);
            return unescape(s.substring(0, s.indexOf("; ")));
            return null;
    set : function(name,value,expires){
        var expDays = expires*24*60*60*1000;
        var expDate = new Date();
        expDate.setTime(expDate.getTime() expDays);
        var expString = expires ? "; expires=" expDate.toGMTString() : "";
        var pathString = ";path=/";
        document.cookie = name   "="   escape(value)   expString   pathString;
    del : function(n){
        var exp = new Date();
        exp.setTime(exp.getTime() - 1);
        var cval=this.get(n);
        if(cval!=null) document.cookie= n   "=" cval ";expires=" exp.toGMTString();

function $A(list){
    var arr = [];
    for (var i=0,len=list.length; i        arr[i] = list[i];
    return arr;
function $D(str){return str.URLDecode();}
function $E(str){return str.URLEncode();}
function $V(id){return $(id).value}
function request(paras){
    var url = location.href;
    var paraString = "&" url.substring(url.indexOf("?") 1,url.length) "&";
    if (paraString.indexOf("&" paras "=")==-1){return ""};
    paraString = paraString.substring(paraString.indexOf("&" paras "=") paras.length 2,paraString.length);
    return paraString.substring(0,paraString.indexOf("&"));
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