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Some commonly used JS functions (updated on 2009-06-04)_javascript skills

2016-05-16 18:51:44925browse
Copy code The code is as follows:

function getObject(objectId,top)
    doc = top?window.top.document:document;
    if(typeof(objectId)!="object" && typeof(objectId)!="function")
        if(doc.getElementById && doc.getElementById(objectId))
         // W3C DOM
         return doc.getElementById(objectId);
        else if(doc.getElementsByName(objectId))
            return doc.getElementsByName(objectId)[0];
         else if (doc.all && doc.all(objectId))
         // MSIE 4 DOM
         return doc.all(objectId);
         else if (doc.layers && doc.layers[objectId])
         // NN 4 DOM.. note: this won't find nested layers
         return doc.layers[objectId];
         return false;
        return objectId;
function getRelativePath()
    var url = location.href;//当前url
    var urlcs = String(location.search);
    url = url.replace(urlcs,"");
    var path = url.length - url.replace(///g,"").length - 3;    //层次为url包含/的长度-没有包含/的长度再减去项目头/的个数

    var str = "";
    for(var i = 0; i < path; i )
     str = "../";//组合成一个相对路径的字符串返回
    return str;
function loadjscssfile(filename,filetype,chkonce)
    filetype = !filetype?"js":filetype;
    var had = false;
            var allScripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
            for(var i=0;i            {
                        had = true;
            var allCss = document.getElementsByTagName("link");
                for(var i=0;i                {
                            had = true;
var ROOT_PATH = getRelativePath();
var JS_PATH = ROOT_PATH 'js/';
var AJAX_PATH = ROOT_PATH 'ajax/';
var CSS_PATH = ROOT_PATH 'css/';
var IMAGES_PATH = ROOT_PATH 'images/';
var EDITOR_PATH = ROOT_PATH 'uploadeditor/';
var PUB_PATH = ROOT_PATH 'uploadfile/';

loadjscssfile(JS_PATH "globalPara.js");

function setSelOption(objId,vlu)
    objId = getObject(objId);
    for(var i=0;i    {
function setTxtOption(objId,txt)
    objId = getObject(objId);        
    for(var i=0;i    {

function setSelRadio(objName,vlu)
objName = document.getElementsByName(objName);
for(var i=0;i {

//vlu 的格式为 : 1,2,3
function setSelCheckbox(prefix,vlu)
var _arr = vlu.split(",");
for(var i=0; i<_arr.length; i++)
getObject(prefix+_arr[i]).checked = true;

function fastInput(fromObj,toObjId,txt)
if(fromObj.value=='' || fromObj.value==0) return false;
txt = !txt ? false : txt;
var toObj = getObject(toObjId);
if(typeof (toObj.value) == 'undefined')
toObj.innerHTML = toTxt(fromObj.options[fromObj.selectedIndex].innerHTML);
toObj.value = toTxt(fromObj.options[fromObj.selectedIndex].innerHTML);
if(typeof (toObj.value) == 'undefined')
toObj.innerHTML = fromObj.value;
toObj.value = fromObj.value;

size 单位为KB

function PreviewImg(imgFile,newPreview,ndsPreview,size)
    newPreview = getObject(newPreview);
    if(!imgFile || !imgFile.value || !newPreview){return};
    var patn = /.jpg$|.jpeg$|.gif$|.png$|.bmp$/i;
        try{newPreview.filters.item("DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader").src = imgFile.value;}catch(e){}
        if(navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 6.0",0)>-1)
            ndsPreview = getObject(ndsPreview);
                try{ndsPreview.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function(){checkImgSize(ndsPreview,size)})}catch(e){}
                ndsPreview.src = imgFile.value;
function PreviewImgNow(imgDiv,imgFile)
    try{getObject(imgDiv).filters.item("DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader").src = imgFile}catch(e){}    
//size 单位为KB
function checkImgSize(img,size)
    img = getObject(img);
    if(img.readyState == "complete")
        var limit = size * 1024;
        if(img.fileSize > limit)
            alert("出错!The size of the image you uploaded is " (parseInt(img.fileSize/1024)) "KB, which exceeds the limit of " size "KB, please re-upload"); ;
return true;
//Detect client environment
function ClientMentInfo()
var me = this;
var appVer = navigator .userAgent;

this.GetBrowserName = function (){
if(appVer.indexOf("MSIE")>0) return "IE";
else if(appVer.indexOf(" Firefox")>0) return "Firefox";
else if(appVer.indexOf("Chrome")>0) return "Chrome";
else if(appVer.indexOf("Safari")> ;0) return "Safari";
else if(appVer.indexOf("Camino")>0) return "Camino";
else if(appVer.indexOf("Konqueror")>0) return "Konqueror";
else return "other";

this.GetOSInfo = function (){
var _pf = navigator.platform;
if(_pf == " Win32" || _pf == "Windows")

if(appVer.indexOf("Windows NT 6.0") > -1 || appVer.indexOf("Windows Vista") > -1)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    🎜>                                                                                                                                                               var _winName = Array('2000','XP','2003') ;
                  var _ntNum = appVer.match(/Windows NT 5.d/i).toString();                                               $1")];
     }catch(e){return 'Windows';}
    }else if(_pf == "Mac68K" || _pf == "MacPPC" || _pf == "Macintosh")
}else if(String (_pf).indexOf("Linux") > -1)
                                                                                     ;                                                         > }

this.OS = me.GetOSInfo(); //Operating system type
this.IeVer = null;
this.Bs_lang = (navigator.appName == 'Netscape'?navigator.language :navigator.browserLanguage); // Browser language version
this.Bs_Name = me.GetBrowserName(); // Browser name

// Browser version
if(this.Bs_Name= ='IE')
var _msie = appVer.match(/MSIE d./i).toString();
this.Bs_Version = this.IeVer = _msie.replace(/MSIE (d )./i,"$1");
this.Bs_Version = appVer;
this.Ie6 = this.IeVer==6 ? true: false;
this.Ie7 = this.IeVer==7 ? true: false;
this.Ie8 = this.IeVer==8 ? true: false;
//Client information
var CMInfo = new ClientMentInfo();
//Cache background image under IE6
Document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true);
//Set all checkboxes to be selected or unchecked
function setAllCheckbox(formName,objName,num)
_arr = getObject(formName). elements[objName];
_arr = typeof(objName)=="object"?objName:document.all(objName);
if(num )
for(var i=0; i<_arr.length; i )
                                                                                                                                   🎜>                                                               !_arr.length ) // There is only one checkbox, then length = undefined
_arr.checked = false; _arr.length; i )
                                                                                                                                  🎜> }

//Make the current page jump Go to the specified page number page
function goPage(pageNum,pageStr)
window.location.href = "?np=" pageNum pageStr;
//Go to the strings respectively Before and after, left and right spaces
String.prototype.trim = function(){ return this.replace(/^s |s $/g,"")}
String.prototype.ltrim = function(){ return this.replace(/^s /g,"")}
String.prototype.rtrim = function(){ return this.replace(/s $/g,"")}

Pay attention to globalPara.js, which is a file of common variables and constants used by each website. If you don’t need such a file, you can put
//JS for loading public variables
loadjscssfile(JS_PATH "globalPara.js");

Delete these two sentences, otherwise an error will be reported.

(updated on 2009-06-04)
Changed the ClientMentInfo class to be compatible with IE6, IE7, IE8, Vista, Windows 7 and Firefox
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