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JavaScript application library code_javascript skills

2016-05-16 19:04:05994browse

/* $ Get the specified object
@element object name
You can use the object name collection, and the return value is the collection of objects
If you use the Prototype class library, please put This function comments out all functions that also implement this function in
function $(element) {
if (arguments.length > 1) {
for (var i = 0, elements = [], length = arguments.length; i elements.push($(arguments[i]));
return elements;
if (typeof element == 'string')
element = document.getElementById(element);
return element;

/// Browser related operations
var Sams_browse = {
/* Check browsing information */
checkBrowser : function ()
this.ie6=(this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 6")>-1 && this.dom)?1:0;
this.ie5=(this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 5" )>-1 && this.dom)?1:0;
this.ie4=(document.all && !this.dom)?1:0;
this.ns5=(this.dom && parseInt( this.ver) >= 5) ?1:0;
this.ns4=(document.layers && !this.dom)?1:0;
this.mac=(this.ver.indexOf(' Mac') > -1) ?1:0;
this.ie=(this.ie6 || this. ie5 || this.ie4)
this.ns=(this.ns4 || this.ns5)
this.bw=(this.ie6 || this.ie5 || this.ie4 || this.ns5 || this.ns4 || this.mac || this.ope)
return this;

/* Set to Homepage
@url The address to be set as the homepage
SetDefault: function ()
return false;

/* Copy the specified URL address
@Msg The character set to be written to the clipboard
SetCopy : function (Msg){
if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('ie') > -1) {
clipboardData.setData('Text',Msg) ;
alert ("Website address "" Msg "" Copied to your clipboard You can use the Ctrl V shortcut key to paste it where you need it");
prompt("Please copy the website address:",Msg);

/* Add to favorites
@site Site name
@url Address
AddBookmark: function (site, url){
if(navigator.userAgent .toLowerCase().indexOf('ie') > -1) {
} else if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('opera') > -1) {
alert ("Please use Ctrl T to add this page to your favorites");
} else {
alert ("Please use Ctrl D to add this page to your favorites");

/* Open the window with the width and height specified by Url */
OpenWindows: function (url,width,height)
window.open( url,'newwin','width=' width ',height=' height);
return false;

/* Disable browser Javascript error prompts */
CloseError : function(){
window.onerror = function(){return true;};

/* Get browser URL */
GetUrl : function(){
return location.href;

/* Get URL parameters */
GetUrlParam: function(){
return location.search;

/* Get the page source */
GetFrom : function(){
return document.referrer;

/* Get the specified URL parameter value
@name Parameter name
Request: function(name){
var GetUrl = this.GetUrl();
var Plist = new Array();
if(GetUrl.indexOf('?') > 0)
Plist = GetUrl.split('?')[1].split(' &');
else if(GetUrl.indexOf('#') > 0)
Plist = GetUrl.split('#')[1].split('& ');
if (GetUrl.length > 0)
for(var i=0; i {
var GetValue = Plist[i].split('=');
if (GetValue[0].toUpperCase() == name.toUpperCase())
return GetValue[1];
break ;

/* Directly write HTML to a new window
@title Title
@msg Content
Popmsg : function PopIt(title,msg)
var popup = window.open('','popDialog','height=500,width=400,scrollbars=yes ');
popup.document.write('' title '' msg '');

/// Object operations
var Sams_object = {

/* Create a DIV object
@ID The ID of the object to be created
@ClassName The Class of the created object
@SetValue Set the value of the object
@ToDiv Append the object to the specified object. If the specified object does not exist, Then append after the Body
Return the created object
CreateDiv : function (ID,ClassName,SetValue,ToDiv){
var createddiv = document.createElement('div');
if(ID != null) creatediv.id = ID;
creatediv.style.position = 'absolute';
if(ClassName != null) creatediv.className = ClassName;
if( this.Get(ToDiv))
document.getElementsByTagName('body')[ 0].appendChild(creatediv);
return this.Get(ID);

/* Delete specified DIV object
@objid Object ID to be deleted
Return Bool operation result
DeleteDiv: function (objid)
if( this.Get(objid))
var GetParent = this.Get(objid).parentNode;
return true;
return false;
return false;

/* Get the browser object
@id The object ID to be obtained
You can use the object name collection, and the return value is the collection of objects
Get: function (objid) {
if (arguments.length > 1) {
for (var i = 0, objids = [], length = arguments.length; i objids.push(this.Get (arguments[i]));
return objids;
if (typeof objid == 'string')
if (document.getElementById) {
objid = document.getElementById(objid);
} else if (document.all) {
objid = document.all[objid];
} else if (document.layers) {
objid = document. layers[objid];
return objid;

/* Get the value of the object
@objid Object ID
GetValue: function (objid) {
if (typeof objid == 'string')
var getTagName = this.Get(objid).tagName.toLowerCase();
if (getTagName == 'input' || getTagName == 'textarea' || getTagName == 'select')
return this.Get(objid).value;
else if (getTagName == 'div' || getTagName == 'span')
return this .Get(objid).innerText;
else if (typeof objid == 'object')
return objid.value;
} ,

/* Set the value of the specified object, and realize the direct assignment or clearing operation
@objid Object ID
@inserValue Pass in the value (optional Null: clear the value of the ID, then directly Assignment)
SetValue: function(objid,inserValue) {
var getTagName = this.Get(objid).tagName.toLowerCase();
if (inserValue == null) insertValue = '';
if (getTagName == 'input' || getTagName == 'textarea')
this.Get(objid).value = insertValue;
else if (getTagName == 'div' || getTagName == 'sapn')

this.Get(objid).innerText = insertValue;

/* Copy object value to clipboard
@str Object value
CopyCode: function (str) {
var rng = document.body.createTextRange();
rng .moveToElementText(str);
} ,

/* Show and hide an object
@Objid Object ID
@isshow For specific operations, specify Obj as False: none or True: block (optional)
ShowHidd : function(objid,isshow){
if (isshow != null)
this.Get(objid).style.display = 'block ';
this.Get(objid).style.display = 'none';
if(this.Get(objid).style.display == 'none')
this.Get(objid).style.display = 'block';
this.Get(objid).style.display = 'none';

/* Whether the current object is visible
@ objid Object ID
IsVisible : function(objid){
if (this.Get (objid).style.display == 'none')
return false
if(this.Get(objid).style.visibility == 'hidden')
{ Return false;
Return True;
Catch (e)
Return false;
return false;

/// Character processing
var Sams_string = {
/* Take the specified value on the left The value of length
@str Character set to be processed
@n Length
Left: function (str,n)
if (str.length > 0)
if(n>str.length) n = str.length;
return str.substr(0,n)

/* Take the value of the specified length on the right
@str Character set to be processed
@n Length
Right: function (str,n)
if(str.length > 0)
if(n>=str.length) return str;
return str.substr(str.length-n,n);

/* Trim: Clear spaces on both sides
@str Character set to be processed
Trim : function (str)
if (typeof str == 'string') return str.replace(/(^s*)|(s*$)/g, ' ');

/* LTrim: Clear the left space
@str Character set to be processed
Ltrim: function (str)
if (typeof str == 'string') return str.replace(/(^s*)/g, '');

/* RTrim: Clear the space on the right
@str Character set to be processed
Rtrim: function (str)
if (typeof str == 'string') return str.replace(/(s* $)/g, '');

/* Clear non-characters before and after
@str Character set to be processed
strip: function(str ) {
if (typeof str == 'string') return str.replace(/^s /, '').replace(/(^s*)|(s*$)/g, '');

/* Filter the HTML tags in the characters
@str The character set to be processed
stripTags: function(str) {
if (typeof str == 'string')return str.replace(/?[^>] >/gi, '').replace(/(^s*)|(s*$)/g, '');

/// Time-related operations
var Sams_time = {
/* Get today’s date yyyy-MM-dd */
GetDateNow : function (){
var d,y,m,dd;
d = new Date();
y = d.getYear();
m = d.getMonth() 1;
dd = d. getDate ();
@N Number of dates to add
AddDays: function(toDate,N){
var aDate=this._cvtISOToDate(toDate);
if (!aDate) return " ";
var millis=86400000 * N;
aDate=new Date(aDate.getTime() millis);
return this._fmtDateISO(aDate);
_fmtDateISO : function (aDate) {
with (aDate) {
var mm=getMonth() 1;
if (mm var dd=getDate() ;
if (dd return (getFullYear() '-' mm '-' dd);
}, _cvtISOToDate : function (isoDate) {
var atomDate= isoDate.split('-'); var aDate=new Date(parseInt(atomDate[0],10),parseInt(atomDate[1],10)- 1,parseInt(atomDate[2],10),6,0,0);
return aDate;

/// Image related operations
var Sams_media = {
/* Add the middle mouse button zoom function for a single image. For batches, you can directly use ResizeImage (specify the image size to add this function: Int) (this function is only applicable to IE)
objid object ID
ZoomFun : function(objid){
Sams_object.Get(objid).onmousewheel = function(){return Sams_media.imagecontrol(this);}

/* Reset the image size and add the zoom function (this function is only applicable to IE)
@IntSize Specify the size of the image
If it fits the image size, add the zoom function
* /
ResizeImage: function (IntSize) {
var imgsinlog=document.getElementsByTagName('img');
for(j=0; jJavaScript application library code_javascript skills if (imgsinlog [j].width >= IntSize) {
imgsinlog[j].width = IntSize;
imgsinlog[j].style.cursor= 'pointer';
imgsinlog[j].onclick = function( ) {window.open(this.src);}
if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('ie') > -1) {
imgsinlog[j].title = 'You can use Use the middle mouse button or use the Ctrl mouse wheel to zoom in on the image. Click on the image to open it in a new window';
imgsinlog[j].onmousewheel = function(){return Sams_media.imagecontrol(this);};
imgsinlog[j].title = 'Click on the image to open it in a new window';
imagecontrol : function( obj){
var zoom=parseInt(obj.style.zoom, 10)||100;zoom =event.wheelDelta/12;
if (zoom>0) obj.style.zoom=zoom '%' ;
return false;

/* If there is an exception such as the image cannot be downloaded, the error prompt image displayed
@errimgpath The image path of the error prompt
ImagesError : function(errimgpath){
var imglist = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
for(j=0; jJavaScript application library code_javascript skills imglist[j]. onerror = function(){
this.src = errimgpath;

/* Display media
@mFile File path
@mFileType File type (can be empty, if it is Flash, specify the swf type)
@ObjID Object ID
@mWidth Displayed object width
@mHeight Displayed object height
Note: You can specify the object The ID, if the ID does not exist, will be automatically created and appended after the Body
ShowMedia: function (mFile, mFileType, ObjID, mWidth, mHeight) {
var mediaStr;
switch( mFileType){
case "swf":
mediaStr=" ";
mediaStr=" ";

var mediaDiv = Sams_object.Get(ObjID);

if (mediaDiv) {
mediaDiv.innerHTML = mediaStr;
mediaDiv = document.createElement("div");
mediaDiv.id = ObjID;
mediaDiv.innerHTML = mediaStr;
return false;

/// Style related operations
var Sams_style = {
/* Change font size
@objid Object ID
@size Font size
doZoom : function (objid, size){
Sams_object.Get(objid).style.fontSize=size 'px';

/* Change the style of the specified object
@objid Object ID
@className ClassName to be changed
ClassName: function(objid, className) {
Sams_object .Get(objid).className = className;

/* Object positioning
@obj The object to be positioned
Returns the array object of the X.Y result
GotoXY : function (obj) {
var t=obj.offsetTop;
var l=obj.offsetLeft;
t =obj.offsetTop;
l =obj.offsetLeft;
return Array(t,l);

/// Scientific Computing
var Sams_account = {
/* Calculate every 1 to 10
@ Value
GetTen: function (i)
var items_One,Get_One;
if (i.length > 1&& (/^d $/.test(i)))
items_One = i.substr(0,i.length-1);
Get_One = i.substr(i.length-1 ,1);
if (parseInt(Get_One)>0)
items_One = parseInt(items_One) 1;
items_One = items_One '0';
el se
items_One = items_One '0';
items_One = i;
return items_One;

/// Data validation (all numerical return values ​​are Bool type)
var Sams_validate = {
/* Whether it is numeric data
@str character set
IsNumber : function(str){
if (/^d $/.test(str)){return true;}else{return false;}

/* Whether it is numeric data
@objid Object ID
IsNumberObj: function(objid){
return this.IsNumber(Sams_object.GetValue(objid));

/* Is it a natural number data
@str Character set
IsInt: function(str){
if (/^( |-)? d $/.test(str)){return true;}else{return false;}

/* Whether it is natural number data
@objid Object ID
IsIntObj : function(objid){
return this.IsInt(Sams_object.GetValue(objid));

/* Whether it is a Chinese character
@str character set
IsChinese : function(str)
if (/^[u4e00-u9fa5] $/.test(str)){return true;}else{return false;}

/* Is it a Chinese character? .GetValue(objid));

/* Whether it is an English letter
@str Character set
IsLower: function(str)
if (/^[A-Za-z] $/.test(str)){return true}else{return false;}

/* Whether it is an English letter
@objid Object ID
IsLowerObj : function(objid)
return this.IsLower(Sams_object.GetValue(objid));

/* Is it the correct URL
@str Character set
IsUrl: function(str)
var myReg = /^((http:[/][/] )?w ([.]w |[/]w*)*)?$/;
if(myReg.test(str)){return true;}else{return false;}

/* Is it the correct URL? ));

/* Is it the correct email format?
@str Character set
IsEmail: function(str)
var myReg = /^([-_A-Za-z0-9.] )@([_A-Za-z0-9] .) [A-Za-z0-9]{2,3}$/; 
if(myReg.test(str)){return true;}else{return false;}

/* Is it the correct email format?
@objid Object ID
IsEmailObj : function(objid)
return this.IsEmail(Sams_object.GetValue(objid));

/* Is it the correct mobile phone number?
@str Character set
IsMobile: function(str)
var regu =/(^[ 1][3][0-9]{9}$)|(^0[1][3][0-9]{9}$)/;
var re = new RegExp(regu);
if (re.test(str)){return true;}else{return false;}

/* Is it the correct mobile phone number?
@objid Object ID
IsMobileObj : function(objid)
return this.IsMobile(Sams_object.GetValue(objid));

Implement Ajax function
Sams_ajax.SendRequest('GET', url, null, recall, "addtohome");
Sams_ajax.SendRequest('GET', url, null, null);
obj. responseText;
var Sams_ajax = {
_objPool: [],
_getInstance: function (){
for (var i = 0; i                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              . :function (){ if (window.XMLHttpRequest){
var objXMLHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
for(var n = 0; n try {
var objXMLHttp = new ActiveXObject(MSXML[n]);
                                                                                                                                   objXMLHttp.readyState == null){
                                                                                     objXMLHttp.readyState = 4;
                                                         == "function"){
                                                                                                    ​} return objXMLHttp;

/// 开始发送请求
    SendRequest : function (method, url, data, callback,funparam,funparam2){
        var objXMLHttp = this._getInstance();
                if (url.indexOf("?") > 0){
                    url  = "&randnum="   Math.random();
                    url  = "?randnum="   Math.random();
                open(method, url, true);   
    setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8');
                onreadystatechange = function (){
                    if (objXMLHttp.readyState == 4 && (objXMLHttp.status == 200 || objXMLHttp.status == 304))

/// Cookies操作
var Sams_cookies = {
/* cookies设置函数
  @name  Cookies名称
  @value  值
setCookie : function (name, value)
   var argv = setCookie.arguments;
   var argc = setCookie.arguments.length;
   var expires = (argc > 2) ? argv[2] : null;
    var LargeExpDate = new Date ();
    LargeExpDate.setTime(LargeExpDate.getTime()   (expires*1000*3600*24));
   document.cookie = name   "="   escape (value) ((expires == null) ? "" : ("; expires="  LargeExpDate.toGMTString()));
   return true;
   return false;

/* cookies读取函数
  @Name  Cookies名称
  返回值  Cookies值
getCookie : function (Name)
  var search = Name   "="
  if(document.cookie.length > 0) 
   offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search)
   if(offset != -1) 
    offset  = search.length
    end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset)
    if(end == -1) end = document.cookie.length
    return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end))
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