Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >Javascript dynamic scaling fade out and fade in_javascript skills
//interval variable
var inl = [];
//original transparency
var opa = 100;
//determine browser
var ie = navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" ? "Microsoft Internet Explorer" : "";
//Reduce and open buttons
function gogo() {
speed = 50;
var mode;
//Use squares display to determine whether to reduce or enlarge
if(!$('tmp').style.display) {
mode = "-";
//If the display is normal, set the interval to reduce
inl['suotu'] = setInterval("suodi('-')", 10);
}else {
mode = " ";
//If the display is none, change the display back to normal first , then set the interval to enlarge
$('tmp').style.display = "";
inl['suotu'] = setInterval("suodi(' ')", 10);
inl['dcdr'] = setInterval("dcdr('" mode "')", 10);
//Fade out and in
function dcdr(op) {
//Get transparency
opa = define(op, opa, 4, 0, 100);
//Update transparency
ie ? $('tmp' ).style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" opa ")" : $('tmp').style.opacity = opa / 100;
//If the transparency is less than or equal to 0 or greater than or equal to 100
if (opa <= 0 || opa >= 100) {
//Stop interval
function define(id , a, b, a2, a3) {
if(id == "-") {
a -= b;
if(a <= a2) {
a = a2;
}else {
a = b;
if(a >= a3) {
a = a3;
return a;
//Reduce or enlarge
function suodi(opt) {
//If the speed is greater than 1, continue to divide by s, otherwise it is equal to 1
speed = speed > 1 ? speed * 0.862 : 1;
//Get the height
var hw = define(opt, $('tmp').clientHeight, speed, speed, 300);
//Set the height and width
$('tmp').style.height = hw "px";
$('tmp').style.width = hw "px";
//If the height of the block is less than the speed
if ($('tmp').clientHeight <= speed) {
//Hide box
$('tmp').style.display = "none";
//Button name changed to " Open"
$('anniu').value = "Open";
//Close interval
}else if($('tmp' ).clientWidth >= 300) {
//Button name changed to "Reduce"
$('anniu').value = "Reduce";
//Close interval
clearInterval(inl ['suotu']);
//Simplify getElementById to $
var $ = function($) {
return document.getElementById($);
//interval variable
var inl = [];
//original transparency
var opa = 100;
//determine browser
var ie = navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" ? "Microsoft Internet Explorer" : "";
//Reduce and open button
function gogo() {
speed = 50;
var mode;
//Use the display of the block to determine whether to reduce or enlarge
if(!$('tmp').style.display) {
Set interval to narrow
inl['suotu'] = setInterval("suodi('-')", 10);
}else {
First change the display back to normal, then set the interval to enlarge
$('tmp').style.display = "";
inl['suotu'] = setInterval("suodi(' ')", 10) ;
inl['dcdr'] = setInterval("dcdr('" mode "')", 10);
//Fade out and fade in
function dcdr(op) {
//Get transparency
opa = define(op, opa, 4, 0, 100);
//Update transparency
ie ? $('tmp').style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" opa ")" : $('tmp').style.opacity = opa / 100;
//If Transparency less than or equal to 0 or greater than or equal to 100
if(opa <= 0 || opa >= 100) {
//Stop interval
function define(id, a, b, a2, a3) {
if(id == "-") {
a -= b;
if(a < ;= a2) {
a = a2;
a = b;
if(a >= a3) {
a = a 3;
//Reduce or enlarge
function suodi(opt) {
//If the speed is greater than 1, continue to divide by s, otherwise it is equal to 1
speed = speed > 1 ? speed * 0.862 : 1;
//Get height
var hw = define(opt, $('tmp').clientHeight, speed, speed, 300);
//Set height and width
$ ('tmp').style.height = hw "px";
$('tmp').style.width = hw "px";
//If the height of the block is less than the speed
if( $('tmp').clientHeight <= speed) {
//Hide box
$('tmp').style.display = "none";
//Button name changed to "Open "
$('anniu').value = "Open";
//Close interval
}else if($('tmp') .clientWidth & GT; = 300) {
// button name is changed to "reduced"
$ ('anniu'). Value = "shrink";
// Close the interval
Clearinterval 'suotu']);
//Simplify getElementById to $
var $ = function($) {
return document.getElementById($);
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