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JavaScript event reference manual_javascript skills

2016-05-16 18:57:101034browse

click() object.click() causes the object to be clicked.
closed object.closed Whether the object window has been closed true/false
clearTimeout(object) clears the setTimeout object
clearInterval(object) clears the setInterval object
confirm("prompt message" ) pops up a confirmation box, confirm, return true, cancel, return false
cursor: style change mouse style hand crosshair text wait help default auto e/s/w/n-resize
event.clientX Returns the X coordinate value of the last mouse click ;
event.clientY returns the Y coordinate value of the last mouse click;
event.offsetX returns the current mouse hover X coordinate value
event.offsetY returns the current mouse hover Y coordinate value
document.write (document.lastModified) The last update time of the webpage
document.ondblclick=x An event is generated when the mouse is double-clicked
document.onmousedown=x An event is generated when the mouse button is clicked
document.body.scrollTop; Return and set the current The coordinate value of the vertical scroll bar must be coordinated with the function,
document.body.scrollLeft; to return and set the coordinate value of the current horizontal scroll bar, must be coordinated with the function,
document.title document.title="message "; Title bar text of the current window
document.bgcolor document.bgcolor="Color value"; Change window background color
document.Fgcolor document.Fgcolor="Color value"; Change text color
document. linkcolor document.linkcolor="Color value"; Change the color of the hyperlink
document.alinkcolor document.alinkcolor="Color value"; Change the color of the link being clicked
document.VlinkColor document.VlinkColor="Color value"; Change the color of visited links
document.forms.length Return the number of form forms on the current page
document.anchors.length Return the number of anchors on the current page
document.links.length Return the number of links on the current page
document.onmousedown=x Click the mouse to trigger the event
document.ondblclick=x Double-click the mouse to trigger the event
defaultStatus window.status=defaultStatus; Set the status bar to display by default
function function xx(){.. .} 定义函数
isNumeric 判断是否是数字
innerHTML xx=对象.innerHTML 输入某对象标签中的html源代码
innerText divid.innerText=xx 将以div定位以id命名的对象值设为XX
location.reload(); 使本页刷新,target可等于一个刷新的网页
Math.random() 随机涵数,只能是0到1之间的数,如果要得到其它数,可以为*10,再取整
Math.floor(number) 将对象number转为整数,舍取所有小数
Math.min(1,2) 返回1,2哪个小
Math.max(1,2) 返回1,2哪个大
navigator.appName 返回当前浏览器名称
navigator.appVersion 返回当前浏览器版本号
navigator.appCodeName 返回当前浏览器代码名字
navigator.userAgent 返回当前浏览器用户代标志
onsubmit onsubmit="return(xx())" 使用函数返回值
opener opener.document.对象 控制原打开窗体对象
prompt xx=window.prompt("提示信息","预定值"); 输入语句
parent parent.框架名.对象 控制框架页面
return return false 返回值
random 随机参数(0至1之间)
reset() form.reset(); 使form表单内的数据重置
split("") string.split("") 将string对象字符以逗号隔开
submit() form对象.submit() 使form对象提交数据
String对象的 charAt(x)对象 反回指定对象的第多少位的字母
lastIndexOf("string") 从右到左询找指定字符,没有返回-1
indexOf("string") 从左到右询找指定字符,没有返回-1
LowerCase() 将对象全部转为小写
UpperCase() 将对象全部转为大写
substring(0,5) string.substring(x,x) 返回对象中从0到5的字符
setTimeout("function",time) 设置一个超时对象
setInterval("function",time) 设置一个超时对象
toLocaleString() x.toLocaleString() 从x时间对象中获取时间,以字符串型式存在
typeof(变量名) 检查变量的类型,值有:String,Boolean,Object,Function,Underfined
window.event.button==1/2/3 鼠标键左键等于1右键等于2两个键一起按为3
window.screen.availWidth 返回当前屏幕宽度(空白空间)
window.screen.availHeight 返回当前屏幕高度(空白空间)
window.screen.width 返回当前屏幕宽度(分辨率值)
window.screen.height 返回当前屏幕高度(分辨率值)
window.document.body.offsetHeight; 返回当前网页高度
window.document.body.offsetWidth; 返回当前网页宽度
window.resizeTo(0,0) 将窗口设置宽高
window.moveTo(0,0) 将窗口移到某位置
window.focus() 使当前窗口获得焦点
window.scroll(x,y) 窗口滚动条坐标,y控制上下移动,须与函数配合
window.open() window.open("地址","名称","属性")
menubar(菜单栏),scrollbar(滚动条),resizable(改变大小), width(宽),height(高),fullscreen(全 屏),scrollbars(全屏时无滚动条无参 数,channelmode(宽屏),left(打开窗口x坐标),top(打开窗口y坐标)
window.location = 'view-source:' + window.location.href 应用事件查看网页源代码;
a=new Date(); //创建a为一个新的时期对象
y=a.getYear(); //y的值为从对象a中获取年份值 两位数年份
y1=a.getFullYear(); //获取全年份数 四位数年份
m=a.getMonth(); //获取月份值
d=a.getDate(); //获取日期值
d1=a.getDay(); //获取当前星期值
h=a.getHours(); //获取当前小时数
m1=a.getMinutes(); //获取当前分钟数
s=a.getSeconds(); //获取当前秒钟数
1.onClick 当对象被点击
2.onLoad 当网页打开,只能书写在body中
3.onUnload 当网页关闭或离开时,只能书写在body中
4.onmouseover 当鼠标悬于其上时
5.onmouseout 当鼠标离开对象时
6.onmouseup 当鼠标松开
7.onmousedown 当鼠标按下键
8.onFocus 当对象获取焦点时
9.onSelect 当对象的文本被选中时
10.onChange 当对象的内容被改变
11.onBlur 当对象失去焦点
直线 border-bottom:1x solid black
虚线 border-bottom:1x dotted black
点划线 border-bottom:2x dashed black
双线 border-bottom:5x double black
槽状 border-bottom:1x groove black
脊状 border-bottom:1x ridge black

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