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JQuery+EasyUI easily realizes the step bar effect_jquery

2016-05-16 15:14:101871browse

EasyUI Introduction

easyui is a collection of user interface plug-ins based on jQuery.

easyui provides the necessary functionality for creating modern, interactive, JavaScript applications.

Using easyui, you don’t need to write a lot of code. You only need to define the user interface by writing some simple HTML tags.

easyui is a complete framework that perfectly supports HTML5 web pages.

easyui saves the time and scale of your web development.

easyui is very simple but powerful.

jQuery EasyUI provides easy-to-use components that enable web developers to quickly build application pages based on the popular jQuery core and HTML5.

Let me show you the renderings first:

Project requirements: When we usually shop, it is often a step like placing an order, making payment, the seller shipping, confirming receipt, and evaluating. So if the UI is designed with a progress bar, the user can clearly see where they are and what steps they need to take.

Let’s take a look at the front-end framework of our project, which uses EasyUI+MVC. I only need to write a few JS to interact with the view. It took me a day to see how the entire page is implemented. , basically refer to an easyUI style, use AJAX to pass the value, and call the method in the background controller. Since I am implementing the dynamic effect of a front-end page, I write the JQuery method on the previous step and the next step to perform switch selection to activate and complete the node. Write a JS method to choose to control the display and hiding of the main page. I wrote the view into several divs, so my method is to jump to the display of several divs.

Review the knowledge points of JQuery:

1. The form loading event corresponds to the window.onload method

2. There are many kinds of button binding events

1) Use JS to write a function and place it on the onclick event of the button.

2) Use JQuery to bind an anonymous function $('#btnnext').bind('click', function (){});

3. Add and delete classes removeclass and addclass, the difference between ID and class, in JQuery ID starts with #

4. The difference between js and JQuery is that the latter expresses the most meaning with the least code, and the latter is a higher-level encapsulation of the former.

5. The difference between the types of AJAX background transfer methods POST and GET. GET transfers a smaller amount of data than it does. The user's transmission is transferred through URL requests, while POST requires submitting a form and is highly secure.

Part of the code display:

$('#btnnext').bind('click', function () { 
if (InputValidate() == false) { 
var currentTitle = $('#MainContent').panel('options').title; 
if (currentTitle == '填写项目信息') { 
$("#li1").removeClass("ui-step-active"); //将活动节点移除 
$("#li1").addClass("ui-step-done"); //增加一个完成的节点 
$("#li2").removeClass("ui-step-line"); //移除一个线 
$("#li2").addClass("ui-step-active"); //增加一个活跃着的节点 
$.get('/InviteBid/GetInviteBidId', { bidType: bidType }, function (data, status) { 
title: '生成招标编号' 
if (currentTitle == '生成招标编号') { 
var BidProId = $('#InviteBidId').val(); //获得招标编号 
var BidProName = $('#BidProName').val();//获得招标项目名称 
var PurchaseUnit = $('#PurchaseUnit').val();//获得采购单位 
InviteBidTypeId = $('#comboInviteBidType').combobox('getValue');//获得招标方式Id 
ItemTypeId = $('#comboItemType').combobox('getValue'); //获得品目类型Id 
var PurchaseAgency = $('#PurchaseAgency').val();//获得采购代理 
var BidOpenTime = $('#BidOpenTime').datebox('getText');//开标时间 
var BidGuaranteCash = $('#BidGuaranteCash').val();//投标保证金 
var SaleStartDate = $('#SaleStartDate').datebox('getText');//获得招标文件发售起始时间 
var SaleEndDate = $('#SaleEndDate').datebox('getText');//获得招标文件发售终止时间 
$("#li2").removeClass("ui-step-active"); //将活动节点移除 
$("#li2").addClass("ui-step-done"); //增加一个完成的节点 
$("#li3").removeClass("ui-step-line"); //移除一个线 
$("#li3").addClass("ui-step-active"); //增加一个活跃着的节点 
type: 'POST', 
url: '/InviteBid/AddBidZRecord', 
contentType: 'application/json', //必须有,表示提交的数据类型 
data: JSON.stringify({ 
[{ 'BidProjectId': BidProId, 'BidRecordName': BidProName, 'PurchaseUnit': PurchaseUnit, 'PurchaseAgency': PurchaseAgency, 'SaleStartDate': SaleStartDate, 'SaleEndDate': SaleEndDate, 'BidOpenTime': BidOpenTime, 'BidGuaranteCash': BidGuaranteCash, 'ItemId': ItemTypeId, 'InviteBidId': InviteBidTypeId }] 
success: function (jsonResult) { 
title: '设置评标办法' 
$('#firstStep').css({ color: 'red' }) 
error: function (data) { 
$.messager.alert('提示', '填写项目信息失败!', 'warning'); 
else if (currentTitle == '设置评标办法') { 
if ($('#comboEvaluationMethod').combobox('getText') == '') { 
return false; 
if (saveFlag == false) { 
var BidRecordId = $('#InviteBidId').val(); //获得招标编号 
$("#li3").removeClass("ui-step-active"); //将活动节点移除 
$("#li3").addClass("ui-step-done"); //增加一个完成的节点 
$("#li4").removeClass("ui-step-line"); //移除一个线 
$("#li4").addClass("ui-step-active"); //增加一个活跃着的节点 
type: 'POST', 
url: '/InviteBid/UpdateBidZRecord/?JudgeBidId=' + JudgeBidId + '&BidRecordId=' + BidRecordId, 
//data: JudgeBidId, 
success: function (jsonResult) { 
error: function (data) { 
$.messager.alert('提示', '评标办法提交失败!', 'warning'); 
var allRows = $('#tg').treegrid('getRoots'); 
var rowsCount = allRows.length; 
var arrayJudgeItems = []; 
for (i = 0; i < rowsCount; i++) { 
var Row = allRows[i]; 
var rowIndex = $('#tg').treegrid('getRowIndex', Row) + 2; 
var BidJudgeTable = { 
RowIndex: rowIndex, 
JudgeItemName: Row.JudgeItemName, 
JudgeItemContent: Row.JudgeItemContent, 
Score: Row.Score 
type: 'POST', 
async: false, 
url: '/InviteBid/ReceiveBidJudgeTable', 
contentType: 'application/json', //必须有,表示提交的数据类型 
data: JSON.stringify(arrayJudgeItems), 
success: function (result) { 
error: function (data) { 
title: '生成招标文件' 
else if (currentTitle == '生成招标文件') { 
*param: 参数showid:要显示的页面的div的id,如"#BidInfo" 
function ControlContent(showid) { 
var stepContents = new Array("#BidInfo", "#InfoDisplay", "#EvaluationBid", "#FinishFile"); 
var contentIndex;//数组中元素的索引值 
for (contentIndex in stepContents) { 
var stepContent = stepContents[contentIndex];//获得元素的值 
if (showid == stepContent) { 
else { 
$("#btnback").bind("click", function () { 
var currentTitle = $('#MainContent').panel('options').title; 
switch (currentTitle) { 
case "生成招标编号": 
title: '填写项目信息' 
case "设置评标方法": 
title: '生成招标编号' 
case "生成招标文件": 
title: '设置评标方法' 

I only show the progress bar in the view part:

<div class="row" style="margin-top:3%"> 
<div class="col-md-2" ></div> 
@* 步骤条所在区域*@ 
<div class="col-md-8"> 
<ol class="ui-step ui-step-4"> 
<li id="li1" class="ui-step-start ui-step-active" > 
<div class="ui-step-line">-</div> 
<div id="d1" class="ui-step-icon"> 
<i class="iconfont">&#61487;</i> 
<i class="ui-step-number">1</i> 
<span class="ui-step-text">填写项目信息</span> 
<li id="li2" class="ui-step-line"> 
<div class="ui-step-line">-</div> 
<div class="ui-step-icon"> 
<i class="iconfont">&#61487;</i> 
<i class="ui-step-number">2</i> 
<span class="ui-step-text">生成招标编号</span> 
<li id="li3" class="ui-step-line"> 
<div class="ui-step-line">-</div> 
<div class="ui-step-icon"> 
<i class="iconfont">&#61487;</i> 
<i class="ui-step-number">3</i> 
<span class="ui-step-text">设置评标方法</span> 
<li id="li4" class="ui-step-end"> 
<div class="ui-step-line">-</div> 
<div class="ui-step-icon"> 
<i class="iconfont">&#61487;</i> 
<i class="ui-step-number">4</i> 
<span class="ui-step-text">生成招标文件</span> 
<div class="col-md-2"></div> 

Add the css style that needs to be referenced by the progress bar:

@* AliceUI基础样式 *@ 
<link href="../../Content/base-master/src/base.css" rel="stylesheet" /> 
@* 步骤条样式 *@ 
<link href="../../Content/step-master/step.css" rel="stylesheet" /> 
<link href="../../Content/iconfont-master/index.css" rel="stylesheet" />

The above is a small introduction to JQuery+EasyUI to easily achieve the step bar effect. I hope it will be helpful to everyone!

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