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ExtJS GTGrid simple user management_extjs

2016-05-16 18:50:531178browse

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<script> <br><!-- <BR>Ext.onReady(function() <BR>{ <BR>/**//**Grid related**/ <BR>Ext.QuickTips.init(); <BR>Ext.form.Field.prototype.msgTarget='side'; <BR>var newFormWin; //form窗口容器 <BR>var form1; //添加用户的form <BR>var form2;; //修改用户的form <br><br>//侧边栏状态的记录 <BR>Ext.state.SessionProvider = Ext.extend(Ext.state.CookieProvider, { <BR>readCookies : function(){ <BR>if(this.state){ <BR>for(var k in this.state){ <BR>if(typeof this.state[k] == 'string'){ <BR>this.state[k] = this.decodeValue(this.state[k]); <BR>} <BR>} <BR>} <BR>return Ext.apply(this.state || {}, Ext.state.SessionProvider.superclass.readCookies.call(this)); <BR>} <BR>}); <br><br>var xg = Ext.grid; <br><br>var jsonReader = new Ext.data.JsonReader( { <BR>root : 'list', //返回的数据集合 <BR>totalProperty : 'totalCount', //总记录数 <BR>successProperty : '@success' //成功标记 <BR>}, [ { <BR>name : 'id', //grid中的dataIndex <BR>mapping : 'id', //返回的数据中的字段名 <BR>type : 'int' //类型,默认为string类型 <BR>}, { <BR>name : 'username', <BR>mapping : 'username' <BR>}, { <BR>name : 'age', <BR>mapping : 'age', <BR>type : 'int' <BR>}, <BR>{ <BR>name : 'ramark', <BR>mapping : 'remark' <BR>}]); <br><br>// Store <BR>var ds = new Ext.data.Store( { <BR>proxy : new Ext.data.HttpProxy( { <BR>url : '${ctx}/UserServlet?method=getAll' <BR>}), <BR>reader : jsonReader <BR>}); <BR>ds.setDefaultSort('id', 'asc'); <br><br><BR>/**//** <BR>***CRUD Grid <BR>****/ <br><br>//自定义的checkbox列选择 <BR>var sm = new xg.CheckboxSelectionModel({ <BR>listeners: //添加监听器 <BR>{ <BR>//行选择事件 <BR>rowselect : function (sm, rowIndex, keep, rec) //行选中事件 <BR>{ <BR>//得到ext组件用Ext.getCmp('id') <BR>var btn = Ext.getCmp('tbar1'); <BR>//选择数量大于2,禁用修改按钮 <BR>if(sm.getCount() != 1) <BR>{ <BR>btn.disable(); <BR>} <BR>else <BR>{ <BR>btn.enable(); <BR>} <BR>}, <BR>//取消选择事件 <BR>rowdeselect : function (sm, rowIndex, keep, rec) //行选中事件 <BR>{ <BR>//得到ext组件用Ext.getCmp('id') <BR>var btn = Ext.getCmp('tbar1'); <BR>//数量等于1启动修改按钮 <BR>if(sm.getCount() == 1) <BR>{ <BR>btn.enable(); <BR>} <BR>else <BR>{ <BR>btn.disable(); <BR>} <BR>} <BR>} <br><br><BR>}); <br><br>//初始化Grid <BR>var grid = new xg.GridPanel({ <BR>id:'user-grid', <BR>width:780, <BR>height:450, <BR>frame:true, <BR>title:'简易用户管理', <BR>iconCls:'icon-grid', <BR>hidden: true, <BR>store: ds, //数据仓库 <BR>renderTo: document.body, <BR>//列 <BR>cm: new xg.ColumnModel([ <BR>sm, <BR>{id:'id',header: "索引", width: 40, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'id'}, <BR>{header: "用户名", width: 20, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'username'}, <BR>{header: "年龄", width: 20, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'age'}, <BR>{header: "备注", width: 20, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'remark'} <BR>]), <br><br>sm: sm, <br><br>viewConfig: { <BR>forceFit:true <BR>}, <BR>//分页工具栏 <BR>bbar : new Ext.PagingToolbar({ <BR>pageSize : 10, <BR>store : ds, <BR>displayInfo : true, <BR>displayMsg : '显示 {0}-{1}条 / 共 {2} 条', <BR>emptyMsg : "无数据。" <BR>}), <br><br> // Built-in toolbar (button) <BR>tbar:[{ <BR>text:'Add', <BR>tooltip:'Add a row of new data ', <BR>iconCls:'add', <BR>handler : function() <BR>{ <BR>add(); <BR>} <BR>}, '-', { <BR>text:' Modify', <BR>tooltip:'Modify a piece of data', <BR>iconCls:'option', <BR>id : 'tbar1', <BR>handler : function() <BR>{ <BR>modify() ; <BR>} <BR>},'-',{ <BR>text:'delete', <BR>tooltip:'delete data', <BR>iconCls:'remove', <BR>handler: function( ) <BR>{ <BR>remove(); <BR>} <BR>}] <br><br>}); <br><br>//Load data<BR>ds.load({params: {start:0, limit:10}}); <BR>//Render Grid <BR>grid.render(); <br><br>//Add user’s function<BR>var add = function() <BR>{ <BR>newFormWin = new Ext.Window({ <BR>layout : 'fit', <BR>width : 400, <BR>height : 300, <BR>closeAction : 'hide', <BR>plain : true, <BR>title : 'User Management', <BR>items : form1 <br><br>}); <BR>newFormWin.show(); <BR>} <br><br>//Modify User's function <BR>var modify = function() <BR>{ <BR>var _record = grid.getSelectionModel().getSelected(); <BR>if (!_record) <BR>{ <BR>Ext.Msg .alert('Please select an item to modify!'); <BR>} <BR>else <BR>{ <BR>myFormWin(); <BR>form2.form.load <BR>({ <BR> url : '${ctx}/UserServlet?method=getById&id=' _record.get('id'), <BR>waitMsg : 'Loading data', <br><br>failure : function() { <BR>Ext.Msg.alert('Loading failed'); <BR>}, <BR>success : function() { <BR>//Ext.Msg.alert('Loading successful! '); <BR>} <BR>}); <BR>} <BR>} <BR>//Modify the user's form <BR>var myFormWin = function() { <BR>newFormWin = new Ext.Window ({ <BR>layout : 'fit', <BR>width : 400, <BR>height : 300, <BR>closeAction : 'hide', <BR>plain : true, <BR>title : 'Modify user' , <BR>items : form2 <BR>}); <BR>newFormWin.show(''); <BR>} <br><br>/**//*Note that JsonReader should be placed on the Form, and the loading order of the data is a problem*/ <BR>var jsonFormReader = new Ext .data.JsonReader( { <BR>root : 'list', <BR>totalProperty : 'totalCount', <BR>successProperty : '@success' <BR>}, [ <BR>{ <BR>name : 'id ', <BR>mapping : 'id', <BR>type : 'int', <BR>}, <BR>{ <BR>name : 'username', <BR>mapping : 'username' <BR>} , { <BR>name : 'age', <BR>mapping : 'age', <BR>type : 'int' <BR>}, { <BR>name : 'remark', <BR>mapping : 'remark ' <BR>}]); <br><br>//Add user's Form <BR>form1 = new Ext.FormPanel({ <BR>labelWidth : 75, <BR>frame : true, <BR>title : 'Add user', <BR>bodyStyle : 'padding:5px 5px 0', <BR>width : 350, <BR>waitMsgTarget : true, <BR>url : '${ctx}/UserServlet?method=save', <BR>defaults : <BR>{ <BR>width : 230 <BR>}, <BR>defaultType : 'textfield', <BR>items : [ <BR>{ <BR>fieldLabel : 'username', <BR>name : 'username', //To get data in the background, use <BR>allowBlank : false, <BR>blankText : 'Username cannot be blank' <BR>}, { <BR>xtype : 'numberfield', <BR>maxValue : 100, <BR>maxText : 'Age cannot be more than 100 years old', <BR>minValue : 1, <BR>minText : 'Age cannot be less than 1 year old', <BR>fieldLabel : 'Age', <BR> name : 'age', <BR>allowBlank : false, <BR>blankText : 'Age cannot be blank' <BR>}, new Ext.form.TextArea( { <BR>fieldLabel : 'Remarks', <BR>name : 'remark', <BR>growMin : 234, <BR>maxLength : 50, <BR>maxLengthText : 'The maximum length cannot exceed 50 characters!' <BR>})], <br><br>buttons : [ { <BR>text : 'Save', <BR>disabled : false, <BR>handler : function() <BR>{ <br><br>if(form1.form.isValid()) <BR>{ <BR>form1.form.submit( <BR>{ <BR>url : '${ctx}/UserServlet?method=save', <BR>success : function(from, action) <BR>{ <BR>Ext. Msg.alert('Add user successfully! '); <BR>ds.load({ <BR>params : { <BR>start : 0, <BR>limit : 10 <BR>} <BR>}); <BR>}, <BR>failure : function(form, action) { <BR>Ext.Msg.alert('Failed to add user!'); <BR>}, <BR>waitMsg : 'Saving data, later' <BR>}); <BR>newFormWin.hide(); <BR>} <BR>else <BR>{ <BR>Ext.Msg.alert('Please confirm whether your information has been filled in successfully!'); <BR>} <BR>} <BR>}, { <BR>text : 'Cancel', <BR>handler : function() <BR>{ <BR>form1.form.reset(); <BR>} <BR>}] <BR>}); <br><br>//Modify the user’s Form <BR>form2 = new Ext.FormPanel({ <BR>labelWidth : 75, <BR>frame : true, <BR>title : 'Modify user', <BR>bodyStyle : 'padding:5px 5px 0', <BR>width : 350, <BR>waitMsgTarget : true, <BR>url : '${ctx}/UserServlet?method=update', <BR>reader : jsonFormReader, //Specify reader for Form, modify with <BR>defaults : <BR>{ <BR>width : 230 <BR>}, <BR>defaultType : 'textfield', <BR>items : [ <BR>{ <BR>xtype: 'hidden', <BR>name : 'id' <BR> }, <BR>{ <BR>fieldLabel : 'username', <BR>name : 'username', //To get data in the background, use <BR>allowBlank : false, <BR>blankText : 'Username cannot be empty' <BR>}, { <BR>xtype : 'numberfield', <BR>maxValue : 100, <BR>maxText : 'Age cannot exceed 100 years old', <BR>minValue : 1, <BR>minText : 'Age cannot be Less than 1 year old', <BR>fieldLabel : 'age', <BR>name : 'age', <BR>allowBlank : false, <BR>blankText : 'Age cannot be blank' <BR>}, new Ext.form .TextArea( { <BR>fieldLabel : 'remark', <BR>name : 'remark', <BR>growMin : 234, <BR>maxLength : 50, <BR>maxLengthText : 'The maximum length cannot exceed 50 characters! ' <BR>})], <br><br>buttons : [ { <BR>text : 'Modify', <BR>disabled : false, <BR>handler : function() <BR>{ <br><br>if(form2.form.isValid()) <BR>{ <BR>form2.form.submit( <BR>{ <BR>success : function(from, action) <BR>{ <BR>Ext.Msg .alert('Modify user successfully! '); <BR>ds.load({ <BR>params : { <BR>start : 0, <BR>limit : 10 <BR>} <BR>}); <BR>}, <BR>failure : function(form, action) { <BR>Ext.Msg.alert('Failed to modify user!'); <BR>}, <BR>waitMsg : 'Saving data, later' <BR>}); <BR>newFormWin.hide(); <BR>} <BR>else <BR>{ <BR>Ext.Msg.alert('Please confirm whether your information has been filled in successfully!'); <BR>} <BR> } <BR>}, { <BR>text : 'Cancel', <BR>handler : function() <BR>{ <BR>form2.form.reset(); <BR>} <BR>}] <BR>}); <br><br>//Delete event<BR>var remove = function() <BR>{ <br><br>var _record = grid.getSelectionModel().getSelected(); <BR>if (_record) <BR>{ <BR>Ext.MessageBox.confirm('Confirm deletion', 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected data?', function(btn) <BR>{ <BR>if (btn == " yes") { <BR>var m = grid.getSelections(); <BR>var jsonData = ""; <BR>for (var i = 0, len = m.length;i < len; i ) <BR>{ <BR>var ss = m[i].get("id"); //User id, "id" field name<BR>if (i == 0) { <BR>jsonData = jsonData ss; <BR>} else { <BR>jsonData = jsonData "," ss; <BR>} <BR>//Delete in the data source <BR>ds.remove(m[i]); <BR>//Delete the database Corresponding record <BR>Ext.Ajax.request({ <BR>url: '${ctx}/UserServlet?method=remove&id=' ss <BR>}); <BR>} <br><br>ds.load ({ <BR>params : { <BR>start : 0, <BR>limit : 10, <BR>delData : jsonData <BR>} <BR>}); <br><br><BR>} <BR>}); <BR>} <BR>else <BR>{ <BR>Ext.Msg.alert('Please select the data item to be deleted! '); <BR>} <BR>}; <BR>/**//***/ <BR>Ext.state.Manager.setProvider <BR>( new Ext.state.SessionProvider({state: Ext.appState })); <br><br>// tabs for the center <BR>var tabs = new Ext.TabPanel({ <BR>region : 'center', <BR>margins : '3 3 3 0', <BR>activeTab : 0, <BR>defaults : { <BR>autoScroll : true <BR>}, <BR>items : [{ <BR>title : 'ExtJS version', <BR>contentEl: 'user-grid' //HTML id to be filled <BR>},{ <BR>title : 'GTGrid version', <BR>html : 'GTGrid does not currently support integration with Extjs (window),<a href="${ctx }/gt.jsp">Click here to show the example I made</>' <br>},{ <br>title: 'More attention', <br>html: 'More content can be followed&lt ;a href="http://www.blogjava.net/supercrsky">My blog</a>' <br>}] <br>}); <br><br>// Panel for the west <br>var nav = new Ext.Panel({ <br>title : 'Menu Directory', <br>region : 'west', <br>split : true, <br>width : 200, <br>collapsible : true, <br>margins : '3 0 3 3', <br>cmargins : '3 3 3 3', <br>layout: 'accordion', <br>layoutConfig:{ <br>animate:true <br>}, <br>items: [{ <br>html: Ext.example.shortBogusMarkup, <br>title:'User Management', <br>autoScroll:true, <br>border:false, <br>iconCls: 'nav' <br>},{ <br>title:'User Configuration', <br>html: Ext.example.shortBogusConfig, <br>border:false, <br>autoScroll:true, <br>iconCls:' settings' <br>}] <br>}); <br><br>var win = new Ext.Window({ <br>title : 'User Management Micro System', <br>closable : true, <br> maximizable : true, <br>minimizable : true, <br>width : '100%', <br>height : '100%', <br>plain : true, <br>layout : 'border', <br> closable : false, <br>items : [nav, tabs] <br>}); <br><br>win.show(); <br>win.maximize(); <br><br>}); <br>--> <br></script>

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